How to get a green implant in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong

Higher clearance level required.

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Galeb has been tasked with going to Long Island and assassinating Stanford. That is a tough task, considering the Society of St. Leopold doesn’t mess around. After entering the Long Island facility, your first task is to get out of the room. This is done using a blue implant that has been left in a tray. Unfortunately, blue implants are the lowest of them all and won’t get you very far. You will need to upgrade it to a green implant stat. Here is how you get the green implant in Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong.

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Shortly after leaving the room, you will find a storage closet with a hand scanner inside. Unfortunately, you can’t use it without a green implant. After walking out of the closet and going back down the hallway, you will run into an NPC who is asking one too many questions. You are faced with a difficult choice; kill her or convince her that you belong here. Of course, the easy option is to simply kill her and get it over with, but then that leaves you without the combination to the safe.

The easier method of obtaining the code to the safe is to keep this woman alive and use your persuasion to convince her to trust you. If you use your other skills in the conversation, you can convince her to give you the code; 423. If you end up killing her or lack the capabilities to convince her to give you the code, you can still get yourself a green implant.

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After failing the conversation, walk down the hallway where she came from, and you will find a scalpel on a surgical tray. Pick up the scalpel and go back to the room you started in. Locate a corpse with a green implant and use the scalpel to cut out the implant. You can then use the machine in the back of the room to install the implant and continue through the level.