How to fix Roblox Error Code 529

You might need to be patient.

Image via Roblox

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While error codes are understandably going to happen in any online multiplayer game, it is still frustrating to run into them and not have access to the content you want to play. As popular as Roblox is, there will be times that the service runs into issues and you won’t be able to access your account or favorite games. If you are playing and you run up against Error Code 529 in Roblox, here is what that means and how you can fix it.

Related: Roblox Error Code 110 Explained

There are a couple of variations of the Roblox error 529 code that you can potentially run into:

  • An HTTP error has occurred. Please close the client and try again. (Error Code: 529)
  • We are experiencing technical difficulties. Please try again later. (Error Code: 529)

The good thing about Error Code 529 is that it is likely the issue is not on your end. While you can try resetting your internet and restarting your device, it likely will not clear up the issue. Simply put, if you get this error code, Roblox is experiencing difficulties, and you will need to wait for them to fix whatever is going on before you can play.