Every Wonder Mail Code for Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX

Time to snag them all.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX

Image via Nintendo

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A returning feature in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Rescue Team DX is the inclusion of Wonder Mail and, more specifically, Wonder Mail Passwords. 

This feature allows you to enter an eight-digit code to gain access to a variety of missions, items, and Pokémon that might not have been available easily in the base game.

Think of it as a way for the developers to add in DLC and helpful items for budding players on their quest. You can enter the codes into the game on the main menu.

There isn’t a lot of codes at the moment, but we will update this article as more are available. As such, here are the ones you can snag at the moment.

R13R6XYO(TM) Thunderbolt
XNY8PK40 (TM) Brutal Swing
PFXQPCN3 (TM) Bulldoze
P5R9411S (TM) Flamethrower
90P7CQP9 (TM) Shadow Ball
3TY1XW99 (TM) Leech Life
N0R7K93R (TM) Energy Ball
W95R91XT (TM) Smart Strike
JR4113QS (TM) Waterfall
XMK5JQQM (TM) Ice Beam
78SH6463 (TM) Focus Blast
991Y5K47Mareep’s Special Request Job
8QXR93P540x Geo Pebble, 40x Gravelerock, 20x Golden Fossil
92JMR48WSmoochum’s Special Request
XT498SP72x Power Drink, 2x Accuracy Drink, 2x PP-Up Drink
25QQTSCR1x Power Band, 1x Defense Scarf, 1x Gold Ribbon
0R7910P72x Life Seed, 2x Carbos
3R62CR635x Rawst Berry, 5x Chesto Berry, 2x Tiny Reviver Seed
H6W7K2622x DX Gummi
XMK95K49DX Gummi, Rainbow Gummi
QXW5MMN1 3x Rare Quality Orb, 3x Inviting Orb, 1x Wigglytuff Orb