All Badges in NBA 2K22 – Full list

We need some stinkin’ badges.

Image via 2K Sports

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NBA 2K22 is back for another year, and to no one’s surprise, so is MyPlayer and MyCareer. Users can build their own custom player from head to toe, ranging from height, weight, skillset, and even the look of the avatar via a face scan. Badges are also back, and this year will feature a lot returning ones, plus some new badges for 2K22. So, what badges will be in NBA 2K22. Let’s take a look, starting with the finishing badges.


  • Acrobat – Boosts the ability to make layups that have a high degree of difficulty
  • Backdown Punisher – Increases the chances of a player successfully backing down their opponent
  • Dream Shake – Raises the chances that a defender bites when doing fakes in the post
  • Dropstepper – Improves a player’s ability to effectively use dropsteps in the past
  • Fast Twitch – Speeds up ability to get standing layups or dunks off before the defense has time to contest
  • Fearless Finisher – Boosts contact layups and decreases fatigue
  • Giant Slayer – Heightens the effectiveness of layups over taller defenders
  • Grace Under Pressure – Gives a boost to standing shots that happen close to the basket
  • Hook Specialist – Boosts hook shot ability
  • Limitless Takeover – When attacking the basket, players will start their dunk or layup gather from farther out than others
  • Lob City Finisher – Improves the chances of completing a successful alley-oop dunk/layup
  • Mouse in the House – Higher chance of successfully finishing when attacking a smaller defender
  • Post Spin Technician – Improves the ability of a post spin or drive to work effectively
  • Posterizer – Improves the likelihood of posterizing your opponent
  • Pro Touch – Gives an additional boost for having good layup timing or aiming
  • Putback Boss – Increases shot percentage when attempting a putback after an offensive rebound
  • Rise Up – Increases the likelihood of dunking the ball when standing in the painted area
  • Slithery Finisher – Improves a player’s ability to avoid contract when attacking the rim
  • Tear Dropper – Improves a player’s ability to avoid contact when attacking the rim
  • Unstrippable – Chances of being stripped when attacking the basket are reduced


  • Blinders – Less affected by peripheral defenders when shooting jumpers
  • Catch & Shoot – Boosts the chance of hitting a three pointer immediately after a catch
  • Chef – Gives a boost to the range that a player can effectively shoot off-the-dribble three point attempts
  • Circus Threes – Improved ability to hit pull-up and stepback 3’s
  • Clutch Shooter – Increases the ability to knock down shots in clutch moments
  • Corner Specialist – Gives a boost to shots taken in the corner
  • Deadeye – Jump shots taken with a defender closing out receive less of a penalty from a shot contest
  • Difficult Shots – Improves the ability to shoot difficult shots off the dribble from mid-range
  • Fade Ace – Improves ability to shoot post fades
  • Green Machine – Increases the bonus given for consecutive excellent releases
  • Hot Zone Hunter – Boosts the shot percentage for attempts taken in a player’s favorite spots
  • Limitless Spot-Up – Gives a boost to the range that a player can effectively shoot standing three point shots
  • Lucky #7 – Gives a boost to mid-range or three point attempts within the first seven seconds of a preseason
  • Mismatch Expert – Will have more success shooting over a taller defender after forcing a switch
  • Rhythm Shooter – Boosts shot %’s out of size-ups as well as 1-step pull-ups
  • Set Shooter – Shooting ability gets better the longer you set and wait before pulling
  • Slippery Off-Ball – Strengthens the player’s ability to get open off the ball
  • Sniper – Boosts the ability to hit shots when using Pro Stick aiming
  • Stop & Pop – Boosts shot rating on stand-still three pointers after dribbling
  • Volume Shooter – Boosts shot percentages as shot attempts accrue throughout the game


  • Ankle Breaker – Improves the likelihood of freezing or dropping a defender during dribble moves
  • Bail Out – Increases the chances of successfully completing a pass from mid-air
  • Break Starter – Improves a player’s ability to make effective outlet passes after grabbing a rebound
  • Bullet Passer – Improves a player’s ability to quickly pass the ball
  • Dimer – Boosts the shot percentage for open teammates on jump shots after catching a pass
  • Downhill – Gives a bonus to a player’s Speed with Ball attribute in fastbreak situation
  • Floor General – Teammates receive an offensive attribute bonus when player is in the game
  • Glue Hands – Reduces chances of errant pass and improves ability to both catch tough passes and quickly make the next move
  • Handles for Days – Reduces the amount of energy lost when performing dribble moves
  • Hyperdrive – Increases the speed at which a player can perform moving dribble moves as they attack down the court
  • Needle Threader – Increases the likelihood that though passes can get by the defense
  • Post Playmaker – Receivers given a shot boost when passing out of the post
  • Quick Chain – Put together a series of moves while sizing up the opponent
  • Quick First Step – Ball handles have access to quicker and more effective launches when driving out of triple threat or after size up
  • Space Creator – Improves a player’s ability to create space from a defender
  • Special Delivery – Boosts takeover progress for the passer and receiver off a flashy pass assist
  • Stop & Go – Improves a player’s ability to start and stop with the ball
  • Triple Threat Juke – Speeds up triple threat moves when trying to blow by the defender
  • Unpluckable – Reduces the chances of getting stripped by the defender


  • Ankle Braces – Reduces the chances of getting crossed over
  • Ball Stripper – Helps increase chance of a steal when attempting to strip a layup or dunk near basket
  • Box – Strengthens ability to effectively box out opponents in anticipation of a rebound
  • Brick Wall – Increases effectiveness of screens and drains energy from opponents on physical contact
  • Chase Down Artist – Boosts speed and leaping ability of player when chasing down offensive player in anticipation of block attempt
  • Clamps – Boosts the ability to stay in front of the ball handler on the perimeter
  • Clutch Defender – Boosts your defensive ratings in clutch moments
  • Defensive Leader – Boosts the defensive abilities of teammates when in the game
  • Hustler – Improves ability to beat opponent to loose balls
  • Interceptor – Increases chances of getting steals in passing lanes
  • Intimidator – Offensive players have less success shooting when contested by players with badge
  • Menace –While guarding and staying in front of opponent, their attributes will drop if good defense is being played
  • Off-Ball Pest – Improves a player’s ability to bump and harass the offense off the ball
  • Pick Dodger – Improves a player’s ability to navigate through screens effectively on defense
  • Pick Pocket – Improves a player’s ability to steal the ball from a ball handler
  • Pogo Stick – Allows players to quickly recover and go back up for another jump upon landing
  • Post Lockdown – Improves the defender’s ability to defend post moves and backdowns
  • Rebound Chaser – Improves ability to track down rebounds from farther distances than normal
  • Rim Protector – Reduces chances of getting dunked on and unlocks special block animations
  • Tireless Defender – Reduces energy lost when exerting effort on defense
  • Worm – Rebounders have more success swimming around and getting into successful rebound position