How to fix Error 1105 on Discord

How am I going to send my memes if Discord is down?

Image via Discord/Eric Szwanek

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Whenever Discord, the number one program used for voice calls, text, and video calls, is down, it’s never fun. There are a number of errors you’ll encounter on Discord and it’s important to know whether that issue is on your side or on Discord’s. One of them is the Error 1105 error where users can’t connect to the application.

The Error 1105 is commonly an issue on Discord’s side, not yours. Whenever you get this error, you’ll first want to check on the Discord Status website, an official site run by the company. Whenever there is an outage or a service isn’t working on the program, a big message in red will be on the top of the screen. The team will add status updates such as “Investigating” or “Update” to let users know where they currently are at with the issue.

If there isn’t a message on the site saying there’s an issue with the program, then it’s something on your end. If you’re connected to a restrictive network, this is likely why. Restrictive networks, like a school or public Wi-Fi, will often prohibit you from connecting to programs like Discord. If this is the case, there are only two things you can do. You can either try a different Wi-Fi network or use a VPN to go through the security measures set in place by the restricted network.