5 Letter Words with U & N as Third and Fourth Letters – Wordle Game Help

Here is a list of common words with U as the 3rd letter & N as the 4th letter.

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Having trouble with today’s Wordle? With only six tries to guess the right five-letter word, it can be difficult to come up with different words when you only have a few hints.

Today’s hints are that the third letter is a U, while the fourth letter is an N.

There are many words that could fit those descriptions, here is a list of common words where the third letter is a U, and the fourth letter is an N:

  • Blunt
  • Bound
  • Brunt
  • Chunk
  • Count
  • Clung
  • Clunk
  • Daunt
  • Drunk
  • Fauna
  • Fauns
  • Found
  • Fount
  • Flung
  • Flunk
  • Gaunt
  • Grunt
  • Haunt
  • Hound
  • Jaunt
  • Mound
  • Mount
  • Nouns
  • Plunk
  • Pound
  • Prune
  • Round
  • Sauna
  • Skunk
  • Slung
  • Slunk
  • Sound
  • Spunk
  • Stung
  • Stunk
  • Shuns
  • Shunt
  • Stuns
  • Stunt
  • Swung
  • Taunt
  • Thunk
  • Trunk
  • Vaunt
  • Wound
  • Wrung
  • Young

Here are some tips to make the most of this list:

  1. Try to use words with unique letters instead of words with multiples of the same letter (i.e. “Haunt” is a better choice compared to “Stunt” because “Haunt” can give you more insight into possible clues.)
  2. Jump around the list to try new combinations and don’t limit yourself to going down the list alphabetically (instead of going through “Slunk,” “Sound,” and “Spunk,” jump around and go “Flung,” “Chunk,” and “Wound” to open up clues faster.)
  3. It’s okay to use words that don’t use all the clues you have uncovered if you are trying to find the missing letter (i.e. you might find “Stung” has a lot of clues, but you may need to use a word such as “Flung” to uncover the remaining letters you need, even though it doesn’t include all of the letters).
  4. If a letter is in the wrong place, think about the clues you have uncovered and what words could make sense if all of the clues still hold true. If “Fauns” has the correct letter in the wrong place, you want to think about which words would still be possible even if you found the right position but also follow the “__UN_” hints as before.
  5. Even if you get nothing but the right letters in the wrong spots, re-positioning them every time will help you to uncover their right position, as well as think about which words would fit the hints and criteria.

With these tips, you are closer to solving today’s Wordle without much of an issue!