How to get all gold ratings in the National B license in Gran Turismo 7

Gaining the gold won’t be easy.

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Credits are for taking in Gran Turismo 7, and you can earn them at the License Center quickly, especially if you get gold ratings. Beating these trials with a gold rating will net you some cash and a car, so here’s how to do it.

Starting & Stopping 1 & 2

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This is the easiest gold rating to get in Gran Turismo 7. You will have to accelerate and brake at the dedicated location the game provides. Drive forwards, and as you approach the blue and white spot on the road, brake around 10m before. Get the time below 20.5 seconds to succeed in this challenge with a gold rating. B-2 gives you the challenge with a faster car. Follow the same strategy but this time stop around 15m before the white and blue finish line. Get the time below 16.6 seconds.

Cornering Basics

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During these trials, you’ll want to avoid using your brakes. You’re tasked to go around a corner in record time. Accelerate at first for the first trial, and then let go of the R2 button as you’re turning around for a second. Then, as you reach the second part of the corner, accelerate again. With a faster car, quickly brake, go into the corner, brake again, slightly drift, and then accelerate to the finish.

For the third cornering basics trial, accelerate as much as you can and slightly drift into the corners to get the best time. For the fourth, briefly brake, and then accelerate into the first corner and then accelerate through the track. The third needs to be done within 14.9 seconds, and the fourth has to be completed within 11.7 seconds for their gold ratings.

The fifth trial is challenging. Hard brake just before you hit the red section of the track and accelerate around the corner as you hit the second half of it. You may need to brake a second time as you go around the first section of the corner. Finally, accelerate as fast as you can to get to the goal. Finish within 17.9 seconds to get the gold rating.

The sixth trial will require you to go around a tight corner. Accelerate, brake before the red marker on the road, and turn into the corner. Then, slowly accelerate by holding the R2 button midway. As you reach the end of the corner, accelerate hard to the finish. Get under 13.8 seconds to get the gold.

The seventh cornering basics trial will have you accelerating around the first corner and using your brakes smartly at the second. As you’re turning around the second corner, use the brake twice to prop yourself in the correct positioning. Then, accelerate as fast as you can to the finish. You’ll need to beat this in under 17.5 seconds to win the gold.

Final Exam

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With all that cornering behind you, it’s time for the final exam. Fittingly, this is the toughest trial for the National B License yet. For this run, you should respect the corners with your braking. Go around them at around 30-40 mph in a clear succession of movement. Accelerate at the proper moments, and you’ll get that gold rating of 25.4 seconds and under.

With the National B license in hand, you’ll now be able to race at the Tokyo Highway Parade event. If all of your objectives have a gold rating, you’ll also gain a new car.