How to unlock the Service Animal Certified Achievement in DogLife

Another one bites the dust!

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Service animals are essential in our society and help by guiding humans and informing them of an impending problem that they might not be able to perceive. In DogLife, you may be presented with the opportunity to save your human or, at the very least, get the attention of someone who can help them when they need it most. In this guide, we will go over how to save your owner and unlock the Service Animal Certified achievement.

In true DogLife fashion, the encounter needed to unlock this achievement is a random one. While going about your normal daily animal activities, several random encounters can appear, such as chasing off a bird, learning new tricks with your owner, or even supporting a family member when they need it most. Another one of these encounters involves you witnessing your family member choking and being unable to breathe.

When this presents itself, you will have a couple of options available. These options are flashing your butt, humping their leg, barking loudly, or running to find help. We have found that running for help or barking loudly for attention has resulted in somebody potentially showing up to aid the afflicted individual. Of course, it is not a guarantee if someone will show up to help, but after making your selection, you will be presented with a pop-up with the result of your actions. If you were successful in getting someone’s attention to help the achievement will immediately unlock.