Best names for witches or wizards in Hogwarts Legacy

What will you be known as?

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When creating your witch or wizard in Hogwarts Legacy, there are a lot of different routes to go down. Of course, you could always try to make yourself and live out that dream of being accepted into the school, but you could also bring an original character to life. If you decide to go with the latter, choosing your name won’t have that much of an impact on the game, but it can add a little more flavor to your adventure. Here are some of our recommendations for the best names in Hogwarts Legacy.

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Best names to choose for your character in Hogwarts Legacy

Of course, there are a ton of directions you can follow when naming your character in Hogwarts Legacy. You could decide to recreate one of the characters from the Harry Potter books, or you could find something that fits in-universe. If you really want to get spicy, consider making an ancestor for one of the characters that appear in the books and movies later on in the timeline. Here is a list of names that might be desirable to you.

Wizard names for Hogwarts Legacy

  • Albert Lupin
  • Alistair Sreenivasan
  • Barnaby Nettlebed
  • Corvinus Laughalot
  • Duncan Lockheart
  • Filius McLaird
  • Hardik Malfoy
  • Gregory Lestrange
  • Irving Nott
  • Jimmy Higgs
  • Jugson Hooch
  • Justin Time
  • Matthew Tintwistle
  • Riley Madley
  • Satinder Kettletoft
  • Severus Overcliff

Related: Can you find the Room of Requirement in Hogwarts Legacy?

Witch names for Hogwarts Legacy

  • Amelia Sawley
  • Avery Bishopper
  • Filemina McGonagall
  • Hazel Willerby
  • Jessica Pewsey
  • Justine Time
  • Latisha Kilburn
  • Lucinda Evercreech
  • Maria Kilburn
  • Mildred Riddle
  • Miranda Granger
  • Natsumi Applebee
  • Ophelia Eastchurch
  • Pauline Longbottom
  • Penelope Warrington
  • Rose Hopkins
  • Selina Vanity
  • Siobhan Lupin

Of course, there are all kinds of names you can come up with by just finding any name generator on the internet. Be sure to consider mixing and matching our recommendations above to find something you truly like for your character.