Destiny 2 – How The Prismatic Matrix and Prismatic Facets Work

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Destiny 2’s Season 3, that started with the launch of the Warmind DLC, brings something new to Eververse. The Prismatic Matrix is a new way to get rewards from the, somewhat controversial, Eververse shop. You’ll also need to know about Prismatic Facets, so we will cover that as well.

Prismatic Facets

Each week, 10 different items from Eververse will be in the Prismatic Matrix. After the weekly reset, when a player levels up for the first time with the Well-Rested buff, they will be rewarded with a Prismatic Facet. It should be noted, this will only happen after a player has reached the new level cap of thirty. Players can then use their Prismatic Facets with the Prismatic Matrix in the Eververse shop. When they do, they will receive one of the ten available rewards. This reward will be chosen at random.

Prismatic Matrix
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The Prismatic Matrix will automatically remove the possibility of duplicate rewards, you will be unable to “win” any of the items that you already own. This means, as Season 3 goes on, it should become easier and easier to collect the items that you want. Should you already own all ten of the available items, you will be unable to use the Prismatic Facets that week.

You do not have to use your Prismatic Facets each week, you can hold up to three of them on your account. Should you wish too, you can also purchase new Prismatic Facets from the store, for 200 Silver. Bright Engrams will work as normal in the store, but will not drop a Prismatic Facet. You will also still be able to buy the items that you like for Bright Dust, so nothing has changed on that front.

Prismatic Facets
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That is it for the Prismatic Matrix guide, Guardian. It is a reasonably simple system, the Bungie hopes will help players to feel more rewarded over time. If you need help with other aspects of Destiny 2, be sure to check out our Guide Hub.