How To Solve All Paper Theater Puzzles in Genshin Impact Lantern Rite Event

Players won’t have to struggle for long when they use this guide to help solve all the paper theater puzzles in Genshin Impact.

Lantern Rite paper theater puzzles Genshin Impact

Screenshot by Gamepur

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Vibrant Harriers Aloft in Spring Breeze is the Lunar New Year event in Genshin Impact and with it comes many activities players can take part in to earn many rewards. Some of these are more straightforward while others need a bit of puzzle-solving.

The new Genshin Impact event takes place during the Lantern Rite, the Teyvat equivalent to the Lunar New Year. During this event players will be able to get rewards for logging in through the “May Fortune Find You” portion. One of the tasks players will be able to do is the Paper Theater under the Felicitous Festivities. The puzzles are very similar to the motherboard debugging puzzles found in the Thelxie’s Adventure event. This time players will need to guide the adorable Guoba and Yuegui to some delicious food.

Related:All Time Trial Locations in Genshin Impact

Paper Shadows A-Foraging Lantern Rite Genshin Impact Rules

The rules of the game are simple. Players will need to lead either Guoba or Yuegui to the food price on a checkered board. They will have to avoid obstacles, sometimes unlocking vines with a key to open the way. The real trick is each of these characters can only move a certain amount of blocks. They will be able to gain movement when players retrace their steps but can not gain more blocks per movement. Sometimes you have to go back to move forward. There will be some objects that look to be unmovable blocks but are actually movable and something players will be able to use to their advantage.

Paper Shadows A-Foraging Day 1

On the first day, Genshin Impact players are introduced to the game and can complete three puzzles while the rest are locked until the next out-of-game day. The first three are pretty easy once you know how to use the objects on the board to solve the puzzles.

First Puzzle

Lantern Rite paper theater puzzle 1Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

The first puzzle is easy and doesn’t need much thinking to solve. All players need to know for this one is that they can move the wooden box blocking the path down. All they have to do is move into the square the box is in and the box will automatically move.

Second Puzzle

Lantern Rite paper theater puzzle 2 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

This one requires a bit of back-tracking because of the limited movement provided. Players will need to go down and push the wooden box into the key on the right. Pushing the box into the key will count as grabbing the key and will unlock the way to the food on the bottom of the board. Backtrack until you are lined up with the food to reclaim the movements and then go down to claim your prize.

Third Puzzle

Lantern Rite paper theater puzzle 3 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

The last puzzle takes a few steps. First, move around until you are behind the box to move it towards the key as far as you can. Then backtrack to the starting potion to reclaim movement. Then go right behind the wooden box again using as little movement as possible to push it the rest of the way into the key. Now you will be able to open the way and move back to snag the food.

Paper Shadows A-Foraging Day 2

Day 2 introduces the mechanic of controlling both characters with the goal of getting both of them to the end goal. Players will switch between the two using the numbers, just like switching characters in battle.

Puzzle 1

Lantern Rite paper theater day 2 puzzle 1 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

The first puzzle introduces the mechanic of controlling both characters. Here players will need to use Guoba to snag the key by moving the box into it. From there, players will be able to move both Guoba and Yuegui to the food.

Puzzle 2

Lantern Rite paper theater day 2 puzzle 2 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

This one is tricky and will take multiple steps to complete with the introduction to multiple keys that need to be grabbed. First players should use Guoba to move the nearest box into the blue key. Then players will need to switch to Yuegui to move the closest box down near the red key. Switch back to Guoba to finish moving the box into the red key to grab it. Switch to Yuegui to move the first box up towards the green key. Players will have to do some backtracking to be able to move the box into the green key. From there the pathways for both will be open to take the food.

Puzzle 3

Lantern Rite paper theater day 2 puzzle 3 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

Players will want to start with Yuegui this time around to push the box underneath and just to the left closer to Guoba. Then players will use Guoba to push that box down towards the blue key to grab it. Players will then need to use both characters to move the other two boxes. Guoba will help position the boxes, one close to the red key and the other down by the red lock. Use Yuegui to move the first box into the red key to grab it. The way will open up to finish the puzzle and snag the food.

Paper Shadows A-Foraging Day 3

A new mechanic is introduced on the third day. Players will be able to push a character who is still in their starting cart with the other character to get to harder-to-reach places.

Puzzle 1

Lantern Rite paper theater day 3 puzzle 1 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

This one is pretty simple since it introduces the new mechanic. Players must use Guoba and Yuegui to push each other in their carts to reach the keys. Without pushing the carts to the left and right, the limited movement will keep the keys just out of reach. Once the keys are gathered, reaching the food prize is simple.

Puzzle 2

Lantern Rite paper theater day 3 puzzle 2 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

Players will need to use Yuegui to move the box in the bottom right closer to Guoba. Switch to Guoba to move the box up toward the blue key then bring Guoba back to their starting cart to regain all movement. Then use Guoba to move Yuegui to the left square and bring Guoba back to their starting cart. Use Yuegui to grab the red key. Before moving down to the food prize, use Yuegui to push Guoba down while Guoba is still in the cart. Now move both of them to the food prize.

Puzzle 3

Lantern Rite paper theater day 3 puzzle 3 Genshin Impact
Screenshot by Gamepur

The third puzzle requires players to alternate between Guoba and Yuegui to move them around in their carts. Use Yuegui to snag the blue key first. Use Guoba to move the box down closer to Yuegui then move Yuegui once to the right. Switch to Yuegui to move the box to get the green key. Return Yuegui to their cart. Then use Guoba to move Yuegui left one square. Switch back to Yuegui to move Guoba one square to the right so players can use Guoba to grab the red key. Bring Guoba back to their cart. Use Yuegui to push Guoba to the left then switch to Guoba to move Yuegui in their cart to the right. Both will be able to reach the food prize.