How long goes it take to beat Horizon Forbidden West? Horizon Forbidden West Game Length

Sit down for a spell and plan your time in Horizon Forbidden West accordingly.

Image via Playstation

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Horizon Forbidden West is a massive game, continuing the story of Aloy as she explores the dangerous west, attempting to bring the land back to life and make it habitable once again. The game has a significant story and plenty of side quests and activities to keep you preoccupied. But how long is it? This guide discusses how long it takes to beat Horizon Forbidden West and the game’s length.

The size of Horizon Forbidden West all comes down to what’s important to you and what you plan to finish. Suppose you’re planning to focus entirely on the game’s story, jumping from the main missions to the other activities, not touching too much on the side quests. In that case, you can complete the game in roughly 25 to 30 hours, depending on the difficulty. Some players might be able to squeeze closer to 20 hours, though.

However, if you’re looking to complete a longer adventure, run through the various side content, and check out everything Horizon Forbidden West has to offer, you’re looking at closer to 40 to 45 hours. This, again, all comes down to the difficulty of the game, which factors into everything, and how quickly you can adapt to it. Regardless, the game is not going to eat up weeks of your time, but it will take you more than a single weekend to complete.