Borderlands 3 Legendary Weapons Preview: Pistols

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Following on from the legendary assault rifles preview elsewhere on this site, today we take a look at all the upcoming legendary pistols that will be available for you to get your murdering little hands-on when Borderlands 3 hits the shelves on September 13. There’s nothing better for close up, mano-a-mano action than a pistol especially when you find that you’re suddenly surrounded by psycho’s and need to shot your way to safety or, worse, a group of skag’s have you cornered, and you need a specific element to counteract whatever it is they’re spitting at you.

Pistols have, like all the other weapons we’ve looked at and will be looking at, been a staple of FPS games since year zero and in Borderlands you have some of the craziest, most madcap designs in gaming history. Whether they’re spitting firey death or slowly corroding away a person’s flesh, the six-shooter by your side or the automatic in your hand is one of the most reliable weapons across the whole of Pandora. Especially if they’re of the legendary variety, this guide previews those tasty little morsels that will be available to you in just under a month.

Borderlands 3 – Pistols Preview

Baby Maker (++)

Baby Maker (++)

Manufacturer: Tediore

Tag Line: Who’s A Widdle Gunny Wunny!!!

Special Effect: Spawns Guns With Legs On Reload

The Baby Maker (++) is an upgraded version of the SMG from previous installments, and this has led to a lot of people wondering why it looks like an SMG but has Pistol printed on the card. This could be a glitch on behalf of Gearbox Software, and it may revert to an SMG when the finished article is released, but until then, it says pistol so as far as I’m concerned, it’s a pistol. Anyway, this version of the weapon doesn’t explode spawn gun turrets like it’s forefathers, this version gives birth to other guns with tiny baby legs. Which means I can’t think of any reason not to make this top of your legendary shopping list.



Manufacturer: Torgue

Tag Line: Hail

Special Effect: Fires In Two Round Bursts

There doesn’t seem to have been a great deal done to the Devastator since its first appearance in Borderlands 2. It’s still a handy little gun to have when you’re up close and personal, and it still fires in two round bursts. Yeah, that’s pretty much it, it’s just more of the same. So if you’re a fan of the original pistol, then this is still the one for you.

Extended Nemesis

Extended Nemesis

Manufacturer: Dahl

Tag Line: A Righteous Infliction Of Retribution

Special Effect: Fires In Three Shot Bursts And Automatic

The first place holder picture in the article can only mean one thing; Gearbox Software is not letting you see the Extended Nemesis until they are good and ready. There is a version of this gun in the first Borderlands, but from the description in the tag line, the Extended Nemesis is a brand new monster. It swaps between firing in three-round bursts and automatic, which leads me to believe that the gun will choose for you, which could either be an excellent idea or will get you real dead, real quick.



Manufacturer: Vladof

Tag Line: It’s Closer Than You Think! (No It Isn’t)

Special Effect: One In The Mag But At Least It’s Infinite

On a personal level, I’m not sure about this pistol. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m a sucker for any weapon in any game that gives me infinite ammo. However, when there’s only ever one in the chamber at any given time, you have to ask yourself is it worth the hassle or should I sell it when I find it and spend a few hours rolling around in a bed of lovely cash? If you think you can handle it then good on you, as for me, I think I’ll take the latter option and then invest in something much more destructive.



Manufacturer: Jakobs

Tag Line: Monty’s Wife Don’t Take No Guff

Special Effect: Shoots Six Bullets But Only Costs You One

Another pistol that’s seemingly just a cut and pastes job from Borderlands 2, Maggie has good points and bad points, as does every single weapon in Borderlands. On the plus side, you can fire six bullets and only lose from your ammo, but the damage and the accuracy of the weapon are reduced each time that you squeeze the trigger. It’s a case of getting the right balance, or you could bin it and go back to raining down hell-fire on villains with an assault rifle.



Manufacturer: Jakobs

Tag Line: It’s A Helluva Thing

Special Effect: Huge Critical Damage

Anything that’s named after a Clint Eastwood movie is alright in my book, so I’m looking forward to getting hold of the Unforgiven in all its forms and dispensing some frontier justice of my own on all the lawbreakers in Borderlands 3. It may have a low rate of fire, but if you nail someone with this pistol, then they are going down, and they are going down hard. A +400% Critical Hit Damage Bonus is going to stop a bloody rhino in its tracks, let alone whatever rabid animals that Gearbox Software has planned for us, and if it takes a little more time to fire than the other weapons that are available to you then who cares? Just make sure you’ve got your strafing shoes on, and you’ll be just fine.

Wagon Wheel

Wagon Wheel

Manufacturer: Jakobs

Tag Line: Round And Round

Special Effect: Fires In Bursts That Split Into Multiple Projectiles When They Break On Impact

The Wagon Wheel does sound like it could be the MVP of Borderlands 3. A pistol that fires in bursts and if/when you miss, those bursts break on impact into even more projectiles that ricochet around the place, piercing the flesh of anything and anyone that is unlucky to get in its way. Yeah, sign me up for one of those. That’s got to be the best way to clear out any fortress you come across. Just pop your head around the door, squeeze the trigger, and let the carnage commence.