Apex Legends Party Leader Quit Bug | How To Fix The Party Leader Quit Issue

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Apex Legends, EA Games and Respawn Games’ new Battle Royale, is not free from errors and bugs. One of these is “Party not ready” that we have already described in another guide and one is “Party Leader Quit” that appears even if the Party Leader has not come out. Let’s find out how to fix this annoying bug.

Apex Legends: How To Fix The Party Leader Quit Error

Apex Legends Party Leader Quit Bug How to Fix

The error may appear unexpectedly at any time both before and during the game. There are two possible solutions:

Apex Legends Party Leader Quit Error Fix # 1 – Error before starting the game

If the error appears before the start of the game, it usually happens because the Party Leader is not at the console or the keyboard. If you are the leader, all you have to do is take back the lead. Otherwise, you will have to go back and look for another match.

Apex Legends Party Leader Quit Error Fix # 2 – Error during the game

If the error appears while you are playing, nothing catastrophic should happen. You can keep playing. If, however, the error message interferes with the game, then the only way to cancel it is to stop playing and start a new game.

As well as the “Party not ready” error, these are network and server problems that hopefully can be solved soon because they are very annoying. In any case, we wish you lots of fun and lots of victories.