And The Award Goes To, Dual Purpose | Spider-Man PS4 Walkthrough

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After dealing with Demons in the previous mission Straw, Meet Camel, you will progress to the next chapter where Spider-Man is going to attend an award ceremony. There is a tragic end after getting attacked by Daemons, you will play as Miles. This will be a very short mission and later back as Spider-Man, you will be investigating Martin Li.

Dual Purpose Walkthrough

And The Award Goes To Walkthrough

In this mission, you will be playing as Miles, the police officer son who helped Spider-Man.

Head To City Hall

Go to City Hall and there will be a cutscene that will lead to an tragic end. You will play as Miles in this part. Walk towards the debris and go left inside a hotel. Walk right, jump over the debris and keep moving. You will have to crouch blow to go ahead, you will reach Rio who is trapped between debris. Press the screen keys to free her. Climb over the fallen metal platforms to go on the other side. Jump down and you will see Daemons are shooting down the civilians. Go right and crouch below a car.

Once you are out, stay away from the torch light. Move once it is moved, wait for the Daemons to move away and then keep walking from the right corner. Cross the collapsed metal platform and go left. You will see the marker next follow it quietly and there will be a cutscene that will reveal the head of the Daemons. There will be a final cutscene and the chapter is over. You will earn 3000XP for completing the mission with Level up and a skill point.

Dual Purpose Walkthrough

Spider-Man tries to find a lead on Martin Li where he lands into a area filled with Daemons.

Look for evidence on Martin Li

Back as Spider-Man you will be now finding up clues on Martin Li. Follow the marker, you reach an Recycling Center with a lot of Demons around. This will again trigger a Stealth mission. You have to play quiet here. As you did before while investigating Fisk’s construction site, follow the same thing here. Slowly eliminate the demons in the outer area, keep scanning your location. Using a Web Bomb is effective against Daemons standing in a group.

Investigate The Recycling Business

To unlock the door, go to the left of the door and below the stairs, you will find the circuit box. Use Electric Webs to overwrite the circuit. Follow the yellow wires to find the second one, and a third one hidden behind a box. The last one is on the backside of a shed. After webbing all the four junction box you will be able to enter the Recycling Center.

Go left and then look on the top right for a metal gate. Cross it, look for another vent on the top above the second door. You have to crawl through a second vent and you will be in a room. You will have to investigate things in this room. look on the wall for a map and equipment. Check the crate with guns, and then a blueprint on the left of the laptop. Look in the wooden box with Fisk written on it.

Go To Consolidated Shipping

Exit the place, and reach Consolidated Shipping. Similar to the previous thing you will see a lot of Daemons guarding the area. Once again you will be playing in Stealth Mode. Open the Gadget page and craft the Trip Mine. Use it against enemies. Just plant it in the direction of moving enemy. It is a laser activated mine, once anyone crosses it will be webbed. You have to clear the area, try staying on height or you will be spotted easily. You will have to use a lot of distractions here. Also look for snipers.

Once done defeating the Daemons scan the environment. There is a door that you have to break and go inside. On the desk, you will find some invoices. Look on the wall on the right, this will unlock Demon Warehouses. You will earn Base Tokens by playing the objective. As you try to exit you will be stopped by Whip Demon. It is not a tough opponent, but the whip can not only block your attack but throw you away. Use throwables around to break him and the web. That’s it. There will be more Daemons in joining your company. Use the bomb here to web multiple enemies. There will be another Whip Daemon.

After defeating there will be a cutscene where you will see a new character Silver Sablinova. Head of a private security force. The mission ends with the cutscene, you will earn 3000XP, a skill point, +10% Melee Damage and Level up. Your character level up must be around 18.

To continue further for more tips you can read our walkthrough on the next mission Hidden Agenda, or you can go through our Marvel’s Spider-Man Wiki guide for more updates.