Can you fix the Role Mastery tracking bug in Overwatch 2?

It’s another waiting situation.

image via Activision Blizzard

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For anyone looking to complete their daily and weekly challenges in Overwatch 2, you want to be sure you are rewarded for your grinding. Given how every game can be a gauntlet, you want to focus on those challenges so you can get through your battle pass even quicker than normal. However, people are noticing a distinct tracking bug when it comes to the Role Master weekly challenge. Can you fix this Overwatch 2 glitch?

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Overwatch 2 Role Mastery bug, explained

If you keep close attention to your Role Mastery weekly challenge in Overwatch 2, you have likely noticed that the counter for your progress won’t go past 1/3 for any of the roles. Normally, you need to win three games a week while playing as a Tank, Damage, and Support role character for each. However, this particular challenge is bugged at the moment and won’t count your wins properly.

Unfortunately, there is no way to fix or get around the Role Mastery bug in Overwatch 2. That being said, the issue was included in the latest known issues blog post, so the development team is focused on getting it fixed. We would expect it to be included in a near future hotfix patch in the early parts of Season 3.

Unsurprisingly, anyone who pays close attention to their weekly challenges is upset that their Role Mastery progress is not being tracked properly. Some have suggested trying to play the entire match without swapping heroes, but others have shown that idea doesn’t work.

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In the meantime, we recommend just playing the game like you normally would. We imagine this is a problem that will be fixed sooner rather than later, and hopefully, that fix will include your progress being backtracked to what it should be.