12 Treasure Map Locations And Rewards List – God of War

Players can unlock some of the most powerful gear in God of War by following its Treasure Maps and taking the goods within.

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Twelve Treasure Map Locations with treasure/rewards list you can find in God of War. They are The Turtles Tribute, Kneel Before Thor, Dead And Bloated, Don’t Blink, Creation Island, Finder’s Fee, Njords Oarsmen, Boat Captain’s Key, Island Of Light, The Historian, Hunter’s Kingdom and The Last Place They’d Look.

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Exploring and finding Treasures in God of War will offer you some exceptional rewards in the form of resources that can be used later on for upgrades. There are 12 Treasure Maps in the game, all are scattered into different areas, and they are available as you reach Lake of Nine. So you can find out these resources early in the game.

Treasures are located in Region River Pass, Landsuther Mines, Lookout Tower, Volunder Mines, Cliffs of Raven, Fafrnir’s Storeroom, Foothills, Iron coveBuri’s Storeroom, Forgotten Caverns, Northri Stronghold, Njords Oarsmen, Stone Falls, Isle of Death, The Mason’s Channel, Light Elf Outpost, Ruins of the Ancient, Fafnir’s Storeroom, Lookout Tower, Veithurgard, The Mountain & Council of the Valkyries.

All Treasure Map Location And Rewards List

Screenshot by Gamepur

Below you can find the list of all 12 Treasure Maps and list of rewards you will get after digging them. Treasures are not like chest, first, you will have to locate the Maps, and then you will have to track down the location to treasure.

The Turtles Tribute

Treasure Map Location: Region River Pass

Head to the Witch’s Cave Lower Level, use the lift and go up. Look on your right of the wooden bridge there is two passage, the first one leads to well that will take you to the Witch’s house and the second a bit ahead is a passage will lead you to the light bridge and a chest. Take the second one, and walk left of the chest after crossing the light bridge, climb up using the wooden planks, and you will be in a room with a green door. Look to your right on the ground you will get the Treasure Map.

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Return back and now enter the room that has the well, and go up. Once you exit the well, look on right for the tree with red flowers. Follow the red flowers, and just after you jump over a fallen tree you will see a huge tree on your right. Look for a piece wooden log near the rocks in front of the tree, dig it and you will get the treasure.

Reward List:

  • 1 Oblivion Stone – A stone that hungers for energy and absorbs it on contact. Used to upgrade Pommels with life-draining damage effects.
  • Stone of Frost Mastery Rare Enhancement – Increase all FROST damage inflicted by 15% (stacks upto 50% max)
  • Soft Svartalfhiem Steel – 5
  • Hacksilver – 5000

Kneel Before Thor

Treasure Map Location: Landsuther Mines

You have to visit Landsuther Mines for the map, walk on the right of Brok’s shop. Pass through the cave and you will reach a room with the broken ground. Go below and look for a lift on the left of the waterfall. Go up and on the front near the chest, you will find the map on the ground.

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Treasure Location: Lookout Tower

For the treasure go to Lookout Tower, the place where you will dock your boat, look on the left top. Hit the mechanism to lift the iron spikes that will prevent you from climbing. Go up and walk left, climb once again till you reach the rope, you will land in an area with the shrine. The map is on the right of a shrine near the rocks.

Reward List:

  • Eye of Rage (Legendary Enhancement) – Increases the rate at which rage is gained by 10% (stacks upto 30% max)
  • Legendary Unstable Ore – A volatile substance that sparks on contact, used to upgrade Pommels with explosive damage effects.
  • Hardened Svartalfhiem Steel – 3
  • Hacksilver – 20000

Dead And Bloated

Treasure Map Location: Volunder Mines

At Volunder Mines you will meet Brok once again, on the left of the shop there is a huge opening that will lead you to the mine. Follow the path till you reach an end, jump down and go right cross the iron gate and keep moving towards your left until you spot a chain. Go down and the treasure is on the ground on the left side near a wooden wheel.

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Treasure Location: Cliffs of Raven

For treasure, you will have to visit the Cliffs of Raven, dock the boat. There is a dead giant in this area, as you dock the boat climb up from the chain and go left. Cross the cave and you will get another wall to climb. Jump towards the chest and then straight ahead you will see the giant. The treasure his near his belly.

Reward List:

  • 1 Oblivion Stone – A stone that hungers for energy and absorbs it on contact. Used to upgrade Pommels with life-draining damage effects.
  • 1 Rare Enhancement – Polished Crest of Menace
  • Soft Svartalfhiem Steel – 5
  • Hacksilver – 6000

Don’t Blink

Treasure Map Location: Fafrnir’s Storeroom

God of War Treasure Map Locations

At the above location, you will have to locate a waterfall in the woods. There is a cave inside it, just pass through the falling water and keep moving till you reach an area with a dead knight sitting in the center of a huge circle. The map is on the left of a soldier.

Treasure Location: Foothills

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Towards the Foothills where you first faced the Black Breath, go towards the mountain, and on the backside of the zip line, climb up. Their treasure is on the left side.

Reward List:

  • 1 Legendary Enhancement – Eye of Fury, it reduces the Rage cost of using attacks while in Spartan Rage by 15% (stacks up to 45% max).
  • 1 Glacial Catalyst (Legendary) – A shard from one of Hel’s glaciers, it can be used to upgrade the Charm of Infinite Storm.
  • Solid Svartalfhiem Steel – 2
  • Hacksilver – 6000

Creation Island

Treasure Map Location: Iron cove

God of War Treasure Map Locations

On the above location once you dock the boat look for the second glowing object on your left side.

Treasure Location: Buri’s Storeroom

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Once you reach the spot you will see an island with two huge doors far ahead. You have to go from the left door, the treasure is bit ahead near the rocks just before the curved pillars.

Reward List:

  • 1 Common Enhancement
  • 1 Eternal Frost (Legendary) – Unreliable ice from the farthest, reaches of Hel. Used to upgrade Pommels with FROST damage effects.
  • Aegir’s Gold – 5
  • World Serpent Scale Fragment – 7
  • Hacksilver – 6000

Finder’s Fee

Treasure Map Location: Forgotten Caverns

God of War Treasure Map Locations

At the location look for the spot with a dead dragon above. Dock the boat and go in the cave, after the light, take a left turn and near the chest, you will get the map.

Treasure Location: Northri Stronghold

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Take your boat and paddle to the left of the Dwarves’ shop. Pass through the caves till you reach a huge ship, then cross the metal gate and go right you will get a boat dock spot. Go on the broken bridge and climb up for the treasure.

Reward List:

  • 1 Rare Enhancement
  • 1 Unyielding Cinders (Legendary) – Unquenchable fire from the depths of Muspelheim. Used to upgrade Pommels with BURN damage effects.
  • World Serpent Scale Fragment – 10
  • Inscribed Crest of Cunning – 1
  • Hacksilver – 10000

Njords Oarsmen

Treasure Map Location: Njords Oarsmen

God of War Treasure Map Locations

After taking the above treasure, return to the area with huge ships. Dock the boat on left and go near the ship, you can break the wooden logs below and near the dead knight, you will spot the map.

Treasure Location: Northri Stronghold

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Once you have the scroll, go towards the lake and on the left of two statues in the Mason’s Channel dock the boat and climb up. It will lead you to a cave, at the end of a cave on your left you will spot the dwarf shop, climb from the right wall. There is another cave on right, go out and take the treasure.

Reward List:

  • Stone of Frost Supremacy (Legendary Enhancement) – Increase all FROST damage inflicted by 25% (stacks upto 50% max)
  • 1 Galacial Catalyst (Legendary) – A shard from one of the Hel’s glacier, it can be used to upgrade the Charm of Infinite Storm.
  • World Serpent Scale Fragment – 10
  • Hacksilver – 20000

The Boat Captain’s Key

Treasure Map Location: Stone Falls

God of War Treasure Map Locations

At stone falls you will have to dock on the island that has a huge chain connected to a door. Once on the island, walk left towards the curved pillars, then jump right, there is a chain use that to go up and go left towards the waterfall. Pass through the water and on your left on the ground you will find the map.

Treasure Location: Isle of Death

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Once you are at the island as shown in the image above, dock the boat and pass between the narrow path between the rocks. Climb from the left towards the broken boat. On your left there is a cave, cross that and once again climb from left. You have to climb further up towards another broken boat, the treasure is just below it.

Reward List:

  • 1 Rare Enhancement – Etched Crest of Shadows
  • 1 Leiptr Alloy (Legendary) – Lighting infused meal used by the kin of Thor. Used to upgrade Pommels with SHOCK damage effects.
  • Aegir’s Gold – 30
  • Hacksilver – 10000

Island Of Light

Treasure Map Location: The Mason’s Channel

At the exact same place on the left of the statue where you docked the above boat, look on the left corner near rock for the treasure map.

Treasure Location: Light Elf Outpost

God of War Treasure Map Locations

For the treasure you have to paddle towards the above location on the map, you will reach an island with stone structures. Dock the boat and cross the light bridge. There is a metal gate on your right, cross it and walk left. Cross two light bridges and in the end, you will get a chain to go down for the treasure.

Reward List:

  • 1 Rare Enhancement
  • 1 Unyielding Cinders (Legendary) – Unquenchable fire from the depths of Muspelhiem. Used to upgrade Pommels with BURN damage effect.
  • Aegir’s Gold – 5
  • World Serpent Scale Fragment – 7
  • Hacksilver – 6000

The Historian

Treasure Map Location: Ruins of the Ancient

God of War Treasure Map Locations

On the above location marked on the map, you will reach an island with a huge cave, dock the boat on the left near the rock pillars, and go ahead the map is on the ground.

Treasure Location: Fafnir’s Storeroom

God of War Treasure Map Locations

Near the Mystic Gateway there is Sindri’s shop, you have to go straight towards the cave ahead that will lead you to the woods. Run straight towards the waterfall and go left, the treasure is near the left torch.

Reward List:

  • 1 Legendary Enhancement – Eye of Runic Mastery, taking damage during a Runic Attack reduces damage then by 15% (stacks upto 50% max).
  • 1 Eternal Frost (Legendary) – Unreliable ice from the farthest, reaches of Hel. Used to upgrade Pommels with FROST damage effects.
  • Aegir’s Gold – 30
  • Hacksilver – 5000

Hunter’s Kingdom

Treasure Map Location: Lookout Tower

God of War Treasure Map Locations

You will reach an island with waterfalls after following the marker on the above map towards the right of the bridge. On your left hit the mechanism to lift up the spikes and climb up. You will have to go right and climb further up. Go left and the map is on the ground.

Treasure Location: Veithurgard

God of War Treasure Map Locations

On the above location, you will spot a door, you have to go left and on the ground on your right, you can collect the treasure.

Reward List:

  • Rare Enhancement – Sigil of the Axe, increases the damage of all the throws by 6% (stacks up to 18% max)
  • 1 Leiptr Alloy – a Lightning-infused metal used by the Kin of Thor. Used to upgrade Pommels with SHOCK damage effects.
  • Solid Svartalfheim Steel – 5
  • Hacksilver – 6000

The Last Place They’D Look

Treasure Map Location: The Mountain

God of War Treasure Map Locations

On the above-marked location on the map you will be in front of a peak, on the left just before the peak there is a path to go down. Go down two levels, and you will spot a wooden door on your left. Open the door and enter and go right towards wooden ledge that you have to cross. Follow the cave and you will be in a room with some wooden structure, go to the left corner and jump down, crouch below the cave and you will spot the map on the ground just a bit ahead.

Treasure Location: Council of the Valkyries

God of War Treasure Map Locations

You will have to go to the Council of the Valkyries the same place where you will be fought the main Valkyrie boss, once are on the island, go towards the council where you will see thrones. Look on the left center.

Reward List:

  • Legendary Enhancement – Eye of Runic Supremacy, taking damage during a Runic Attack reduces damage taken by 30% (stacks upto 50% max).
  • 1 Unstable Core – A volatile substance that sparks on contact used to upgrade Pommels with explosive damage effects.
  • Hardened Svartalfheim Steel – 5
  • Hacksilver – 10000

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