How to dodge & block punches in Undisputed

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Image via Steel City Interactive

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If you want to be successful in Undisputed, be prepared to play defense. Players in the new boxing game must be able to dodge and block shots, or otherwise the chances of you being on the receiving end of a knockout blow will go up. So, how can you dodge, weave, and block in Undisputed? Well, it can be a bit complex in Undisputed thanks to the control setups. With that said, let’s go over what you need to know.

Related: How to throw a power punch in Undisputed

How to dodge in Undisputed

The controls for dodging shots in Undisputed will vary, depending on what control scheme is used. For the record, Undisputed has six different control setups for users to choose from. Here’s a look at the controls for each:

  • Advocate: Left Stick (Direction) + LT/L2
  • Competitor: Left Stick (Direction)
  • Prizefighter: Left Stick (Direction)
  • Pugilist: Left Stick (Direction)
  • Defendant: Left Stick (Direction) + LB/L1
  • Gladiator: Left Stick (Direction) + LB/L1

Remember to look at which setup is currently active before entering the ring. Also, we should point out that in addition to dodges, players can also weave in the ring. Weave uses either LB/LT or L1/L2, depending on setup. If needed, take a look at our controls primer that goes over the detailed setup for each of the six control archetypes.

How to block in Undisputed

Blocks are relatively simple. That’s because players use either the RB/R1 button, or the RT/R2 trigger to use a block.

Here’s a look at the controls for each setup:

  • Advocate: RB/R1
  • Competitor: RT/R2
  • Prizefighter: RT/R2
  • Pugilist: RB/R1
  • Defendant: RT/R2
  • Gladiator: RT/R2

Keep in mind that the default for blocks is to protect the head. There is a block modifier that will allow users to protect the body. Hold down LB/L1 to activate the body block modifier. However, this will leave the head open for shots. Thus, keep that in mind.