How to trade with other players in Temtem

You can trade with any Temtem Tamer you encounter in the game.

Image via Crema

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Temtem is all about exploring the world and encountering rare Temtem to add them to your squad to make your line much more powerful. Because Temtem is an online game, you’ll see other players running around the area investigating for Temtem. They may have some Temtem you have never seen before, and you may have some they’ve never seen, giving you two the chance to conduct a trade. Here’s what you need to know about how trading works in Temtem.

How trading works in Temtem

If you wish to trade with another player, you must look them up by hitting the menu button. Look for the icon of two people standing next to one another and expand the menu to choose to interact. You should see a massive list of all the Tamers nearby. If you want to trade with a friend, you must go to your friend’s list on the same menu. Click on the Tamer’s icon to open up a more extensive menu where you should see several options for interacting with them.

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On the right side, you should see the orange trade icon. Click on it, and the Tamer should receive a request for the two of you to trade. When they accept, a new screen opens up for you and the other Tamer to exchange Temtem or items. Accept the trade, and you should be good to go.

You can trade with any Tamer you encounter. You do not have to be friends with another player to trade with them. If you discuss trading with a random Tamer you encounter who needs some Balm or is looking for a particular Temtem, reach out to them to see how both of you can benefit.