All 5e Races in Dungeons & Dragons

Check out what your character could be.

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Dungeons & Dragons has gone through a lot of different versions and updates over the years. The current edition of D&D, its fifth, has a good amount of systems and things to keep track of.

Take the races, for instance — there are a ton of different races for your characters and the ones that you encounter to belong to. If you want to know what each race is, along with their official description, then read on.

Base races


  • The Dragonborn are a proud race who stick to extremes. This means that they are rarely ever a “gray” character, either committing to full good or full evil.
  • They come with a +2 to your Strength score and a +1 to your Charisma score. They are taller than humans and have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Each Dragonborn is descended from a specific type of dragon. When creating the character, you will choose which dragon you come from, and this will help determine the damage and area of your Breath Weapon, along with what type of resistance you’ll have.
  • You can also read, speak, and write both Common and Draconic.


  • Tending towards good, Dwarfs believe in the benefits of an organized society and possess a strong sense of fair play.
  • Playing a Dwarf will give your Constitution score a +2.
  • Dwarfs stand between four and five feet tall with a base walking speed of 25 feet. Your speed won’t be reduced by wearing heavy armor either.
  • Due to your background, Dwarfs have superior better vision in the dark, seeing things in Dim Light as if they were in Bright Light and things in Darkness as if they were in Dim Light. You can’t see color in Darkness, though — just shades of gray.
    You are resistant to poison while having an advantage on saving throws against poison.
  • As a Dwarf, you are proficient in handaxe, battleaxe, light hammer, warhammer, smith’s tools, brewer supplies, and mason’s tools.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish.


  • Creating an Elf character will grant you a +2 to your Dexterity score.
  • For the most part, Elves are peaceful creatures who prefer the good side of Alignment, with the exception being the Drow.
  • These Elves have spent a long time in the Underdark, in exile, and so they have become dangerous and bitter creatures.
  • Elves are of a Medium build and come with a base walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Just like a Dwarf, an Elf has Darkvision, which gives them better sight while in low-light conditions. And like the Dwarf, you cannot see colors in these conditions.
  • You have an advantage in saving throws against being Charmed and also cannot be put to sleep by magic. Instead of sleeping, an Elf will meditate for four hours a day, from which they will get the same benefits that a Human would get from sleeping for eight hours.
  • As an Elf, you can speak, read, and write Common and Elven.


  • Creating a Gnome character will give you a +3 to your base Intelligence.

-While tending to lean towards being Good, a Gnome can also lean towards the more Chaotic alignment. Even the most Chaotic of the Gnomes won’t be truly evil, though, due to the race’s light-hearted nature.

  • You will come with a base walking speed of 25 feet.
  • You also possess Darkvision and won’t be able to make out colors while in low-light conditions.
  • Your cunning allows you to have an advantage in Intelligence, Charisma, and Wisdom against Mages.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Gnomish.


  • The Half-Elf will give you a +2 boost to Charisma, as well as +1 to another two options of your choice.
  • A Half-Elf can be good or evil, as they resent any kind of authority over themselves, and even avoid authority over others.
  • They come with a base walking speed of 30 feet.
  • They come with Darkvision, which gives them an advantage in poorly-lit areas.
  • As a Half-Elf, you won’t be able to be put to sleep by magic and have an advantage on saving throws against Charmed.
  • You can choose one of a specific list of traits when creating your character.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common, Elven, and one language of your choice.


  • Get an immediate +2 boost to your Dexterity stat.
  • Halflings are lawfully good, and hate to see others in pain. Though they are stuck in a traditional state of mind, they are still kind creatures.
  • They are a smaller race and come with a base walking speed of 25 feet.
  • When rolling for attack, ability check, or saving throw, a 1 will let you reroll the dice. You have to use the new result.
  • You have an advantage against frightened on saving throws and can move through the spaces of any creatures that are larger than you.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Halfling languages.


  • As a Half-Orc, you will get a +2 boost to Strength and +1 to Constitution.
  • Due to their Orc ancestry, Half-Orcs tend to lean towards being Chaotic and rarely go for Good.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet and they come with Darkvision due to their Orc blood.
  • As an Orc, you are given a proficiency in the Intimidation skill which can be helpful in fending off attackers.
  • You also are able to reset to 1 hit point if you are reduced to zero without dying outright.
  • You are also a fierce combatant, being able to roll another dice to add damage when you land a critical hit with a melee weapon.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Orc.


  • As a more balanced Race, Humans do not lean towards any specific alignment, nor do they come with an initial stat boost. While this may sound dull, it does present a much more open opportunity for character creation and development.
  • Humans have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common, plus another language that you can choose.


  • A Tiefling will give you a +2 bump to your Charisma score.
  • The Tiefling are an independent Race, and as a result, easily end up being of the Chaotic alignment, though it is not a guarantee.
  • Your base walking speed is 30 feet and you come with Darkvision, thanks to your infernal ancestry.
  • You are resistant to fire.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Infernal.

Eberron Races


  • As a Changeling, you will get a +2 boost to your Charisma score, while also being able to add +1 to any score of your choosing.
  • A very neutral race, a Changeling is ever rarely evil.
    Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • You possess the Shapchanger ability, which allows you to alter your appearance and voice. You can determine how specific your changes are while making sure your height or weight change does not cause any changes to your size. You remain in this changed form until you perform an action to revert back or your character dies.
  • You can read, write, and speak Common and two other languages of your choice.


  • The knowledge of the Kalahtar is reflected in this race receiving +2 to its Wisdom score, as well as +1 to Charisma.
  • Due to their nobility, Kalashtar are often good, lawful creatures, with very few rebelling against their ideology.
  • They come with a base walking speed of 30 feet.
    Resistant to psychic damage, the Kalashtar have an advantage on Wisdom saving throws.
  • While susceptible to any spells or abilities that cause you to sleep, you are immune to anything that will cause you to dream since the Kalashtar do not dream as other races do.
  • You can telepathically communicate with any creature that you can see, within a specific range, regardless of you knowing their language or not.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common, Quori, and one other language of your choosing.


  • These humanoid, beastial creatures tend to be neutral, focusing more on their own survival than a specific side.

-They come with a base walking speed of 30 feet and Darkvision to see in low-light environments.

  • You can Shift as an action, which will have you take on a more beastial form for one minute, you revert back as a bonus action, or you die. In this form, you get temporary Hit Points that are equal to your level plus your Constitution modifier.
  • You can choose a subrace that will determine different qualities of your character.


  • As a Warforged, you are granted a +2 to your Constitution and +1 to an ability of your choice.
  • Warforged lean heavily towards law and neutrality, but some move against that and lean a little more chaotic.
  • Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Warforged are incredibly resilient, being heavily resistant to poison, immune to disease, not needing to eat, drink or breathe, and not needing to sleep nor able to be put to sleep.
  • You are also full of natural defenses in your body that can be improved upon with armor.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Elemental Evil’s Races


  • These winged humanoids come with +2 Dexterity and +1 to Wisdom.
  • The Aarakocra are always good creatrues, though they can range between lawful and chaotic.
  • They come with a base walking speed of 25 feet, but can also fly at a speed of 50 feet, though you can’t be wearing medium or heavy armor.
  • You can deal excellent damage with unarmed attacks thanks to your sharp talons.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common, Aarakocra, and Auran languages.


  • Genasi come with a +2 boost to Constitution
  • Being a very independent race, the Genasi tend to be neutral.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Genasi come with distinct sub-races that are based on the different elements: fire, water, earth, and air. Each one comes with different abilities and characteristics.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Primordial languages.


  • Goliaths will give you a +2 bump in Strength and +1 to Constitution.
  • The Goliath race is all about fairness and upholding the law, making them a lawful race. They pride themselves on their self-accountability which creates a sense of neutrality.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • When taking damage, you can use your Stone’s Endurance ability to reduce the damage received. It can only be used once until you rest again.
  • Your carrying capacity and weight you can drag/push/pull is determined by counting yourself as one size larger.
  • You’re acclimated to high elevations and cold climates.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Giant.

Guildmater’s Guide races


  • The Centaurs have a +2 boost to Strength and a +1 to Wisdom.
  • The Centaur are a free race, often choosing to roam the wilderness and plains, which lends itself to neutrality. But they occasionally join the Selesnaya (good) or Gruul (bad).
  • A Centaur’s base walking speed is 40 feet.
  • Your Charge ability allows you to, if you move at least 30 feet right at an enemy and hit them with a melee attack on the same turn, you can hit them again with a bonus action.
  • You can use your hooves as an unarmed attack against your enemies.
  • While you count as one size larger in terms of carrying capacity, your horse-body makes it so that climbing is much more difficult, requiring 4 extra feet.
  • You have proficiency in Survival, Medicine, Animal Handling, or Nature.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.


  • These humanoid elephants bring a +2 to Constitution and a +1 to Wisdom.
  • The Loxodons are peaceful creatures, believing in living an ordered life. Naturally, they lean towards neutral, lawful, and good. When provoked, however, they are fearsome beasts to behold.
  • Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • You count as one size larger when determining carrying capacity.
  • You have an advantage against being frightened or charmed.
  • Your thick skin gives you a boost in armor when not wearing any. If not wearing armor, your AC is 12 plus your Constitution score.
  • Your trunk can be used to grasp items and can even be used as a snorkel for underwater areas, with a length of 5 feet.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Loxodon.


  • The powerful Minotaur have a +2 in Strength and +1 in Constitution.
  • Depending on who they align with, the Minotaur can be lawful or chaotic.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Minotaurs can wield their fearsome horns as unarmed melee attacks. You can use these for your Goring Strike as well, after using a Dash action of at least 20 feet. Or you can use them to shove an enemy immediately after a melee attack.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Minotaur.

Simic Hybrid

  • A creature made up of different life-forms, fused together by magic, the Simic Hybrid gets a +2 to Constitution and +1 to an ability of your choice.
  • For the most part, these creatures are neutral, choosing to focus on scientific research and their own guild. However, some can leave the guild to join other guilds and alignments.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Simic Hybrids have Darkvision to help them see better in low-light conditions.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and your choice of Elvish or Vedalken.


  • A race dedicated to progression and improvement, the Vedalken are highly knowledgeable, with a +2 in Intelligence and +1 in Wisdom.
  • Vedalken tend to be lawful creatures and not evil.
  • They have a base walking speed of 30 feet.
  • Vedalken can absorb oxygen through their skin which grants them the ability to breathe underwater for up to an hour. You can’t use this ability until you finish a long rest.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common, Vedalken, and another language of your choice.

Plane Shifts races


  • A spontaneously-created creature, the Aetherborn has a +2 to Charisma and +1 to an ability of your choice.
  • The Aetherborn are dedicated to themselves and furthering their own wealth and status. This means, at best, they are neutral and evil at their worst.
  • Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • The Aetherborn use their Darkvision to see better in low-light conditions.
  • Their otherworldy nature manes that they are proficient in Intimidation and are resistant to necrotic damage.
  • An Aetherborn can develop an intense hunger for life essence, a hunger that can be debilitating if not indulged and satisfied. It is up to the DM and the player if an Aetherborn pursues acquiring this ability.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and two extra languages of your choice.


  • This bird-human hybrid race will give you a +2 to your Dexterity.
  • The Aven are a neutral race, with some being of a lawful neutral.
  • Your base walking speed is 25 feet, but Aven also come with a base flying speed of 30 feet. You just can’t fly while wearing medium or heavy armor.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Aven.


  • These tall, powerful creatures come with +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Strength.
  • While not being involved in any conflicts between good and evil, the Khenra are a chaotic race.
  • Their base walking speed is 35 feet.
  • Almost every Khenra is born with a twin, either fraternal or identical. If your twin is alive and within seeing distance, you can reroll the dice whenever you roll a 1. If your twin is dead, then you are impervious to being frightened.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Khenra.


  • The Kor are a nomadic race, coming with a +2 boost to your Dexterity and +1 to Wisdom.
  • They possess a strong respect for the land and the sanctity of it, therefore they are a lawful good race. They care immensely about their community and traditions.
  • They come with a basic walking speed of 30 feet, though they are also apt climbers, with a climbing speed of 30 feet as long as you aren’t encumbered or wearing heavy armor.
  • You are quite Lucky, and when you roll a 1 on a d20, you can reroll for a better result.
  • Kor are incredibly brave and have the advantage when rolling against being Frightened.
  • You can speak, read, and write aCommon, and also are fluent in the silent language of the Kor.


  • These amphibians are most at home when in water, and come with a +1 to Charisma.
  • Their connection to nature makes them a neutral race, choosing to not get involved with any conflicts.
  • Merfolk, obviously, can walk and swim at a base speed of 30 feet. This also means you can breathe air and water.
  • You can choose a subrace of Merfolk when creating a character. The green Merfollk prefer the land while the blue are more inclined to the water.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common, Merfolk, and another language of your choice.


  • The snake-like Naga are a wise, intelligent race that comes with +2 to Constitution and +1 to Intelligence.
  • The Naga tend to be either neutral or neutral evil in terms of their alignment.
  • Their base walking speed, or slithering speed, I guess, is 30 feet.
  • You come with a Speed Burst ability, which allows you to lower your torso and use your arms to propel yourself faster. As a bonus action, and if both of your arms are free, you can travel 5 feet further until your turn ends.
  • The Naga can utilize their fangs and powerful body to use unarmed strikes and attacks.
  • Due to their own venom, the Naga cannot be poisoned and are immune to poison damage.
  • You can read, write, and speak Common and Naga.


  • These seafaring creatures have a +2 boost to Charisma.
  • They have no preference or loyalty to any other race or people, making them a chaotically-aligned race.
  • Their base walking speed is 25 feet, but their wings give them the ability to fly with a speed of 30 feet. However, you cannot fly while wearing medium or heavy armor.
  • Your Siren’s Song can cast the friends cantrip without needing any material components.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Siren.


There are two types of Vampires that you can choose to be: the Ixalan Vampire or the Zendikar Vampire.

The Ixalan have the following traits:

  • A +2 to Charisma and +1 to Wisdom.
  • They are lawful race, and while not being predisposed towards evil, it is likely that they will end up there.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • The Ixalan come with Darkvision to see in the dark.
  • They are resistant to necrotic damage.
  • The Ixalan come with the Blood Thirst ability to drain life energy and blood from any willing creature, or one that is grappled by you. This feeding will also give you a +10 speed boost and gain advantages in Strength and Dexterity.
  • They read, write, and speak Common and Vampire.

The Zendikar Vampires have the same traits as the Ixalan with a few exceptions:

  • +1 to Intelligence and +2 to Charisma.

Volo’s Guide races


  • Born with celestial powers, the Aasimar have a +2 boost in Charisma.
  • Aasimar are often good, due to their celestial background. However, any Aasiamr that are outcasts will become neutral or evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They come with Darkvision.
  • Their celestial heritage means that they are resistant to necrotic and radiant damage.
  • Your touch is healing and can give any creature to give them a number of hit points.
  • You possess the Light cantrip that can be cast by your Charisma.
  • You read, speak, and write Common and Celestial.


  • The Bugbear are a nocturnal race and come with no boosts to their stats.
  • Due to their having to survive in the wild, providing for themselves, this race is chaotic evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They have Darkvision so that they can operate better at night.
  • Your reach is 5 feet longer than normal when melee attacking, thanks to your long limbs.
  • The Bugbear are built incredibly powerful, meaning they count as one size larger when determining their carrying capacity.
  • If you are able to sneak attack another creature, then you can deal an extra 2d6 damage.
  • They can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.


  • These half-giants descended from the Fae have a +2 bump for their Wisdom stat and +1 for Strength.
  • The Firbolg are in tune with nature and the ways of the world, making them usually neutral good. However, there are the rare cases of an evil Firbolg.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Using your Wisdom, you can cast Detect Magic and Disguise Self.
  • As a bonus action, you can use your Hidden Step ability to turn invisible until the start of your next turn.
  • You count as one size larger than normal in determining your carrying capacity.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common, Elvish, and Giant, while also being able to communicate with beasts and plants, in a limited manner. They can understand you but you are not able to understand them.


  • The Goblins come with a +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Constitution.
  • Goblins are a selfish race of creatures, and are therefore usually neutral evil. Some may be good but these are the exceptions.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • Goblins have Darkvision to see in low-lit environments.
  • You can deal extra damage to enemies that are larger than you, which can be often given your small size.
  • You can use a bonus aciton to Disengage or Hide.
  • You can speak, read, and write Common and Goblin.


  • These brave, war-bent creatures will give you a Constitution increase of +2 and +1 Intelligence.
  • While they are dedicated rules, they are unforgiving and relentless in their upholding of those laws, which makes them lean towards evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They possess Darkvision for poorly lit areas.
  • Because they are so obsessed with maintaining their powerful, intimidating image, if you miss an attack roll or fail an ability check, you gain a bonus to the roll equal to the number of allies within 30 feet of you.
  • You can read, speak, and write Common and Goblin.


  • These wingless humanoid birds come with a Dexterity boost of +2 and a bump of +1 to Wisdom.
  • After being robbed of their wings for a crime long ago, the Kenku are sinister, bitter fiends, making them chaotic, though neutral.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They are experts at duplicating the handwriting and work of others, as well as being able to mimic any sound they hear.
  • They can read, speak, and write Common and Auran, though they can only be spoken using the Mimicry ability.


  • The small, reptilian Kobold have a +2 in Dexterity, but a -2 in Strength.
  • These creatures are selfish and value themselves over others, which makes them inclined towards evil. However, they do rely on groups and community to get their work done, so they abide by laws.
  • The Kobold base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • The Kobold can see easier in the dark thanks to Darkvision.
  • Using your small stature, you can appear weak during your turn to distract enemies to you. Your allies will also get a bonus advantage on attack rolls until the end of your next turn.
  • When an ally is within 5 feet of you, you have an advantage in your attack roll.
  • You are at a disadvantage when you, your target, or anything you are trying to perceive is in direct sunlight.
  • They can read, speak, and write Common and Draconic.


  • The Lizardfolk come with +2 to Constitution and +1 to Wisdom.
  • They see the world as balanced, believing that all the processes work together in harmony. Therefore, they are neutral.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet, which is the same for their swimming speed.
  • They can use their fangs to attack an enemy, as well as use the pieces of a slain enemy to craft specific items during their short rest.
  • You can hold your breath for up to 15 minutes.
  • Thanks to their tough scales, Lizardfolk have a +13 AC boost to their Dexterity stat when not wearing armor.
  • They can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.


  • As is the case with the classic interpretations of Orcs, this race is strong, powerful, but slow. To reflect this, you get a +2 to Strength, +1 to Constitution, but a -2 to Intelligence.
  • They are staunch opponents to civilized society, always looking to take down more advanced groups to get what they believe is theirs, meaning they are chaotic evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet and they possess Darkvision.
  • They are highly intimidating and can move up to their speed toward any enemy they see or hear with their Aggressive ability.
  • They are incredibly powerful so they count as one size larger when determining carrying capacity.
  • Orcs can read, write, and speak Common and Orc.


  • These cat-like humanoids come with +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Charisma.
  • Guided by impulse and irrational decisions, the Tabaxi are chaotic, though they are almost never evil. Some, however, have been compelled by darkness.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet and they have Darkvision.
  • Their feline heritage means that the Tabaxi are capable of moving with bursts of speed. When moving on your turn, you can double your speed until the turn ends.
  • The Tabaxis’ claws mean they can climb at a speed of 20 feet, and they can also be used as weapons.
  • Tabaxi can read, speak, and write Common and one other language of your choice.


  • The Triton come from the deep depths of the ocean, as well as coming with a +1 to Strength, Charisma, and Constitution.
  • They are lawfully good creatures, serving as the guardians and protectors of the darkest parts of the ocean.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet, as is their swimming speed.
  • Their Amphibious nature means they can breathe air and water.
  • The Triton are able to call upon the elemental magic of both air and water to cast a myriad of abilities.
  • Any creatures that inhabit water are kind to you and you can communicate with simple thoughts to them.
  • Since they come from the deepest, darkest parts of the sea, the Triton are resistant to cold damage.
  • They can read, speak, and write Common and Primordial.

Yuan-ti Pureblood

  • These serpent-like, ancient beings come with a Charisma boost of +2 and +1 to Intelligence.
  • The Pureblood are emotionless, not caring for any other creature around them. This makes them neutral evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet and they come with Darkvision.
  • They come with an array of spells they can cast, such as the Poison Spray cantrip and Animal Friendship. Their innate spellcasting ability is also why they are resistant to magic and even poison.
  • They can read, write, and speak Common, Abyssal, and Draconic.

Other races


The Gith are split up into two cultures that hate each other: the Githyanki and Githzerai.

For the Githranki, the stats are as follows:

  • Their Strength gets a +2 and their Intelligence gets a +1.
  • They are aggressive creatures and trend towards lawful evil.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They are proficient with light and medium armor, as well as shortswords, longswords, and greatswords.
  • They can read, write, and speak Common, Gith, and another language of their choice.

For the Githzerai:

  • Wisdom gets a +2 and +1 to Intelligence.
  • These Gith align with lawful neutral thanks to their rigid training in psychic abilities.
  • They can read, speak, and write Common and Gith.


  • These fish-folk have endured a lot over their history, which is a part of why their Strength gets +2 and their Dexterity gets +1.
  • The culture of the Locathah is one that prioritizes compassion, making them lean towards neutral good.
  • Their base walking, and swimming, speed is 30 feet
  • Their skin is tough and scaly, which means that, when not wearing armor, they get AC +12 to their Dexterity modifier.
  • The Locathah can breathe in air and water, but need to be submerged every 4 hours to avoid suffocation.
  • You have an advantage against being charmed, frightened, paralyzed, poisoned, stunned, or put to sleep.
  • They can read, write, and speak Common and Aquan.


  • These tough, old creatures come with a +2 to Strength and a +1 to Wisdom.
  • The Tortles are orderley, sticking to traditions and codes, making many of them lawful good. There are exceptions that lean towards evil due to greed.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • They can use their sharp claws as natural weapons in unarmed attacks.
  • They are capable of holding their breath for up to one hour, though they aren’t really swimmers.
  • Their shells and thick skin give them a boost in armor. Due to the shape of their body, as well, they aren’t capable of wearing most kinds of armor.
  • The Tortle can read, speak, and write Common and Aquan.


  • The Verdan are traveled, adventurous creatures that come with a +2 to Charisma and +1 to Constitution.
  • For the most part, the Verdan are good, but because they do not share of communal history or racial identity, some of them can stray away from an ethical framework.
  • Their base walking speed is 30 feet.
  • You are able to speak telepathically with any creature within 30 feet of you and you don’t need to share a language with it. However, it does need to know at least one language.
  • If you roll a 1 or 2 on a Hit Die at the end of a Short Rest, you can reroll the die and use the new result.
  • Thanks to your high Charisma and empathetic nature, you can easily persuade others.
  • The Verdan can read, speak, and write Common, Goblin, and another language of your choice. The language is usually related to the cultures or areas that have been around you.