Full habitat rotation schedule for Pokémon Go Fest: Finale

The finale has arrived with all Ultra Beasts.

Image via Niantic

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Habitats return in the Pokémon Go Fest: Finale event. It will be the final Go Fest event for 2022, and you will have the chance to encounter the many Ultra Beasts that have been spawning throughout the world during select Pokémon Go Fest events. There will also be a handful of exclusive Pokémon spawning alongside them, giving you the chance to catch them or find their shiny version. This guide details the full habitat rotation schedule for the Pokémon Go Fest: Finale event.

Habitat rotation schedule and all spawns in Pokémon Go Fest: Finale

Four habitats will appear during the Pokémon Go Fest: Finale event. Things kick off on August 27 at 10 AM and go to 6 PM in your local time zone. We recommend purchasing the event ticket to receive the full benefits of attending it and the increased incense spawns. Here’s a breakdown of each habitat rotation and the Pokémon spawning within them.

Ultra Incursion: Pheromosa

The Ultra Incursion featuring Pheromosa will be from 10 AM to 12 PM. Pheromosa will be spawning in five-star raids, and these Pokémon will appear in the wild.

  • Anorith
  • Hitmontop
  • Karrablast
  • Kricketot
  • Meditite
  • Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf
  • Pinsir
  • Scyther
  • Sudowoodo
  • Woobat

Ultra Incursion: Buzzwole

This Ultra Incursion will feature Buzzwole, and it will be from 12 PM to 2 PM. Buzzwole will appear in five-star raids, along with these Pokémon in the wild.

  • Axew
  • Cranidos
  • Drilbur
  • Geodude
  • Hitmonchan
  • Hitmonlee
  • Machop
  • Magmar
  • Numel
  • Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf

Ultra Incursion: Xurkitree

The third Ultra Incursion will feature Xurkitree, and it will be from 2 PM to 4 PM. Xurkitree will appear in five-star raids, and these Pokémon will spawn in the wild.

  • Combee
  • Electabuzz
  • Electrike
  • Foongus
  • Joltik
  • Lileep
  • Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf
  • Sandy Cloak Burmy
  • Shelmet
  • Shinx
  • Stunfisk

Ultra Incursion: Nihilego

The final Ultra Incursion will feature Nihilego from 4 PM to 6 PM. Pheromosa, Buzzwole, Xurkitree, and Nihilego will appear in five-star raids together during this time, along with these Pokémon in the wild.

  • Bulbasaur
  • Chansey
  • Chikorita
  • Clefairy
  • Frillish
  • Munna
  • Omanyte
  • Pikachu wearing a Shaymin-inspired scarf
  • Plant Cloak Burmy
  • Skrelp
  • Swirlix
  • Tangela
  • Tentacool
  • Turtwig