All Valor Surges in Horizon Forbidden West

Every ability that gives you an edge.

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Aloy is armed in Horizon Forbidden West with ultimate abilities called Valor Surges. These abilities, once equipped, allow her to build up a charge of Valor and unleash a powerful attack or ability that will help her level the field in battle. This guide covers all the Valor Surges in Horizon Forbidden West and the levels you can unlock for them.

Warrior Valor Surges and levels

  • Critical Boost: This Valor Surge is powered by a special mode in Aloy’s Focus, granting her a greater chance of landing critical hits and increasing critical damage when those hits land.
    • Level 1: +35% critical hit chance, +10% critical hit damage, +75% critical strike damage.
    • Level 2: +45% critical hit chance, +25% critical hit damage, +100% critical strike damage, +5% weapon technique extra critical chance.
    • Level 3: +55% critical hit chance, +50% critical hit damage, +150% critical strike damage, +15% weapon technique extra critical chance.
  • Melee Might: Aloy attaches a power module to her spear to deal additional damage with melee attacks for a short period of time.
    • Level 1: +100% melee damage.
    • Level 2: +200% melee damage, +50% spear energy buildup.
    • Level 3: +300% melee damage, unlimited spear energy, power attacks knock down your targets.

Trapper Valor Surges and levels

  • Elemental Fury: Aloy’s resolve is bolstered, allowing her to increase the buildup and effects of elemental attacks, gainng a greater resistance to elemental attacks simultaneousy.
    • Level 1: +100% elemental buildup, +50% elemental state duration, +20% elemental damage resistance.
    • Level 2: +150% elemental buildup, +75% elemental state duration, +30% elemental damage resistance.
    • Level 3: +200% elemental buildup, +100% elemental state duration, +40% elemental damage resistance, cause an elemental blast if you trigger an elemental state with a direct hit.
  • Trap Specialist: Increases the effects of traps and tripwires for a short period of time.
    • Level 1: +50% trap and tripwire damage, +25% elemental buildup from traps and tripwires, +25% knockdown power from traps and tripwires.
    • Level 2: +75% trap and tripwire damage, +50% elemental buildup from traps and tripwires, +50% knockdown power from traps and tripwires, +60% trap effect radius.
    • Level 3: +100% trap and tripwire damage, +75% elemental buildup from traps and tripwires, +75% knockdown power from traps and tripwires, +100% trap effect radius, launches a set of hovering mines around you upon activation.

Hunter Valor Surges and levels

  • Ranged Master: Increase Aloy’s damage with ranged weapons for a limited time.
    • Level 1: +30% ranged weapon damage, 5% health recovered per hit.
    • Level 2: +45% ranged weapon damage, 7% health recovered per hit, +20% weapon technique damage, +100% weapon stamina regen.
    • Level 3: +60% ranged weapon damage, 10% health recovered per hit, +40% weapon technique damage, +200% weapon stamina regen, killing a machine with a ranged attack causes a shock explosion.
  • Powershots: Deal additional damage for a specific number of shots with Boltcasters, Bows, Spike Throwers, and Ropecasters.
    • Level 1: 3 Powershots for each Valor Surge, +150% ranged damage.
    • Level 2: 4 Powershots for each Valor Surge, +170% ranged damage, 15% concentration returned per hit.
    • Level 3: 5 Powershots for each Valor Surge, +200% ranged damage, 25% concentration returned per hit, selected ammo is instantly refilled, any Powwrshots you make won’t use up ammo.

Survivor Valor Surges

  • Toughened: Aloy drinks a special potion to restore health and gain some resistance effects.
    • Level 1: 30 health regained every 2 seconds, +15% melee damage resistance.
    • Level 2: 50 health regained every 2 seconds, +25% melee damage resistance, +30% crushed resistance.
    • Level 3: 80 health regained every 2 seconds, +50% melee damage resistance, +50% crushed resistance, +100% blinded resistance, +100% deafened resistance.
  • Overshield: Aloy uses a special armguard based on ancient technolgy to gain a rechargable shield that absorbs damage.
    • Level 1: 125 shield health.
    • Level 2: 250 shield health, 10% of melee damage deflected against your attacker.
    • Level 3: 400 shield health, 20% of melee damage deflected against your attacker, shield explodes when depleted and deals shock damage to your enemy.

Infiltrator Valor Surges

  • Stealth Stalker: Aloy uses a cloaking device based on Stalker technology to decrease her visibility to enemies. The device is temporarily deactivated when aiming or using a melee attack.
    • Level 1: Very high visibility reduction, +50% bonus damage against unaware targets.
    • Level 2: Very high visibility reduction, +100% bonus damage against unaware targets.
    • Level 3: Very high visibility reduction, +200% bonus damage against unaware targets, sealth kills prolong the use of this Valor Surge and restore Valor.
  • Radial Blast: Overcharges Aloy’s spear to deal a huge shockwave that damages all nearby enemies.
    • Level 1: 300 blast damage, 150 shock buildup.
    • Level 2: 600 blast damage, 300 shock buildup, +30% damage radius.
    • Level 3: 1200 blast damage, 600 shock buildup, +60% damage radius, +100% damage against shocked enemies for 15 seconds.

Machine Master Valor Surges

  • Part Breaker: Aloy deals more damage to machine components and weak spots.
    • Level 1: +25% tear vs. components, +25% damage vs. components, +25% damage vs. weak spots.
    • Level 2: +50% tear vs. components, +50% damage vs. components, +50% damage vs. weak spots, 30% chance of valuable scrap dropping per hit.
    • Level 3: +85% tear vs. components, +85% damage vs. components, +85% damage vs. weak spots, 50% chance of valuable scrap dropping per hit, removing a components knocks down the target.
  • Chain Burst: Damage chains between enemies within 15 meters and boosts Aloy’s knockdown power.
    • Level 1: 50% chain damage.
    • Level 2: 75% chain damage, +50% knockdown power.
    • Level 3: 100% chain damage, +100% knockdown power, 50% of damage chains a second time to enemies within 5 meters.