How research works in Going Medieval

It’s always a good time to sit down and research.

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You want to develop as much technology as possible to make life easier for you in Going Medieval. You won’t be able to create impressive technologies, such as electricity or robots. Still, you can make better food, improved beds, durable armor, and even better weapons to defend your settlement or go hunting. Increasing your settlement’s technology comes from research, and you can do this from a research table.

You can construct a basic research table whenever you want to in the game, but we recommend doing it sooner rather than later. You can also construct it anywhere on the map, but you want to make it close to your settlement, and you want to construct it inside a room with suitable walls and a roof. If a research table is not underneath a room or in a room, the villager you have researching will gain research at a decreased rate than they normally could.

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The next step is to assign a villager to research and making it a priority for them. You can do this from the ‘jobs’ tab on the upper left corner of your screen. You want to make sure the ‘research’ category for that villager is set to ‘1’, whereas everything is less than that. This way, whenever they’re set to be working on something, they will immediately go to the research table and begin researching for you.

While at a research table, your village will be creating chronicle piles. These piles are essentially your research points, and these are what you use to research anything in your technology. Tree. You need a certain amount of chronicle piles to invest in technology, but you need to keep them safe because they’re an actual item. You want them to keep them in your storage area, underneath a roof, and surrounded by piles, where they’re dry and safe. If they’re left out in the elements, they will decay, and you lose those points.

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Keep an eye on your chronicle piles, and eventually, you’ll be able to construct a library where your villager can happily research to their heart’s content. Whenever you lose a book, you won’t be able to further your research, and the villager working at the table will have to work harder to regain those research points back before you can start again.