Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Apex Legends
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Apex Legends is dynamism, team action, tactics and many shootings. But are we sure that this is “only”? The answer is no. The game of Respawn Entertainment can also reserve some surprises with its Easter Egg, that is, elements that are curious and unrelated to the game or at least its normal rules. Many players have fun finding these extras and we want to help you discover the main ones, discovered in these first weeks of play.

All Easter Eggs in Apex Legends

Apex Legends Easter Egg #1: Lastimosa Armory

Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Various weapons of the game have printed the “Lastimosa Armory” logo. This Lastimosa was a key figure in the Titanfall 2 campaign: he was our captain and left us his control of his Titan. We can see an image of the logo below.

Apex Legends Easter Egg #2: Pathfinder and Bastion

One of Pathfinder’s banners hides a reference to Overwatch. Pathfinder, in fact, extends his arm to support a bird, just like Bastion of Blizzard: unfortunately our legend fails in its intent and is attacked, to the point of falling towards the camera.

Apex Legends Easter Egg #3: Dog Plushie

Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Lead level designer Jason McCord has hidden his dog’s puppet in the Training map. To reach it you have to climb a little, but nothing too complex: just climb up to the top of the structure to the southwest and, as we show in the pictures, jump to a specific point, going up a little, here is the dog Shadie!

Apex Legends Easter Egg #4: Nessie the Dinosaur

Apex Legends All Easter Eggs

Nessie appears regularly in the Respawn works. In this case, you can see one in the training map, to the northwest, on the edge of the area. The real challenge, however, is to find the ten hidden in the Canyon: doing so you will see the “real” Nessie emerge from the sea near the tenth puppet. The problem? You have to find them all, in a single game and in a specific order: until you shoot the first one, the second one does not appear and so on. We have made the guide for you!

This is all you need to know about Apex Legends Easter Eggs. Good research and have fun!