While exploring The Crater in God of War Ragnarok, you’ll find multiple powerful enemies in this region and several predators. Wisps are one of these predators, and a group of them are stalking the smaller animals at night. You’ll have an opportunity to save these animals before they become a meal for these primordial creatures. Here’s what you need to know about how to complete Nocturnal Predator in God of War Ragnarok.
All Nocturnal Predator steps in God of War Ragnarok
You will start the quest when you first find the Wisps feeding on one of the three animals. These will appear in the Eastern Plains region of The Crater, on the east side of The Plains. You need to make sure you have it set to nighttime. If it’s not night, go to any of the Celestial Altars, and adjust the time of day.
Related: How to complete the Across the Realms quest in God of War Ragnarok
Now, go to the large field area and approach any Wisps feeding on the animals. You will need to use the Blades of Chaos to burn the Wisps, freeing the creatures. Repeat this for each one.
After you’ve freed every creature, go to the symbol at the center. This was where the Wisps had been caged. However, when you reach this location, a Flame Phantom will appear from below ground, starting a boss fight. The Flame Phantom will have five runes you need to destroy, and the only way to start hitting them is by stunning the monsters. You will need to consistently hit it throughout the boss fight, increasing its stun meter until it maxes out.
Once the five runes have been destroyed, stun the Flame Phantom one more time, and then you can perform a Stun Grab on it. This will eliminate the creature, and you will complete the Nocturnal Predator quest.
Published: Nov 15, 2022 10:44 am