Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats

Get the upper hand with all the Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats.

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The open-world of Red Dead Redemption 2 is full of absolute insanity, and you can increase that even more with some cheat codes. Yes, you can completely alter the game in certain — and fun — ways with cheat codes that can do things from giving you some more money to never having to worry about running out of ammo.

How to enter Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats on PS4 and Xbox One

  1. Pause the game
  2. Head to Settings
  3. Press Y (Xbox One), Triangle (PlayStation 4)
  4. You can then enter any of the below cheats to unlock their benefits.
  5. A screen will pop up and warn you that you won’t be able to save any progress or earn Achievements/Trophies while using cheats.

It’s also important to note that any cheat you have unlocked will only need to be toggled on or off, rather than re-entering.

All Red Dead Redemption 2 Cheats

CheatCheat CodeRequirement
Add $500Greed is now a virtueN/A
Basic weaponsA simple life, a beautiful deathN/A
Create BuggyKeep your dreams lightN/A
Create race horseRun! Run! Run!N/A
Create Random HorseYou want something newN/A
Create StagecoachThe best of the old waysN/A
Create Superior HorseYou want more than you haveN/A
Create WagonKeep your dreams simpleN/A
Decrease HonorYou revel in your disgrace, I seeN/A
Decrease Wanted LevelYou want freedomN/A
Forces you to become drunkA fool on commandN/A
Gunslinger WeaponsHistory is written by FoolsN/A
Increase Health, Stamina and Dead Eye levelsSeek all the bounty of this placeN/A
Increase Horse BondingMy kingdom is a horseN/A
Increase Wanted LevelYou want punishmentN/A
Increase Whistle Range for HorseBetter than my dogN/A
Infinite Dead EyeBe Greedy only for ForesightN/A
Learn All RecipesEat of KnowledgeN/A
Own All OutfitsVanity. All is vanityN/A
Reset HonorBalance. All is balanceN/A
Set Health, Stamina and Dead Eye Bars to FullYou flourish before you dieN/A
Set Dead Eye to level 1Guide me BetterN/A
Set Dead Eye to level 2Make me BetterN/A
Set Dead Eye to level 3I shall be betterN/A
Set Dead Eye to level 4I still seek moreN/A
Set Dead Eye to level 5I seek and I findN/A
Stealth weaponsDeath is silenceN/A
Purchase all Camp upgradesShareN/A
Clear all Bounties and Lockdown AreasYou want everyone to go awayN/A
Infinite AmmoAbundance is the dullest desireOwn Newspaper Hanover 27 or Saint Denis 43.
Heavy AmmoGreed is American VirtueOwn Newspaper Saint Denis 46.
Remove Fog of War from mapYou long for sight and see nothingOwn Newspaper Saint Denis 47.
Increase HonorVirtue unearned is not virtueOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 48.
Infinite StaminaThe lucky be strong evermoreOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 49.
Fortify Health, Stamina and Dead EyeYou seek more than the world offersOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 52.
Create War HorseYou are a beast built for warOwn Newspaper Saint Denis Times 53.
Create Circus WagonWould you be happier as a clown?Own Newspaper Saint Denis Times 54.