Far Cry 5 Holland Valley Walkthrough

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After activating the Radio tower in the Prologue chapter of Far Cry 5, you will be heading to the next part of the game. Here on the map, you will see three regions, each one is ruled by its specific boss. Your objective is to pick the regions one by one and build your own Resistance before you finally take on the final boss. The three regions are Whitetail Mountains, Henbane Rive, and Holland Valley. In this walkthrough, you will find all mission of Holland Valley.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

Holland Valley -John’s Region Walkthrough

To reach John Seed, you will have to earn around 13000 Resistance Points. You will need to recruit 3 specialists, there are around 52 missions in the region. There are 7 cult outpost and 14 Cult properties. So you have to play as much as possible to fill up your Resistance Point bar to finally take over Holland Valley.

Fall’s End Walkthrough

Reach Fall’s End: Zoom in to get different objectives in the region. Take the cable in the front of the button you just pulled to activate the radio tower. Down there you will find a boat. You will also get three locations on the map Lumber Mill in north, Hope County Jail towards east and Fall’s end to the west. Staring from Holland Valley which is John’s region, Fall’s End is the main story mission you can start with. It will be a long drive to reach the mission location, while in between you can meet a few guys and even get a dog.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

Drive the boards towards the marker, first, you will cross a bridge and then keep driving towards the marker. After crossing the second bridge, you will meet a fisher man standing on the right side. This the place where you can Shop for weapons, ammo, etc. You can earn money through side missions, locating safes, sell animal skins and fishes. So just halt at the place and look if you can get some new upgrades. If your plan to go on foot, after shopping, on your left you will see a van, rescue a civilian for some RP. More cult member will attack you after a few seconds.

Man’s Best Friend Walkthrough

If you want the dog to assist you in the game there is a chance you can get it right now. For you have to walk a big, walk towards the right of the van, the place where two cult members came down to shoot you. Keep walking, in a straight direction, towards the valley, on the other side below you will find an establishment. The dog is the cage, the area is heavily guarded. You have to go down and kill them, the dog will follow you. Pet him and the mission is over. After a short, while more cultist members will enter the area, after killing them, take the truck in which the guards came and head to Fall’s End. Don’t worry about the dog it will follow you.

Fall’s End Continued Walkthrough

Secure Fall’s End: Once you reach the location, you have to secure this place by taking down all the guards in the area. Pick the one who is guarding on the roof if you have plans to go stealth mode. If you shoot you will be ambushed by all the guards around and there are many of them. So plan out your way to kill them one by one. Look for a red building on the other side of the road, there is a machine gun on the top, you can use that to kill multiple guards. Next, you will have to attack a plane and rescue a hostage on the road. Using machine guns on the plane is the only way to destroy them fast. Once the plane is destroyed there will be a short cutscene.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

In Fall’s End, you can unlock Story Mission The Widowmaker by talking to the women whom you saved during the fight. Go inside Leased Lager. Visit the Church next and talk to Pastor. This will unlock Story Mission Good Samaritan. Near Spread Eagle you will find Susie Stout, you can hire her.

Good Samaritan Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

For this objective drive towards the Woodson Pig farm and Liberate the 3 resistance members and 3 hostages. Now here if you ambush the cultist will kill the hostages, so you have to play this part in stealth mode. Track down the locations of guards first so that you will know where they are. You have to quietly locate those guards first who are alone, like the one on the right of the entrance. Walk around the bushes, hide and slowly take down the guards. You can use the dog to distract the guards. After securing the hostages, you can ambush, secure the farm will be your final objective.

The Widowmaker Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

Track this quest from the game menu and drive towards the Grain Elevator. You will reach a massively guarded ware house. You have to enter the warehouse quietly. Here also you can go into stealth mode, you can try distracting the guards and then taking them down one by one. The door behind the warehouse is locked. You will have to locate the keys. The keys are kept a bit far away with a lot of guards around it. Luckily you can hide behind the grass and distract them by throwing stones. You can quietly take the key and return to the warehouse. Take the Windowmaker, and ram through the road blocks. There will be around 9 of roadblocks you have to drive through. The truck has guns you can use to shoot down enemies in your path. Next take the truck to Fall’s End and talk to Mary May.

After talking to Mary May, you will get a side mission, Valley Armed Convoy. In this objective, you will have to destroy John’s truck in North, West, and East. Go to the church first, talk to the pastor and you will unlock Story Mission Jumping Ship.

The Revelator Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

You have to first regroup with the Resistance, take the Windowmaker in this mission, it will be easier. Once you reach the spot Help the resistance members and kill the guards around. Revive them, and kill all the leftover cultist guards around. Next head to the second blockade and destroy the Revelator. You can use a dynamite and a remote bomb. Keep throwing the bomb until it stops.

The Cleansing Walkthrough

This will unlock the radio transmission while trying to escape the place you will see a cutscene where John Seed has captured you. After the cutscene, The Cleansing begins. You have to first secure the checkpoint. Move ahead and kill the cultist ahead. Then to Talk to Pastor Jerome. After that find Merle and free him. Your next objective is Survive unit extraction. There will be a timer before which you have to complete the mission. At the end Enter the helicopter with Merle and stay with him till drop-off. This will complete the mission.

Rye and Son’s Aviation Walkthrough

Go the marker to begin this mission. You have to reach Rye and Son’s Aviation. Here you have to secure the area, kill all the peggies in the area. You have to protect yourself from the enemies dog, it can cost you high health damage. Find Nick Rye and help him out, this will trigger the next Wingman mission.

Wingman Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

To start this mission you will have to talk to Nick, after the above mission. He will give you the plane location that is taken to the Seed Ranch. You have to locate the plane and escape. You can find the plane in the barn and you can play in stealth mode to take it. Just take the play and you will get the waypoint to fly. Now here you will be flying a plane, refer the tutorials, next Nick will tell you to fly down along the river. Next comes some tankers, switch to bomber view or you can use the machine gun to destroy it. After the cutscene reaches Nick’s house and defends his wife from peggies. Once done secure the hanger. You have to stay inside the hangar or you can get killed by Nick’s aerial attack. There will be a few waves of peggies coming, defend the hangar until Nick lands.

Air Raid Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

You will get this mission at Rye and Son’s aviation. This will be available after you are done with the above one. Jump in Nick’s plane and you will hear Kim’s voice. She will tell you about the gas tankers, you have to destroy them, follow the marker. You will have to further destroy two fuel tankers moving on a road, you can see them on the map. Next, you will have to destroy helicopters and then airplanes. After completing this mission you can get access to Carnival plane from all hangers on the map.

Grace Under Fire Walkthrough

After playing this mission you can add Grace to your crew of Guns for Hire. On the map look for Lamb of God church, head to this location and clear the enemies around. Then climb on the roof and go left, you will find Grace. She will talk about the cultists, you have to help her to stop them. First, you will need to Defend the Mausoleums, there will be three health bars you can see, you will have to save them. Peggies will come from all directions so plan your way to defend the Mausoleums. Once done talking to Grace to complete the mission.

The Deathwish Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

To begin this mission you will have to go to Silver Lake Trailer Park, and find Merle. Talk to him and he will ask you to bring The Deathwish car. The next place you have to go is US Auto, fight enemies in the area and free it from peggies before you begin. On the east side, you will reach a cliff, from here you can survey the area and view enemies location. Look for explosive barrels, shoot them. Clear the enemies and wait for Merle. The next waypoint will take you to a gas station, you will need a car at this point. As you spot Deathwish you will see the peggies took it and you have to chase it. Find the car and take care you don’t cause too damage to it. Kill the driver and take the control, drive it to US Auto. Next Merle will ask you to drive him to the construction yard, as this part you can use guns on hire. You have to destroy a few green containers and finish the leftover enemies. You unlock Deathwish car in this mission.

Jumping Ship Walkthrough

At Fall’s End talk to Paster for starting this mission. You have to go to Silver Lake Trailer Park and help a defector to escape safely. There will be peggies in the park, you have to clear them out first. After that find and defend the defector. A bunch of peggies will appear in front of the building to stay in your position and defend. After few waves, more peggies will appear from the back of the building. Carry the defector to a nearby dock, using guns for hire will be helpful at this part. Put the defector on the boat, kill remaining peggies around so that the defector can escape.

The Confession Walkthrough

After getting enough resistance points you will notice that you are abducted by John Seed. You will be tied on a chair and along with another captured deputy. After John leaves, you will regain control. First, you have to find the deputy, for that turnaround and go upstairs, you will get a pipe here. Return back and then go under the pipes, and you will get a tube, cross it and go towards the next one. Kill the enemy from behind on your path. There will be the second one, kill him and take down a few more around. You will get a pistol now. There another peggie with a bat, kill him quietly and then turn left. Open the door at the end and use the wheel handle. Next, you have to go right to the end and then take left to enter next room. There will be more enemies here, kill them quietly from behind. A peggie will enter the room, hide and take him off quietly. Next, you can use the pistols to shoot out the remaining ones around. Follow the waypoint for a cutscene.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

You will see John goes away with the deputy and he will lock down the bunker. You get around 1 and a half minutes to escape the place. Go towards the stairs, and kill an enemy in your path. On right, you will find another peggie and one on the stairs. Kill them to get some ammo. Look for text ‘Power of Yes’ written at the corner you will see stairs. A few enemies called Angels will run towards you. Go out and take the small stairs, another enemy will be guarding it with a shovel, shoot her. Run towards the waypoint and take the zip lines down. Head towards the escape point to complete the mission.

Razing the Steaks Walkthrough

To start this mission you have to go to Kupka Ranch which is on the east side of Falls End. Find and go with Zip, he will tell you to kill a few animals. You will reach Flatiron Stockyards and there you have to kill the animals and the cultist on the site. A few animals will be cages, while few will be running around. Follow the waypoint to reach them in case you are not able to locate them. Next guard Zip once he will plant some explosives. Once done secure the Stockyards.

Blow Their Mine Walkthrough

Holland Valley Walkthrough

Once you are done with the above mission, once again talk to Zip. He will tell you about the gold mine. This will begin the mission, go to the East side of John’s region. You will have to find Catamount Mines. You will see around 4 waypoints and a lot of peggies around. Take the zip line down to the first crate and plant the explosives. Once you are done planting on all four, you have to attack defend it for 4 minutes. There will be a lot of peggies around who will try to defuse the bombs. So watch on all the corners and defend it. If any peggie tries to defuse a bomb you will get a warning sign with a waypoint and the time remaining for defusing. Once done protecting, run to the safe point and wait for the explosion.

The Atonement Walkthrough

After reaching max resistance point, you will have to meet John Seed at Fall’s End. Once you reach you have to go to the Church, open the door and you will see a cutscene. After the cutscene is over you will get all your weapons back. Shoot down all the enemies in the area. Next, you will be working with Mary May chasing John Seed. You will control the guns on the turreted trucks. Take out the enemies on the road, and then you will have to fight planes. Once done your mission will change to Wrath and you will see John has escaped in a plane. There is a plane around take that and add John Nick in Gun for hire so that you have some assistance. Destroy the plane and John will land in a forest, chase him. Kill him and there will be a cutscene.

The Quality of Mercy Walkthrough

Once you finish the above mission, you will be playing another one. Go to John Seed’s bunker which is located in the far west of Holland Valley. As you enter there will be a sudden ambush of enemies and you have to make your way to the next way point. Enter the bunkers and no-one will follow you. Go down stairs, and in the room, you will see a lot of cultists. It is good not to create a havoc, clear the room and then head to the opposite side of the room. You will find a sealed door, open it and go straight, there will be few enemies in the next room. Next room after that will give you weapon stash. Once you are in the hallway section turn right and turn left at the T Junction. Go through server room and you will reach the torture room where you will find Deputy Hudson. There will be a cutscene, follow here to the control room.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

She will ask you to save some prisoners, free them. Follow the way point, and open the locked doors. Peggies will appear once you start this objective, so you will have to deal with them and save the prisoners also. Finally, you will have to reach the control room through a missile hatch. Turn left from the corridor and go straight, you will be fighting with more enemies coming in. Next turn right at the end of the control room and you use explosives to destroy the consoles. Keep moving ahead and take the room on left to get to the silo. You will have to climb up yellow hinges and reach the top. If you are unable to find any spot to go up, jump on the other side. There will be enemies you will face in the next room. Find the green Bliss containers and destroy them. Stay a bit back as they can explode with good range. In the rooms around you will also find enemies with barrels.

Holland Valley Walkthrough

There is a read barrel also, you can shoot it to cause the big explosion and once there is fire run towards the white door. You have to make your way all the way to upstairs, and follow a large path that will take you to a large open room. This room is filled with enemies, fire and constant explosions. So you have to watch carefully where you are going, kill the peggies around and reach the silo hatch. You have to survive until extraction, so keep moving around. There will be multiple explosions around you. There will be a cutscene with the large explosion. At Fall’s End you will see people celebrating, followed by a scene where Joseph Seed talks about his brother’s death.

This is where Holland Valley’s all missions are over. In the next Chapter 2 Henbane River, you will be heading Faith’s region and build up a strong resistance to take control of the land. You can also read our Far Cry 5 Wiki guide for more updates on the game.