How long does it take to beat Blanc?

Here for a good time, not for a long time.

Image via Casus Ludi

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Cozy indie darling Blanc is a touching and visually beautiful game following the adventures of a wolf pup and a young deer across a snowy backdrop. It’s highly encouraged to take your time with it and take in the scenery a bit along the way, but there will no doubt be those out there who want to know exactly how much of their precious gaming time will be taken up with this monochrome masterpiece. Luckily for the busy gamer, Blanc won’t take much time to finish at all.

How long does it take to beat Blanc?

All in all, players should roll credits on Blanc within about two hours. That may not seem like a lot, but as the saying goes, it’s less about the destination than it is about the journey, and the journey that Blanc takes you on is a wholesome one that will no doubt feel just right for anyone who loves a cozy and wintery story. Besides that, a couple of hours is probably just right for a casual couch co-op experience with a friend or loved one, running just long enough to feel satisfying but not so long that it would throw off anyone less experienced with video games.

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For those who really must eke out every drop of sweet sweet content, there is still an achievement available in the PC version of the game called “Another Ride,” which is awarded for playing through the whole story twice. This is clearly designed to encourage co-op players to experience the game as both characters as, while the two animals follow largely the same path throughout, they do play subtly differently from each other in the way that they interact with the environment. As such, if you want to get absolutely everything you can out of Blanc, you can knock the estimated time to completion up to four hours.