Followers Crafting Recipes Guide – Fade to Silence

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Fade To Silence is in Early Access, the game is not complete but it offers you enough content to understands it gameplay. You will be playing as Ash, a leader who is exploring a frozen land for supplies to stay alive. Crafting is one of the crucial element of this game, through crafting you can build up weapons, ammos, cloths, etc. Without crafting it almost next to impossible to stay alive in the game. Depending on various realistic circumstances, you have to gather items build up woods and then sit near the fire to recover. This will be your short-term safe place.

Fade In Silence Receipe

As a leader you will have to find an attract followers, each of them will come with different skill sets that will help you to progress further in the game. In this guide we will provide you some crafting recipes, if you are playing the Early Access them the below recipes will help you. The guide is updated on Steam forums by one of the game developers, you can read the actual one in the source link at the end of this guide.

Fade To Silence Crafting Recipes

CRAFTING SHACK: You can craft below items in the crafting shack, some of these also require to unlock certain skills.

Hunting Bow: Your weapon at the start, use it to kill a reindeer or enemy around. Below are the requirements to craft a bow.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 2 Units of Craft Wood and 2 Units of Leather Cord.

Hunting Arrows: Ammo for the bow, per batch you can craft around 20 arrows. Craft Wood can be crafted in Crafting Shack with Bushcrafting. For Copper Arrowheads, craft in Forge with Metalworking.

  • Resources: 1 Unit of Craft Wood and 20 Units of Copper Arrowheads.

Fur Lining: A cloth upgrade that will increase your endurance to tolerate the freezing cold. Fur can be crafted in the shack with bushcrafting while Fiber can be crafted anywhere.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 6 Units of Fur and 6 Units of Fiber

Leather Satchel: A must upgrade where you can carry satchel that will carry lots of objects without affecting your movement. Leather can be crafted at the shack while fiber can be crafted anywhere.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 3 Units of Leather and 3 Units of Fiber

Leather Cord: A simple object braiding toughness and durability. Go to crafting shack to craft one per batch.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 1 Unit of Leather

Leather: Can be crafted one per batch. To get Pristine Remains you will have to hunt reindeer and harvest from the dead animal.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 3 Units of Pristine Remains

Fur: Can be crafted one per batch. To get Pristine Remains you will have to hunt reindeer and harvest from the dead animal.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 3 Units of Pristine Remains

Imbued Fur: Can be crafted one per batch. There is no update on the resource harvesting yet.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 3 Units of Imbued Remains

Craft Wood: Can be crafted one per batch. Harvest the resources by chopping trees or gather woods around.

  • Skill: Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 5 Units of Pristine Woods

Lumber: You craft one per batch. Pristine woods can be harvested from trees.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting
  • Resources: 5 Units of Pristine Woods

MEDICINE HUT: You can craft below items in the medicine hut, some of these also require to unlock certain skills.

Process Tainted Remains: By crafting this you can get a single unit of Pristine Remains and around 3 units of Raw meat per batch. Tainted remains can be harvested from reindeers.

  • Skill: Follower with Hunting Skill.
  • Resources: 5 Units of Tainted Remains.

Process Writhing Remains: By crafting this you can get a one unit of Cleansed Essence and Imbued Remains along with two units of Pristine Remains and six units of raw minute each batch. Writhing remains can be harvested from reindeers.

  • Skill: Follower with Hunting Skill.
  • Resources: 5 Units of Writhing Remains.

Process Tainted Wood: By crafting this you can get a one unit of Pristine Wood and 5 Units of Firewood each bath. Tainted Woods can be harvested by chopping trees.

  • Skill: Follower with Woodcutting Skill.
  • Resources: 15 Units of Tainted Wood.

Process Writhing Wood: By crafting this you can get a one unit of Cleansed Essence and Imbued Wood, with it you also get 5 Units of Pristine Wood and 10 Units of Firewood. Writhing Wood resources can be harvested by chopping trees.

  • Skill: Follower with Woodcutting Skill.
  • Resources: 15 Units of Writhing Wood.

Eldritch Essence: You can get a roiling silver of Eclipse’s power.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 100 Units of Tainted Wood and 25 Units of Tainted Remains.

Eldritch Balm: Small amount of Eclipse’s power to improve healing properties of bloodhaw. Bloodhaw and Grubroot can be obtained through pickup, and Cleansed Essence can be crafted in Occult Laboratory.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 6 Units of Bloodhaw, 1 Unit of Grubroot and 1 unit of Cleansed Essence.

Eldritch Remedy: Small amount of Eclipse’s power working in concert with its antagonist, blightbane. Blightbane and Grubroot can be obtained through pickup, and Cleansed Essence can be crafted in Occult.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 6 Units of Blightbane, 1 Unit of Grubroot and 1 unit of Cleansed Essence.

FORGE: You can craft below items in the forge, some of these also require to unlock certain skills.

Copper Sword: The first sword you will get in the game, ideal for attacking wood and dead flesh. Copper Ingots can be crafted in Forge using the below skill, while for Leather Cord you have to go in Crafting Shack and use the Bushcrafting skill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 3 Copper Ingots and 1 Leather Cord.

Iron Sword: Swords that can cut through tough wood and stone without breaking. Iron Ingots can be crafted in Forge using the below skill, while for Leather Cord you have to go in Crafting Shack and use the Bushcrafting skill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 3 Iron Ingots and 1 Leather Cord.

Copper Felling Axe: Use it for cutting down cleansed and partially petrified tree. Copper Ingot can be crafted in Forge, while the other two items can be crafted in Crafting Shack through Bushcrafting skill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Copper Ingots, 1 Craft Wood and 1 Leather Cord.

Imbued Felling Axe: More powerful axe, that can chop down cleansed trees fast. Iron Ingot can be crafted in Forge using the Metalworking skill. Imbued Craft Wood can be crafted in workshop using Bushcrafting skill and Purified Essence in Occult Laboratory using Occultism.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Iron Ingots, 1 Imbued Craft Wood and 1 Purified Essence.

Mining Pick: Use the pick to mine chalcocite that can be used to get copper. Salvage can be found through pickup, Craft wood and Leather cord can be crafted in Crafting Shack with Bushcrafting skill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 3 Units of Salvage, 1 Craft Wood and 1 Leather Cord.

Imbued Mining Pick: A stronger pick to mine iron ore deposits. Copper Ingots can be obtain from Forge, Imbued Craftwood from Workshop and Purified Essence from Occult Laboratory.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 2 Copper Ingot, 1 Craft Wood and 1 Purified Essence.

Copper Plating: Custom copper plates for your clothing to offer protection in fight. Copper Ignots can be obtained from Forge, Leather from Crafting Shacks and Fiber can be found anywhere.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 6 Copper Ingot, 6 Leather and 6 Fiber

Iron Plating: The plating will help you to protect yourself from bows attack. Iron Ignots can be obtained from Forge, Leather from Crafting Shacks and Fiber can be found anywhere.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 6 Iron Ingot, 6 Leather and 6 Fiber

Copper Ingot: It is a useful item for weapons, armor and advance crafting. You can craft one per batch. Copper Ore can be mined from ore veins.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 10 Units of Copper Ore.

Iron Ingot: It is a useful item that can be used in armor and advance crafting. You can craft one per batch. Iron Ore can be mined from ore veins.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 10 Units of Iron Ore.

Copper Arrowheads: Improved arrow heads. Copper Ingot can be crafted in Forge using the below kill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Copper Ingot.

Iron Arrowheads: Improved arrow heads. Iron Ingot can be crafted in Forge using the below kill.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Iron Ingot.

Copper Nails: You can craft this 50 per batch, you will require to get copper ingot for crafting this item.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Copper Ingot.

Iron Rivets: You can craft this 100 per batch, you will require to iron copper ingot for crafting this item. It is ideal for heavy construction.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 1 Iron Ingot.

WORKSHOP: You can craft below items in the workshop, some of these also require to unlock certain skills.

War Bow: It is a heavy bow that is powerful enough to take down enemies instantly during a combat. Imbued Craft Wood can be crafted at the Workshop using Bushcrafting skill. Leather Cord can be crafted in Crafting Shack using the above skill and Iron Rivets can be crafted in Forge using Metalworking skill.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 2x Imbued Craftwood, 2x Leather Cord and 4x Iron Rivets.

War Arrows: You can craft this 20 per batch. A powerful ammunition.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 1x Craft wood & 20x Iron Arrowheads.

Imbued Fur Lining: Warm fur for better protection in winter. Imbued Fur can be crafted at workshop, Fiber can be crafted anywhere and Purified Essence can be crafted in Occult Laboratory.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 6x Imbued Fur, 6x Fiber & 1x Purified Essence.

Imbued Backpack: Bigger backup with low weight.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 6x Imbued Fur, 6x Fiber & 1x Purified Essence.

Impaler Ballista Frame: Can be crafted one per batch, a sturdy frame that hold mutilated pike. Craft wood can be obtained from Crafting Shack and Copper Parts can be crafted in Workshop.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 4x Craft Wood & 50x Copper Parts.

Spitter Mortar Frame: Can be crafted one per batch, use it safely. Imbued Craft Wood can be crafted in Crafting Shack while Copper Parts can be obtained from Workshop.

  • Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.
  • Resources: 4x Imbued Craft Wood & 50x Copper Parts.

Imbued Leather: Can be crafted one per batch, it is additional skin to your body.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 3x Imbued Remains.

Copper Parts: Can be crafted ten per batch, a useful item that can be used fix machinery.

Skill: Follower with Metalworking Skill.

Resources: 1x Copper Ingo.

Imbued Craft Wood: Can be crafted one per batch.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 2x Imbued Wood.

Imbued Lumber: Can be crafted one per batch, light material but hard as stone.

  • Skill: Follower with Bushcrafting Skill.
  • Resources: 2x Imbued Wood.

OCCULT LABORATORY: You can craft below items in the workshop, some of these also require to unlock certain skills.

Miraculous Ointment: Can be crafted one per batch, this ointment can mend flesh and knit broken bones instantly.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 12x Bloodhaw, 1x Grubroot and 1x Purified Essence.

Miraculous Panacea: Can be crafted one per batch, you can heal your body of corruption.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 12x Blightbane, 1x Grubroot and 1x Purified Essence.

Rift Crystal: Can be crafted one per batch, you can use this for teleporting between two crystals. You will have to merge this one with a larger counterpart.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 1x Cleansed Essence.

Summoning Crystal: Can be crafted one per batch, using the crystal you can summon your loyal wolves with sled. You will require a sledding kennel and two or more rescued wolves.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 1x Cleansed Essence.

Firebrew: Can be crafted one per batch, a morale booster drink.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 6x Bloodhaw, 6x Blightbane and 1 Purified Essence.

Cleansed Essence: Can be crafted one per batch. Eldritch Essence can be harvested through pickup or can be crafted with Occultism in Medicine Hut. Other two times can be located through pickup.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 10x Eldritch Essence, 1x Blightbane and 1 Bloodhaw.

Purified Essence: Can be crafted one per batch.

  • Skill: Follower with Occultism Skill.
  • Resources: 1x Cleansed Essence, 1x Imbued Remains and 1 Salvage.

So these are the various crafting recipes you can try out in Fade In Silence. For more info on the same you can refer to the source below.

Source: Steam