How to get all badges in Desperados III

Get ready to pin more than 50 badges to your lapel.

desperados 3 screenshot via THQ Nordic (1)

Image via THQ Nordic

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Half the fun of Desperados III is finding creative ways to crawl around the West and kill your foes. It’s a great challenge on its own, but there are also badges you can earn for completing specific goals within a mission. Unfortunately, the game only reveals what these badges are after you’ve completed the mission, so we’ve rounded up what you’ll need to do for each badge in each mission that has badges.

Mission 2

  • Save all groups of civilians.
  • Kill three bandits at the same time.
  • Kill 10 bandits using dynamite.
  • Distract three bandits at the same time using Cooper’s coin.
  • Don’t save during the mission.
  • Don’t use firearms.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 5:30 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 3

  • Make the deaths of four targets look like accidents.
  • Don’t kill or knock out anyone in the train track area.
  • Don’t touch any bushes or haystacks.
  • Bury Josh
  • Listen in on 10 private conversations.
  • Kill three mission targets at the same time.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 7:00 minutes.

Mission 4

  • Don’t use a disguise.
  • Take a photo of the dead groom.
  • With Cooper, enter the building through the main balcony door.
  • Don’t use the Gatling gun.
  • Kill 15 guards with the Gatling gun.
  • Kill everyone except for civilians.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 15:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 5

  • Kill all Long Coats.
  • Finish the mission without using a torch.
  • Don’t save during the mission.
  • Win the best with Hector.
  • Win the bet with McCoy.
  • Burn 15 guards in oil puddles.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 17:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 6

  • Get the dynamite from the quarry.
  • Get the dynamite from the shooting range.
  • Don’t use firearms.
  • Kill three guards with rolling logs.
  • Kill three guards at the same time in a quarry explosion.
  • Kill five guards when destroying the bridge.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 13:20 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 8

  • Return the money to the bank.
  • Free Doc before waking up the others.
  • Don’t use a disguise.
  • Kill 6 guards.
  • Don’t use the bank’s backdoor.
  • Make a guard follow your footprints for 50 meters.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 22:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 9

  • Don’t touch water.
  • Free Kate or Hector first.
  • Don’t use Isabelle’s connect ability.
  • Don’t save during the mission.
  • Kill five guards at the same time.
  • Kill three guards with an environmental kill.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 17:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 10

  • Don’t kill any suspects.
  • Kill all suspects.
  • Don’t jump, and don’t use any ladders, ropes, or ivies.
  • Kill three guards using dogs.
  • Don’t kill anyone.
  • Gather the code names and locations for all possible suspects.
  • Complete the mission in under 15:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 11

  • Don’t step on loud surfaces.
  • Kill everyone except for civilians.
  • No knockouts or melee kills except for Isabelle’s
  • Don’t snipe anyone with McCoy.
  • Open all cages.
  • Hide all bodies in bushes, wells, houses, etc.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in uner 15:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 12

  • Choose the path on the left.
  • Choose the the path on the right.
  • Don’t use a disguise.
  • Don’t use any of Cooper’s skills.
  • Kill all Long Coats.
  • Kill three guards using the steamer wheel.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 22:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 13

  • Traverse the mine on the left side.
  • Traverse the mine on the right side.
  • Don’t pick up dynamite.
  • Kill 20 people with dynamite.
  • Don’t use Isabelle’s connect ability.
  • Only pick up McCoy’s gear.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 15:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 14

  • Use the wagon to block the train attacks.
  • Kill 5 guards with the train.
  • Use the cattle to block the train attacks.
  • Don’t kill anyone (except for mission targets).
  • Finish the mission without dropping Isabelle.
  • Finishing the mission without crossing the train tracks.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 17:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 15

  • Don’t touch any bushes or haystacks.
  • Don’t use both distractions.
  • Don’t use any of Kate’s or Cooper’s skills.
  • Don’t be seen by anyone.
  • Use mind control on Devitt.
  • Kill two guards with a statue.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 22:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.

Mission 16

  • Don’t switch sides with any character.
  • reach the chapel via the left entrance.
  • reach the chapel via the right entrance.
  • Don’t kill anyone (except mission targets).
  • Kill six guards with falling rocks.
  • Don’t use a disguise.
  • Speedrun: Complete the mission in under 15:00 minutes.
  • Complete the mission on Hard difficulty.