Atlas Controls Guide | Xbox One And PC Keyboard Controls

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If you are facing issue with Atlas game controls then read our following guide that brings all the PC Keyboard and Xbox One Controls details. With the help of this guide, you will be able to learn how to do basic movements in the game, what are the keyboard controls for combat, sailing ship, construct and manage inventory.


Atlas PC Keyboard Controls

Let us start with all the Atlas Game PC Controls (Keyboard).

Movement Controls

  • W – Move Forward
  • A – Move Left
  • S – Move Backward
  • D – Move Right
  • Left Shift – Run
  • Right Shift – Toggle Run
  • Space – Jump
  • C – Crouch
  • X – Prone
  • K – Toggle Orbit Camera
  • Mouse Scroll Up – First Person Mode
  • Mouse Scroll Down – Third Person Mode
  • Hold H – Extended HUD Info
  • Backspace – Toggle HUD
  • I – Inventory
  • E – Use
  • F – Access other’s Inventory
  • 0-9 – Hotbar Slot Items
  • M – Map
  • L – Company Manager
  • ? – Item Menu
  • ‘ – Whistle Menu
  • \ – Toggle Auto-Hide Chatbox
  • Enter – Global Chat
  • Insert – Local Chat
  • / – Crew Chat
  • Home – Alliance Chat

Combat Controls

  • Left Click – Fire from Primary weapon
  • Right Click – Aiming
  • Q – Toggle Fists
  • R – Reload
  • G – Drag Body
  • Left Ctrl – Melee Attack
  • N – Toggle Weapon Attachment

Ship Controls

  • L Shift + A and Left Shift + S – Rotate Sails
  • W / S – Open/Close Sails
  • H3 – Inventory Controls
  • O – Drop Item
  • T – Transfer Stack
  • Shift + T – Transfer Item

Building Controls

  • Left Click – Place Item
  • E – Flip Item
  • Q or Z while placing a object – Snap-Point cycle

Atlas Xbox One Controls

Now, let us take a look at the Atlas Game Xbox One Controls.

Movement Controls

  • Left Stick Up – Move Forward
  • Left Stick Left – Move Left
  • Left Stick Down – Move Backward
  • Left Stick Right – Move Right
  • Press Left Stick – Run
  • Press Left Stick – Toggle Run
  • A – Jump
  • Press Right Stick – Crouch
  • Long Press Right Stick – Prone
  • Hold Back And L to 11 – Toggle Orbit Camera
  • Hold Back And L to 10 – First Person Mode
  • Hold Back And L to 10 – Third Person Mode
  • Hold Back – Extended HUD Info
  • Hold Back And L to 9 – Toggle HUD
  • B – Inventory
  • Y – Use
  • X – Access other’s Inventory
  • UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT/LB+Y/LB+B/LB+A/LB+X – Hotbar Slot Items
  • Back – Map
  • Hold Back – Item Menu
  • Hold B – Whistle Menu
  • In Options – Toggle Auto-Hide Chatbox
  • LB + Back – Global Chat
  • LB + Menu – Local Chat

Combat Controls

  • Right Trigger – Fire from Primary weapon
  • Left Trigger – Aiming
  • LB + Up on D-pad – Toggle Fists
  • X – Reload
  • Y – Drag Body
  • RB – Melee Attack
  • Double Tap X – Toggle Weapon Attachment

Inventory Controls

  • LT – Drop Item
  • Hold A – Transfer Stack
  • Double Tap A – Transfer Item
  • H3 – Building Controls
  • RT or X while an item is green – Place Item
  • Y – Flip Item
  • Press Back while placing an object – Snap-Point cycle

You can also read our guide on How to Control Raft and Boat Direction in Sea to learn about controlling ships in the game and Leveling Guide to upgrade your character fast in Atlas.