How To Skip Nighttime In LEGO Fortnite

Nighttime can be a real chore in LEGO Fortnite, so we’ve found a method that lets you skip past the night and continue your daytime adventure.

LEGO Fortnite Sleeping in bed
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Like most survival crafting games, nighttime can be an absolute slog in LEGO Fortnite. Not only is it incredibly dangerous for players just starting out, but it’s usually accompanied by cold rain, which slows your character’s movement.

While players are encouraged to craft beds right from the start, sleeping in one doesn’t progress the time of day. This means players have to find an alternative way to skip nighttime in LEGO Fortnite. Luckily, we’ve discovered one that is quick, easy, and works 100% of the time.

Note: The method below is a workaround and not a dev-intended method of skipping nighttime. Therefore, it could be patched out in a later update.

Related: Where To Find Blast Powder in LEGO Fortnite

Skipping Nighttime in LEGO Fortnite

LeGO fortnite campfire

To skip nighttime or stormy weather in LEGO Fortnite, all you have to do is go back to the Fortnite lobby and relaunch your LEGO Fortnite world. This will load players back into the world in the same position they were in when they left. However, it will reset the time of day and weather to a bright, sunshiny morning.

Here are the exact steps you can take to skip to daytime in LEGO Fortnite:

  • Press Start to pull up the options menu
  • Scroll down to the Red Arrow and select Return To Lobby
  • Select Yes
  • Press Play to Relaunch LEGO Fortnite

Note: This only works if every active player leaves the world and is best utilized while playing solo

Can You Skip Nighttime in LEGO Fortnite Without Relaunching?

No, you cannot skip nighttime in LEGO Fortnite from within the world. You can wait out the night by building a shelter to hide from skeletons, but skipping the night phase is impossible without quitting out.

We found this to be a pretty useful trick while exploring far from our base. Wolves, skeletons, spiders, and rollers are all pretty nasty creatures to deal with with the low visibility of nighttime. Add a cold rain to the mix, and a jog at night turns into a grueling nightmare. The nighttime skip trick may seem a bit cheeky, but it’s better than losing all of your gear several hundred meters from your home.