The 10 most hated heroes in Overwatch 2

We love to hate these characters.

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As much as you love your main in Overwatch 2, there is likely at least one person out there who absolutely despises them. When you have a game with dozens of characters with different abilities, it will never be fully balanced perfectly. There will be moments where people will just let out a groan of displeasure when they see an enemy make that one hero pick. Here are the most hated heroes in Overwatch 2.

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The most disliked characters in Overwatch 2


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While Brigitte is not nearly as broken as she used to be, a lot of the hard feelings toward her have been spilled over from her initial entrance in Overwatch. At the time, she completely threw everything out of wack. She was introduced to slow down flankers, but instead, she overpowered Tanks and forced the game to undertake the infamous Goats meta, with three Tanks and three Supports. Essentially, if you chose anyone else at the time, you were throwing. This was one of the biggest reasons why Overwatch 2 shifted to role queue and 5v5.


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A good Genji is always one of the biggest nuisances, especially for lower-skilled players. He can double jump and climb up walls, making himself a tough target to hit, and you can really screw yourself over if you don’t know to stop shooting into his Deflect ability. A nano-boosted Genji can frequently feel like a death sentence for some players, who sometimes just give up and let him kill them because they feel they have no way to fight back.


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There are three reasons so many people despise Mei. First is how she used to be able to freeze anyone with her main fire. Now that that is exclusive to her Ultimate, it’s not as big of a deal. The other reasons why she is disliked have to do with her other abilities. Ice Wall has trapped off and screwed over so many teammates who were trying to use an Ultimate or escape an enemy pursuing them. Cryo-Freeze is more annoying for opponents who had to deal with her stalling points on Assault maps as her teammates came back from spawn.


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As much as some people love Mercy, there are others who make it their mission to give that player nightmares. Nowadays, it is Mercy’s movement that annoys players. If a teammate is around, she can quickly escape many tough situations. She also used to be able to bring back her entire team if they were wiped out with her Ultimate. However, Mercy also had a time when she was a must-pick, or you were throwing. After she received her rework that gave her the Valkyrie Ultimate, her Resurrection was put on a very short cooldown that would instantly refresh when she went into Valkyrie. Essentially every fight was turned into who had the better Mercy.


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When Roadhog is strong in Overwatch, you will hear about it a lot. His Hook ability has gotten a lot of scrutiny over the years because it used to pull enemies behind cover, and even today, there are instances of it being a bit wonky. Also, with the shift to make Tanks tougher in Overwatch 2, his increased health and defense while using Take a Breather turn him into an enemy that requires multiple people to take him down at times.


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When Sojourn was revealed, even ex-Lead Hero Designer Geoff Goodman said she would be a bit overpowered because of her rail gun. Overwatch 2 was released, and Sojourn completely dominated top-level play for months because of her one-shot kill potential. Then they nerfed her to take that one-shot away, and people teamed up with Mercy to damage boost her and give it right back. She has very good mobility with her Slide ability, but it’s the rail gun that everyone hates about her.


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Sombra is a character that can go invisible and lock enemies out of their abilities. I wonder why she is so disliked? When Sombra is strong, she can completely take over a game. Her Hack and EMP used to prevent enemies from having their abilities for much longer, but she became an assassin after they shortened it and gave her more damage towards hacked people. Even today, Zenyatta players begin shaking when they know a Sombra is on the field.


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Like Genji, a good Tracer is fast and hard to hit. If she can zip around the enemy in unpredictable motions, she can demolish a backline of unguarded Supports. That is the whole reason behind certain people not liking her. Also, her Recall brings her back up to health in situations where she is low. Her Pulse Bomb was once really strong too, able to take out Tanks, making her a great partner for a Zarya Graviton Surge.


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Not everyone has the sniping skills to be a good Widowmaker, so there are two sides to this pick. On the one hand, a good enemy Widowmaker can feel tough to counter if you don’t have a good sniper on your team. In contrast, a bad Widowmaker on your team can lead to your team tearing out their hair and ultimately lead to a loss. You can decide which side is worse, but Widowmaker will always receive a disgusted moan from some players in average ranks.

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Wrecking Ball

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Similar to Widowmaker, a good Wrecking Ball in the right situation can completely take over a game. He has a ton of movement and health to make him very tough to kill when the team isn’t dedicated to slowing him down. However, Wrecking Ball is not good in all hands, leading some players to feel like their Tank is throwing when they choose him and leave them to die. No one denies that he is fun to play, but if you are often going jumping into fights alone and running away for healing, you’re not using him right.