Rogue Company Ranked Strikeout mode guide – Rules, tips, best Rogues

Casuals, it’s time to get competitive.

Rogue Company Guide Sigrid

Image by Hi-Rez Studios

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As Rogue Company’s most explosive and chaotic mode, Ranked Strikeout is a bit of a strange animal. It delivers the fast-paced action of an arena shooter, as players fight for control over a single objective while continuously respawning on death and whittling down the opposing team’s supply of respawns. It’s also a Ranked mode, which means that competitive-minded players can prove their prowess and climb the ladder, facing off against opponents of comparable skill and determination. Here is everything you need to know about Ranked Strikeout in Rogue Company.

Rogue Company Ranked Strikeout mode

Strikeout is a 4v4 mode in which two teams fight to control a zone in the center of the map. Each team starts with 16 tickets representing their pool of respawns. If a player is killed, they can access the item and Perk store, and then respawn near their side of the map shortly after, which costs their team a single ticket. Players are temporarily invulnerable on respawn. Standing in the objective zone for at least three seconds while no enemies are present captures it, and from that point on, every 30 seconds the other team loses a single ticket, until they recapture the objective. You win the round by depleting the other team’s tickets and finishing them off. The first team to win three rounds wins the match.

The Ranked version of Strikeout was introduced in the Daybreak update, and it applies a layer of competitive rules to Strikeout in Rogue Company. The main difference is the draft phase, which precedes each match. Each team gets to ban two Rogues, after which players take turns selecting Rogues. This pre-match positioning allows teams to play Ranked Strikeout strategically. Naturally, winning your matches in this Rogue Company mode puts you up against progressively more skilled and coordinated players. For that reason, Ranked Strikeout is more rewarding for players who enjoy a challenge.

Best Rogues for Ranked Strikeout

It goes without saying that you should always play the characters you enjoy and can play well in any Rogue Company mode. However, if you want to get extra competitive and strategic about Ranked Strikeout, there are some Rogues that will certainly do better for you. They are Dahlia, Mack, Trench, Chaac, and Ronin.

Dahlia has not-so-secretly been the best Rogue for competitive play for some time now. She is a playmaker who can synergize with her team to pull off new tactics in each round, and she is self-reliant enough to counter most enemy Rogues. Moreover, she is an off-duty medic who can revive teammates from range — an indispensable ability.

Mack and Chaac are excellent in Rogue Company game modes that force frequent close-quarters combat, and Ranked Strikeout is such a mode. They can push objectives aggressively and force trades. With their survival abilities, they preserve your team’s ticket pool while draining the opposing team’s tickets. Blunt and cost-efficient, Mack and Chaac are highly effective in this mode.

Trench and Ronin are jack-of-all-trades Rogues, and both really shine in Ranked Strikeout. They can punish careless enemy flanks with their deployable traps — there’s no shortage of those in Strikeout. They also do a lot of area-of-effect damage, naturally countering teams who bunch up to capture the objective. Strikeout lets players recharge their abilities and gadgets on the fly (and restores gadgets for free when respawning), which is a boon to both Trench and Ronin who can do serious damage in this Rogue Company mode without even pulling out their guns.