Little Alchemy 2: How to Make Time

This guide shows how to make Time in Little Alchemy 2 — it’s an extensive process, so be patient.

Make Time in Little Alchemy 2

Screenshot by Gamepur

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Time in Little Alchemy 2 is a unique element you can unlock as you progress through the game. Unlike the other ingredients and final items you make, Time only becomes available after a certain point. Therefore, you won’t be able to discover Time in Little Alchemy 2 by placing specific elements together, as it’s directly tied to your progress.

It took us a good amount of time to make Time in Little Alchemy 2, but once we had it, everything became much easier moving forward. Here’s what you need to know about how to get Time in Little Alchemy 2.

Related: How to make Evil in Little Alchemy 2

How to Get Time in Little Alchemy 2

How to unlock time in Little Alchemy 2
Screenshot by Gamepur

The only way to make Time in Little Alchemy 2 is to discover 100 elements. Elements are different from the final items, and a final item is something that does not combine into anything.

For example, a Firestation is considered a final item, but to unlock it, you need two elements to make it, House and Firefighter. To unlock elements in Little Alchemy 2 is to combine what you have to learn new things. You can follow a quick route to discover 100 elements and unlock Time, using it to make some of the more complicated final items in Little Alchemy 2.

These are some of the best combinations you can use to make Time in Little Alchemy 2. Again, you do not have to follow this exact order, but this will make it easier for you when you start the game. Some of these combinations do come from the Myths and Monsters content pack.

  • Combine Fire and Fire to make Energy
  • Combine Earth and Energy to make an Earthquake
  • Combine Earth and Fire to make Lava
  • Combine Earth and Lava to make a Volcano
  • Combine Lava and Water to make Steam and Obsidian
  • Combine Earth and Steam to make a Geyser
  • Combine Lava and Air to make Stone
  • Combine Fire and Stone to make Metal
  • Combine Water and Earth to make Mud
  • Combine Mud and Stone to make Clay
  • Combine Fire and Clay to make a Brick
  • Combine two Waters to make a Puddle
  • Combine two Puddles to make Pond
  • Combine two Ponds to make a Lake
  • Combine two Lakes to make a Sea
  • Combine two Seas to make an Ocean
  • Combine Ocean and Fire to make Salt
  • Combine Sea and Earth to make Primordial Soup
  • Combine two Airs to make Pressure
  • Combine Air and Pressure to make Wind
  • Combine two Earths to make Land
  • Combine Earth and Land to make Continent
  • Combine two Continents to make Planet
  • Combine Planet and Fire to make a Sun
  • Combine two Planets to make a Solar System
  • Combine two Solar Systems to make a Galaxy
  • Combine two Galaxies to make a Galaxy Cluster
  • Combine two Galaxy Clusters to make a Universe
  • Combine Planet and Air to make the Atmosphere
  • Combine Atmosphere and Water to make Clouds
  • Combine Clouds and Energy to make Lightning
  • Combine Cloud and Water to make Rain
  • Combine Energy and Primordial Soup to make Life
  • Combine Life and Land to make Animals
  • Combine Life and Fire to make a Phoenix
  • Combine Life and Galaxy to make an Alien
  • Combine Life and Ocean to make Plankton
  • Combine Life and Mud to make Bacteria
  • Combine Animals and Lake to make Fish
  • Combine Animals and Air to make Bird
  • Combine Animals and Land to make a Horse
  • Combine Animals and Mud to make Pig
  • Combine Pig and Fire to make Bacon
  • Combine Animals and Pig to make Wild Boar
  • Combine Animals and a Pond to make a Frog
  • Combine Animals and River to make Beaver
  • Combine Animals and Stone to make Lizard
  • Combine Life and Clay to make Humans
  • Combine Animals and Humans to make Domestication
  • Combine two Humans to make a Family and Love
  • Combine Human and Stone to make Tool
  • Combine Fish and Tool to make a Fishing Rod
  • Combine Animals and Tool to make Human and Meat
  • Combine Meat and Fire to make Steak
  • Combine Fishing Rod and Human to make an Angler
  • Combine two Anglers to make an Idea
  • Combine Human and Idea to make Philosophy
  • Combine Human and Plant to make a Farmer
  • Combine Human and Clay to make Potter
  • Combine Human and Rain to make Cold
  • Combine Cold and Rain to make Snow
  • Combine Cold and Water to make Ice
  • Combine Human and Snow to make Cold, Snowball, and Snowman
  • Combine Human and Lightning to make Hero
  • Combine Human and Hero to make Story
  • Combine Human and Fire to make a Firefighter
  • Combine Human and Lake to make a Sailor
  • Combine Human and the Universe to make Science
  • Combine Human and Water to make Swimmer
  • Combine Swimmer and Fish to make a Mermaid
  • Combine Science and Air to make Gas
  • Combine Science and Earth to make a Solid
  • Combine Science and Lava to make Magma
  • Combine Science and Life to make Organic Matter
  • Combine Science and Ocean to make Current
  • Combine Science and Water to make a Liquid
  • Combine Science and Wind to make Motion
  • Combine Rain and Wind to make a Storm
  • Combine Storm and Science to make Electricity
  • Combine Electricity and Air to make Ozone
  • Combine Electricity and Fish to make an Electric Eel
  • Combine Electricity and Human to make an Electrician
  • Combine Electricity and Wind to make a Wind Turbine
  • Combine Life and Land to make Animals and Soil
  • Combine Soil and Rain to make Plants
  • Combine Plant and Earth to make Grass
  • Combine Animals and Grass to make Ant
  • Combine Ant and Earth to make an Anthill
  • Combine two Ants to make an Egg
  • Combine Plant and Fire to make Ash, Tobacco, and Smoke
  • Combine Plant and Cloud to make Cotton
  • Combine two Cottons to make Thread
  • Combine Thread with an Animal to make a Spider
  • Combine two Threads to make Rope
  • Combine Rope and Electricity to make Wire

Little Alchemy 2: All Recipes With “Time” As Primary Ingredient

After you get Time in Little Alchemy 2, you will want to use it in multiple recipes to expand your Encyclopedia. You can make these recipes by using Time as one of the primary ingredients.

  • Combine Time and Animal to make Humans and Sloth
  • Combine Time and Bee to make Honey
  • Combine Time and Bone to make Fossil
  • Combine Time and Bread to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Campfire to make Ash and Smoke
  • Combine Time and Castle to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and City to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Container to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and a Corpse to make Bones and a Skeleton
  • Combine Time and Dawn to make Day
  • Combine Time and Deity to make Father Time
  • Combine Time and a Dinosaur to make Birds and a Fossil
  • Combine Time and a Duckling to make a Duck
  • Combine Time and Electricity to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and a Fairy Tale to make a Legend
  • Combine Time and Family to make a Family Tree
  • Combine Time and a Farmy to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Flowers to make Fruits and Seeds
  • Combine Time and a Fossil to make Petroleum
  • Combine Time and Fruit to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Glass to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and Grass to make Peat
  • Combine Time and a Grave to make a Fossil
  • Combine Time and Hospital to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and House to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Humans to make a Corpse
  • Combine Time and Ice to make a Glacier
  • Combine Time and Juice to make Alcohol
  • Combine Time and Life to make Death
  • Combine Time and Machine to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and Milk to make Cheese
  • Combine Time and a Monkey to make a Human
  • Combine Time and the Moon to make Night
  • Combine Time and the Ocean to make Tide
  • Combine Time and Peat to make Coal
  • Combine Time and Plant to make Trees
  • Combine Time and Primordial Soup to make Life
  • Combine Time and Pterodactyl to make Bird
  • Combine Time and Rain to make Flood
  • Combine Time and Sand to make an Hourglass
  • Combine Time and the Sea to make Tide
  • Combine Time and Skeleton to make a Fossil
  • Combine Time and the Sky to make Moon
  • Combine Time and the Skyscraper to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Story to make a Legend
  • Combine Time and the Sun to make Day
  • Combine Time and the Swamp to make Peat
  • Combine Time and a Tool to make Clock
  • Combine Time and Twilight to make Night
  • Combine Time and Vegetables to make Mold
  • Combine Time and Village to make Ruins
  • Combine Time and Volcano to make an Eruption
  • Combine Time and Wheel to make a Clock
  • Combine Time and Wine to make Vinegar