GTA Online: Casino Work Guide

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If you’re a VIP, CEO, or MC President you’ll know by now that you have the chance to do special jobs for people outside of the normal ones that you usually get from the likes of Gerald or Ron. These come in all shapes and sizes such as Sightseer which has you driving around Los Santos, picking up packages while fighting off rival players, or Asset recovery which sees you steal a car off the Five-O and drop it off at a specified location. These are the place to make your money as they all pay off quite handsomely.

With the Diamond Casino And Resort update, Rockstar has added even more that you can access after you’ve bought yourself a penthouse suite. They’re new, they’re sparkly, they can net you a lot of cash, and in this guide, I’ll be taking a look at those that are available, including a couple of secret ones we’ve only just found out about.

GTA Online: Casino Work

Bargaining Chips

Bargaining Chips

The dealers at the casino have been dipping their hands into the till and stealing chips, left, right, and center. It’s your job to hunt these five thieves down and reclaim their stolen booty by either threating them, so they hand it over or just shooting them dead. I know which way most of you are going to go.

Best Laid Plans

Best Laid Plans

It seems that a crew with a death wish is planning on robbing the casino blind and it’s up to you to stop them. This is done in three parts. First off, find the crew member that has the keycard to their hideout and relieve him of it with a bullet to the face. Then enter the clubhouse, murder everyone inside, before hacking a laptop to find the remaining crew members. After that, it’s just a simple mop-up job.

Damage Control

Damage Control

Damage Control is the first of the two secret casino jobs that are available to you and like it’s a partner in crime, can only be triggered after you get blackout drunk at the bar. The difference with this mission is that it seems to only spawn at random and only when you drink a shot of Macbeth whiskey. When you come to, you’ll receive a phone call from Ms. Baker telling you that you stole a truck in your paralytic and the casino would like it back. Deliver it to the drop off point, and you’ll get a nice reward for your troubles.

Department Of Defense

Department Of Defense

I have no idea what attracts so many mercenaries to The Diamond Casino And Resort with the express purpose of trashing the place, but they have a terrible tendency to see it as an easy target. This one’s pretty simple, kill a load of them and wait for their leader to flee. When he does, follow his car and when it stops, murder everybody that’s inside. Heads up though, he does wear ballistic armor so an RPG might be the best way to go.

Fake News

Fake News

A reporter for Weasel news has been causing problems for the casino, and it’s your job to do something about it. You’ll be given five different locations where his van can be and when you find the right one you’ll have to follow it to a secluded area. When you get there, beat the shit out of him and rob his ass blind. That’ll learn ’em.

High Rollin'

High Rollin’

This is a simple go collect mission as you have to chauffeur a very wealthy guest from point A to point B. If you manage to do it without breaking the speed limit or crashing the stretch limo, you’ll also earn yourself a very tasty tip. So drive slow brothers and sisters, drive slow.

Judgement Call

Judgment Call

There’s a very corrupt judge who has been threating the casino, and it’s your job to scare him so badly that he keeps his bent nose out of their business. To do this, you go to his house, break-in, and threaten him with extreme violence if he doesn’t keep his fool mouth shut. Just make sure that if you have to deal with his security detail that you do it on the QT as if you don’t, then you’re boned.

Lost In Transit

Lost In Transit

With the millions upon millions of dollars that The Diamond Casino And Resort rakes in each day, it was inevitable that at some point a gang would get the bright idea to steal one of their security vans, loaded with cash. As soon as they do, it’s your job to get it back, with as much violence as possible.

One Armed Bandits

One-Armed Bandits

Every gambling den needs slot machine, and The Diamond Casino And Resort is no different. In One-Armed Bandits, you’ll have to head to the terminal and locate a shipping container that houses quite a few, making sure to stealth murder anyone who happens to get in your way. After you’ve located it, a conveniently placed Skylift will be on hand to help you get it to the drop off point.

Recovery Time

Recovery Time

A wealthy guest of the casino has had their car either impounded by the LSPD or stolen by the Los Santos Vagos. Whoever has it, it’s down to you to get it back and preferably in one piece.

Safe Bet

Safe Bet

Having realized after the whole Lost In Transit fiasco that an armored car full of money is mighty tempting for the populace of Los Santos, Safe Bet sees Ms. Baker have you escort on of these vehicles to make sure it gets to its destination unmolested. They will come after you, and you will unleash fury upon them for having the gall to do so.

Severance Pay

Severance Pay

Another dirty dealer with his hand in the till but this one’s making a break for the airport. After you go to his house he’ll make a run for it, so you’ll have to chase him down and kill his ass before he hops on a plane and is gone forever. Once he’s dead, pick up the chips, and return them to their rightful owners.

Under The Influence

Under The Influence

The second secret mission and this one is not only hard but takes a bit of setting up and luck even to trigger. First off, you need to get drunk, but not so drunk that you pass out. Get wobbly enough and call MS. You and Baker might hit gold when she tells you to collect a target vehicle that she wants delivering. The kicker here is that it’s on the po-po’s wanted list, so there’s going to be a level on you as soon as you get in it as well as roadblocks littered throughout Los Santos. Also, the effects of the booze don’t wear off until after you’ve completed the job, so good luck with that. You’re going to need it.

Undisclosed Cargo

Undisclosed Cargo

Take the car from the casino to either the docks, the Altruist camp, or Rogers Salvage & Scrap. Just be careful of the police as they have lookouts set up along the way, and if their beady little eyes fall on you then it’s game over, and you fail the mission.

When The Chips Are Down

When The Chips Are Down

And finally, a bunch of mercenaries, yes those a-holes again, have gotten together and decided to start a counterfeit ring that specializes in casino chips. Your job is to stop them by putting them all six feet under and blowing up their operation.