Audio Logs Locations Guide – ReCore

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Audio Logs are one of the Collectibles in Recore. These Logs are recorded messages from that reveal more of the story and lore behind the world of Far Eden. These Audio Logs comes in different colors and they are very small so it’s hard to identify them, but with this guide, you will find all the 40 Audio logs in the game. So without any further ado, let’s begin with Locations.

Audio Logs Locations Guide

Audio Logs Locations

The Logs you find will be from Joule’s Father Adams, Violet, Julis Rodan and Natalie Bright who know about Far Eden. We have to collect 10 Audio logs of each member so 40 in total.

Thomas Adams – Blue Color

Audio Log 1

After Defeating Iron Fang in Granite Steps, Joule needs to get back to the Crawler and as you leave the Cave look for the large rock pillar in the middle of the Chasm. Once you get to the top look at your crawler to find your first audio log on a lower ledge.

Audio Log 2

Near the Main Control Room inside the Pylon 512 Dungeon, you need to head down on the right towards the third locked door where you find the Prismatic Core.

Audio Log 3

After activating the terraforming, head outside the Pylon 512 Dungeon and take right from Violet’s Fast Travel station. You will find this audio log under chainlinks.

Audio Log 4

Left of the Foundry Dungeon entrance, look on the top of the crates to find this audio log.

Audio Log 5

Inside the Lost Crawler, after the cutscene look behind Duncan before exiting the crawler.

Audio Log 6

While in Shifting Sands area you will come across a Giant Buried hand which you can also locate on the Map. Look underneath the extended finger to find this audio log.

Audio Log 7

Next to the Entrance to the Warren Dungeon at the Southern end of the Shifting sands.

Audio Log 8

Inside the Warren Dungeon, get inside the first room that head the First FL1-R CoreBot part and a Workbench. Near the workbench is this audio log which is hard to miss.

Audio Log 9

After heading out of the Warren Dungeon, the objective is on the left where you need to break the rock and right go to the E-Tower. Go straight and look at the top of the crate.

Audio Log 10

As you enter the Floor 4 of Eden Tower, the audio log is on your left just before starting the puzzle.

Violet – Purple Color

Audio Log 1

West of Joule’s Crawler, climb on the top of half buried cylinder surrounded by a Few SP-DR CoreBots.

Audio Log 2

While finding the CellBots to open the main Security gate in Lonely Basin, look for the two Ringers on the west which will lead you to a small path leading to more debris and a cliff. You can find this audio log behind the Metal Junk.

Audio Log 3

On your way to find the Distress Signal, you will enter the large steel and look for this audio log right next to the Fast Travel Station.

Audio Log 4

While in Cradle, head south of the metal tunnel with the ring quarry where Seth helps you to climb up the rail. Find this audio log behind some crates.

Audio Log 5

While in Shifting Sands, look at your map to locate the large Head buried in the sand. On the right of the head is your audio log.

Audio Log 6

Before entering the Warren Dungeon, you will find this audio log behind the broken bridge near the black crystal shards.

Audio Log 7

Eastern side of Lonely Basin near the Proving Grounds Entrance where you need to use your FL1-R CoreBot to fly across the chasm. Find the audio log next to the entrance.

Audio Log 8

West of Kai’s Crawler, you must hug the rocks on the left to get near the quicksand and grab this Audio log at the cliff walls.

Audio Log 9

While in Shifting sands, use Seth to get to the entrance of the Crucible Dungeon and right next to the door is the log.

Audio Log 10

From the previous location, jump down to the lower section to find this last Violet Audio log.

Julis Rodan – Red Color

Audio Log 1

The First Julis’s audio log is left to the larger gate leading to the Lonely Basin. You need to hug the wall to get inside the alcove with some strewn and grab this log.

Audio Log 2

In the same area(Lonely Basin) where you encounter the Red K-9 CoreBots for the first time, look to the left near the end of the tunnel.

Audio Log 3

Outside Kai’s Crawler.

Audio Log 4

Inside the Foundry Core, while in the Crush Pit room you need to look for this log on the top of the stacked crates.

Audio Log 5

Right of the Lost Crawler which leads you to the previous cave area look the ledge above to grab this audio log.

Audio Log 6

Near the Northwestern side of the zone you will find a small broken bridge and just near the half-buried crates is your audio log.

Audio Log 7

Inside Warren Dungeon, once you get the FL1-R CoreBot head back to the main room near spiked crystals and Gassers. You need to use your Flier bot to find the wall that Duncan can break and find the log.

Audio Log 8

Inside the E-Tower, once you defeat Victor, head up to the Floor 1 and look on your left of the ramp to find this audio log.

Audio Log 9

On Floor 2, look at the ledges to find this audio log behind black crystals.

Audio Log 10

On Floor 5, near the Fast travel station you can find this final Audio log in the top corner.

Natalie Bright – Orange Color

Audio Log 1

Once you enter the Lonely Basin take right to grab this log.

Audio Log 2

Just before entering the Cradle, look for this audio log right next to the Breakable debris.

Audio Log 3

While in the Cradle area, head to Violet’s Fast Traveling station and from there head down to the west ruined structure. Start searching on the north side to find the sunken hunk of metal and grab this log.

Audio Log 4

From the Entrance of the Repository Blitz Dungeon, jump back to the main structure where you find some scaffoldings outside with this audio log on one of the platforms.

Audio Log 5

Inside the Obsidian Run Dungeon, once you unlock the first gate jump on the first floating platform and turn around to get this audio log.

Audio Log 6

Head down inside the Armory Flux Dungeon then take left to go straight to climb the wall and grab this log.

Audio Log 7

Inside the Acid Marsh, get to the final room to get the Prismatic Core. Don’t forget to explore the room to find the spot under the ramp and grab the Audio log.

Audio Log 8

Inside the Coliseum Dungeon, you must beat the are with the large ramp and grab this log as you go down to the right.

Audio Log 9

In the Center of the Shifting Sands, you see the main rock ridge line. Get inside and look on the left of the main corridor to find this audio log.

Audio Log 10

Enter the Giant head in the Shifting Sands to activate the console on the side of the room. The Audio log is located next to the switch on the small pipe, but you need to dodge the lasers first.

If you have found any new location then do share them in the comments below and don’t forget to check our ReCore Wiki Guide to know more about the collectibles, blueprints, Boss Fights, best use of Workbench and much more.