Detroit Become Human Walkthrough: Night Of The Soul & Battle Of Detroit

Detroit: Become Human
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In the last chapter Crossroads considering the positive ending Markus, Kara and Connor all were saved. If the choices are turning Connor into a Deviant and playing dead while the soldiers attack Kara and Alice. Otherwise, Connor chooses to remain as a machine, he will be killed by Markus and Kara will be captured. The next chapter is Night Of The Souls, it begins with Markus. If Carl is alive then he will visit his house and if he is dead then he will visit his grave. In the final chapter Battle of Detroit Markus will be on the last protest against a human. You will have two choices either go peacefully by Demonstration or attack by picking Revolution. There are multiple endings here like Markus Sacrifice, The Dirty Bomb, Kara and Alice Boat Ending, Kara and Alice Border Crossing Endings, Connor’s Non-Deviant Ending, etc.

Detroit Become Human Ending Walkthrough

Night Of The Soul Walkthrough

As Markus in this part, you will pick a final step to free the androids from Human control. This will lead to Battle of Detroit.

Meet Carl:

In Chapter Broken, there were two endings, in first Leo dies and in second Carl dies. If you had picked the first ending where Leo dies, then at the start of this chapter Markus will meet Carl and will have a short discussion. And if Carl dies then Markus will visit the cemetery.

Hank Commits Suicide:

If a new model of Connor is restored after Markus shoot him there will be a second cutscene where he meets Hank. There will be four options Goodbye, Apologize, Worried about Hank and Reconcile. Pick Goodbye, and then Apologize. Next, pick Photo and then Convince. Once Connor leaves Hank will commit suicide.

Talk To Your People:

If Connor turns to a Deviant and join Markus then you will jump to this part directly. But if Connor is shot by Markus then you will see a small cutscene where Amanda sends a new Connor to kill Markus. All those who are able to escape safely will be a temporary shelter. As Markus, you will be talking to the Kara first. Next, you have to decide Connor’s Fate. This option will appear only if Connor turns into a Deviant. He will be standing on the right corner where Markus was seating. You will have two choices Trust or Don’t Trust Connor. By picking the first one you make him one of you. Connor will suggest Markus to infiltrate Cyberlife Tower. Next talk to North, Simon and Josh.

At the end, you have to speak to the people, return back to the platform where you were sitting. There will be two choices –

  • Demonstration: March peacefully towards the camps to pressure the authorities.
  • Revolution: Launch an assault on the camps to liberate the androids.

If you pick the first one, Markus will choose the peace path and if you go with the second one then Markus will follow violence. If Markus is dead then North will choose to attack the camp.

Battle of Detroit Walkthrough

After taking the choice between a peaceful demonstration and revolution you will land into the final chapter of the game.

President Speech:

After the speech there will be various choices, these are the questions that will be asked by the Journalist. You will have to look from left to right for the choices. Just ask a few question to complete this part.

Cyberlife Warehouse 49:

Connor reaches Cyberlife, follow the guard. In the lift disable the camera on the left top first and then you will have to neutralize two guards, scan and you will see two paths, first one is to tackle-guard on left and then one on right. Second is to approach the right guard first, go with the left option. By picking the left one you will also unlock the gun that will be later used to shoot the guards. After killing them use the lift control and use Agent 54 voices to go to Level-49. If you don’t do anything and lift reaches 31, guards will shoot Connor.

Reach The Bus Terminal:

Kara and Alice are trying to reach the bus which will leave in 20 minutes. You can pick to Deactivate Alice Hot/Cold Sensitivity and move ahead. On your way, you will find a gun, keep it. Ahead you will spot guards shooting down androids.

Sneak Past Androids:

Detroit Become Human Ending Walkthrough

You will see high and low-risk points, follow only the low risk one. Just stay in cover and once the meter goes down move. There are two possibilities if Luther is not dead then you might find him or else you might find Jerry’s. Alice will insist to save the Jerrys or Luther, you can save them follow the low-risk path. To distract the soldiers. After the soldiers done shooting a few androids, walk ahead and Alice will hide below the car. There will be a brick on your left, pick it up and go slow and hit the guard. Saving Jerry or Luther at this point will help you further when Kara is stuck at crossing the border. Once they escape take Alice and hide. Wait for the risk meter to go down and then run. Keep moving till you reach two paths, one will lead to the Checkpoint and other is a detour which will talk longer time and there are chances you will miss the bus.

Recycling Camp:

At the time of saving Jerrys or Luther, Kara picks up a brick to hit the guard if she fails then Kara and Alice both will be caught and sent to Recycling Camp. Next, you will see Alice’s stress meter. Exit the truck, and help Alice. Join the line, Alice will be scared just Reassure her. After this, there will be three choices Persuade Soldier, Persuade Alice and Shield Alice. Just pick anyone and then Deactivate the skin. After undressing, the soldier will ask to throw the dead android, you can pick to Volunteer or Say Nothing. If you pick the second option the guard will shoot the android in front of you. After entering the cage the first thing you need to do is Find Alice. Next Kara and Alice will step towards the box.

Ending 1 – Kara Abandons Alice

When the guard shoots an android it will ask to dump the body, pick Volunteer. Drag the dead android towards the dumpster, around you will see a truck that is loaded with dead androids. You can choose to walk towards the truck and climb up. There will be two choices Abandon Alice or Go Back To Alice. Take the first one and Kara hides in the truck. Alice on the other side will die. Jerry will help you to find her.

Ending 2 – Markus Saves Alice And Kara

If you pick to volunteer then you have to return back to Alice, or if you do nothing still the soldier will send you in a different cage. The first thing you have to do is Find Alice. You will also find Jerry and if Luther is alive he will be also there. Find Alice first. She will be in separate line, you can send Jerry ahead for distraction and then join Alice. From the four choices Firm, Optimistic, Reassuring and Blunt pick the last one to force Alice to stay in line. As Kara and Alice go in the box you will see the Androids will attack the camp and free everyone.

Ending 3 – Alice And Kara are terminated

At the recycling center if nothing happens, then Alice and Kara will be recycled and dumped in a massive android graveyard.

Ending 4 – Alice, Luther, and Kara escapes

Once you found Jerry, ask about Alice. He will tell that human captures all the Jerry’s and he will insist Kara save Alice. Once you find her after a while she will drag by a soldier. Next, in the cage, you have to find Luther (if he is alive). In the line join Alice, Jerry will distract the guard. There is another guard on the backside, you have to pick one. Let the drone pass first, and pick the androids on the backside. Look on the right for the red line, it is an Escape Route. Luther and Jerry are on the line, talk to both, and you have the choice to send Luther or Jerry. Send Jerry and then take Alice to the escape route. A guard will appear, from Flee or Protect Alice go with the second option. Press the keys on the screen to kill the guard and escape. Get in the truck and lie down. If you choose to Flee, the guard will shoot everyone.

Ending 5 – Kara Dies Alone

When Alice saw Kara in the line she will try to run towards her, if you don’t stop him she will be shot by the guard. Later Kara dies alone.

Checkpoint –

If you Luther is alive and you saved him from the guards he will be with you. Passing through the checkpoint is risky but it is the fastest way. If you choose this part the guard will ask you where are you going. The options you get are Alice Excuse, Curfew, Car Broke down and Bus. Pick Bus, and then stay Calm. The guard will ask about Alice pick Fear. The guard will stop you will have two options Shoot or Do Nothing. Pick the second one. This will work if Luther is not there but if he is he will insist you against to Shoot. Do Nothing, and stay calm. The guard will give Alice her fallen glove and pass away. Next, you will see Markus at the procession.

Detour –

If you pick this route then you will see Kara is walking away with Alice to a second path and the scene will cut to a reporter who is talking about the protest and Markus story will continue. After a while you will see Connor at Cyberlife.

March Towards The Camp:

After crossing the checkpoint or taking the Detour route next is Markus. Here you will be seeing Markus protesting against the humans. This one is the final fight that will finalize the future of Androids in Detroit. There will two types of approach if you had picked Demonstration then Markus and his fellow androids will peacefully march towards the procession point. And if you had picked the Revolution then Markus and his android will engage in a war.


Detroit Become Human Ending Walkthrough

Markus with his androids friend will march towards the camp. There will be guards all around, you will have three choices Peaceful, Provoke and Firm. If you pick Peaceful the guards will give you a warning. Everyone will be surrounded, then next three options are Firm, Calm and Accuse. Go with Calm and the guard will start shooting. Next options will be Kneel, Sit, Raise Hands and Raise Fist. Other androids will follow what Markus will do like Sit. They all will Sit down. If you raise your hand then the guards will hold fire. If Connor at this point has not joined Markus then he will be assigned a mission to shoot him.

Connor Comes To Shoot Markus:

You will play as Connor, who will use a sniper rifle to take down Markus. But he will be stopped by Captain Allen. There will two options in front of Connor Fight or Flee. If you pick Fight then be ready to press the keys flashing on the screen, Connor will kill Captain in the end if you hit the keys properly. But in the right, the weapon will be damaged and Connor will leave.


For this choice keep running and then kill down a few guards who are blocking the path ahead. That’s it next you will play as Connor.

Cyberlife Warehouse-49: Convert Androids

Detroit Become Human Ending Walkthrough

If you had disabled the camera before attacking the guards then you won’t face any other guards below or else you will have to fight them. Press the keys one by one which will flash on the screen before the time runs out. Once done you will have to convert the androids. Before you start another version of Connor will appear who has Hank as a hostage.

Bus Terminal Downtown:

If Kara takes the checkpoint path and passes safely she will come across the Bus Terminal from where she will take a bus and head to the border. But there is a twist if she is unable to get a ticket.

Find A Way To Leave:

If you had used the Detour path then you will miss the bus. And if you had used the Checkpoint then you will be on time. If you reach on time then at the Bus Terminal you will have to find tickets or else the guards won’t allow you to board the bus. If Todd is alive he will block your path. From the four options Appeal, Threaten, Confront and Break Free pick Appeal. Then you will unlock Your Story. Todd will eventually leave both of them.

Todd Tells Security Kara Is Android: There is a bad ending in here, if you are unable to appeal Todd properly he will tell the guards that Kara is android. If Luther is alive and with he will create a diversion, guards will shoot him and Kara and Alice can Flee. So go with Appeal > Your Story to make him emotional. Let Alice hug him and pass. Threaten, Confront and Break Free options will not work.

How To Get Bus Tickets: Walk towards the left side look for a screen with news on it, there is a woman with a child sitting on a bench. A ticket will drop from her bag as she moves to pick it. You have to keep the ticket with you to catch the bus. The family will insist you to return keep it with you. If you don’t take the ticket you will have to go the other way, that is by crossing the river.

If Kara Returns The Ticket: If you return the ticket then walk towards Adam, that is on the other side of the bus terminal. You will be caught by guards they will ask your ID. You have three options Diversion Luther (if he is alive and with you), Papers and Flee. If you choose first one Luther will die, if you choose second you will show the ID and the guards will scan you. Then they will shoot everyone and if you use the third one also then also you are going to die. So better avoid the guards and head towards Adam.

If You Reach Late: This will happen if you take Detour, a safe passage other than crossing the checkpoint.

The place from where you start to take right there is a passage where Todd will block you if he is alive, you will find Adam. Follow him and he will take you to Rose. Rose will tell you about an illegal way of crossing the border by crossing the river.

US-Canada Border:

After getting to the bus safely Kara and Alice will at Us-Canada border control. If Luther is alive he will also be with you. Kara will find that at the border they are scanning every person. The first thing you have to do is look for help. You can get help from Luther and Jerrys if they are alive. Go to the toilet first to talk to Rose. There is one safe ending, all you have to do is nothing. When you see the below four options just don’t press any key. In No Sacrifice, there are two secret ending one Happy and other Tragic. It all depends on Markus.

1). Sacrifice Self: If you pick this one Kara will sacrifice herself, Luther and Alice can pass the border.

2). Sacrifice Luther: If you pick this option then Luther will create a distraction by keeping Alice as a hostage. The guards will shoot Luther, Alice and Kara will not be scanned and they can pass.

3). Sacrifice Jerry: He is on the line on the right side, once you reach the counter you will get options like Sacrifice Self, Sacrifice Jerry, and No Sacrifice. Pick the second one. Jerry will sacrifice himself and both will cross.

4). No Sacrifice: There are two endings under this, the outcome depends on Markus.

  • No Sacrifice Happy Ending: If Markus picked the peaceful Demonstration way and if he is able to win public empathy then there is a way to pass safely. When you see the options just don’t pick anything, the officer will scan Kara and she will plead him for her freedom. He will let her go. In this way everyone is alive. But this only possible if Markus has followed a peaceful path.
  • No Sacrifice Tragic Ending: If Markus picked the violent path then he will be termed as a militant. At this point, if you pick not options from above four, the officer will scan Kara. Kara will plead, but he will tell the security that she is an android and all will die.

Bank of Detroit River:

This part will be available after Connor is able to convert all androids at Cyberlife. Hank is there to save his life. Read the Saving Hank section below. Back at the river bank talk to Adam and then talk to Rose. Next, take the boat, and row it. You will have to control the boat, just follow another boat. After while there will be a patrolling boat, and guards on them will start shooting. You will have 30 seconds to pick on options from Surrender, Accelerate, Plunge, Protect Alice and Use Luther.

  • Surrender: The patrolling guard will shoot everyone.
  • Accelerate: Alice and Luther will be shot.
  • Plunge: Everyone will hide in water, but Luther will be shot.
  • Protect Alice: Luther and Kara both will be shot, Kara will have 10 minutes deadline before she shutdowns. In 10 mins Kara will have to save Alice. The boat will not start so first throw the engine, then supply and then go in the water and push the boat.
  • User Luther: Luther will be shot and he dies alone.

To save the boat from drowning you have to reduce the weight if you don’t do that it will sink. In the next cutscene, you will see Kara carrying dead Alice in his arm. The little one is unable to survive.

Reinforce Barricade: Markus

Demonstration: If you had picked the peaceful way of protest then you will have to reinforce Barricade, just go ahead and push the car to barricade the road. Check out your people around, scan and you will see few pointers. Talk to the androids and inspire them. Check soldiers position and then send a message to the journalist. Next Agent Perkins will call Markus for a talk, select Accept. If you Refuse he will walk away. If you Accept he will tell you about the attack and he will ask you to surrender. If you Refuse Deal, Markus will return back to his people. There will be a grenade attack and next you will play as Kara who is trying to cross the Border with Alice.

Agent Perkins Ending: Markus Died After Betraying His People

When you meet Agent Perkins there will be four options Other Demonstration, Guaranteed, Not Afraid & Betray People?. If you choose to Accept Deal, then the war is over. North will be really upset with this decision. This decision will lead to a serious outcome, Agent Perkins will shoot North and Markus. President Warren will release a statement of the destruction of all androids and deviants.

Peaceful Demonstration Multiple Endings: After refusing Agent Perkins offer.

After getting up you after the grenade attack will have to save your androids friends from the falling grenade attacks. The guards will charge in, help out other androids. All will be surrounded, and there are different choices on the basis of which you will see separate endings. You will see a few options on the screen Kiss North, Sing, and Sacrifice. The option to Kiss North will not be unlocked if chooses not to save your android friends from the guards attack.

Ending: Androids Won Freedom – For The Moment

  • Sing: If you pick this one, in mid of war Markus will start singing, the scene reminds me of black widow taming the hulk, anyway the guards will bring down their weapons. Other Androids will also join the party. The journalist in the helicopter will be dumbfounded with the act. President Warren will call back the guards.

Ending: Androids Won Freedom – For The Moment

  • Kiss North: If you pick this one, Markus will obey to his rising testosterone levels in the mid of war and Kiss North. Others will not join the party. After seeing this the president will feel something and ask the guards to stop the attack on androids. Markus will be successful in gaining public sympathy.

Ending: Markus Died With His Friends

  • Sacrifice: If you pick this one, the Markus will came forward and choose the path of self immolation. The guards will shoot other androids and the war is over.

Ending: Android Became Free In The Debris Of Detroit

  • Dirty Bomb: This option will only be unlocked if you had taken the Detonator from North while Jericho was attack in the chapter Crossroads. If you choose to use the Bomb then to some extent androids won, guards will run away. This act will be condemned by the President and a new war is triggered between Androids and Human. Ending: Markus Died Protecting His People

After getting attack Markus runs to save his people. There is a scene where Markus pulls out a broken metal piece and protest other androids from bullets. In the same scene he will jump to protect on the right with the metal piece, if you did not press the circle key in time the guards will shoot Markus and he will die.

Revolution: If you had picked the violent way then you will have to Attack. You will see a risk meter, once it is low run forward. Josh will die in the attack, call for covering fire and then run towards the guards. Once you spot the grenade, shoot the light on left top, and take cover behind a rock. You will see the probability of success on the screen. Keep moving forward, towards the camp. Simon will be hurt, but saving him will be high risk, you will have to keep moving forward. You can command a group at a single time. If you fail this mission then and all die, Markus will try to flee. After getting surrounded he has three options Suicide, Dirty Bomb, and Surrender. If you trigger Dirty Bomb then Detroit will fall under Androids control. Due to toxic waste, it will become inhabitable for humans. If you pick to Surrender then still the guards will shoot Markus. Markus will die but Connor will bring all the androids from Cyberlife Tower. Humans will accept Androids as an intelligent life form.

Detroit Become Human Ending Walkthrough

At a place where Markus will be in ground hiding, there are two groups one in the front and another one on the left side. Pick the left one for Covering Fire and the one on the front to Charge. Launch Assault to move ahead. The next challenge is the machine gun. Now there will be three groups two on the left side and one in the front. Set Covering Fire for the First group who are in front of you and the one on the extreme left. The second one who is in the center left side command Charge. Launch the assault to take down the machine gun. Next shoot the drone, keep fighting your way ahead. Markus will be shot by a tank and he will fell down. Next, you will play as Connor.

Saving Hank:

You will see two Connors, one is Deviant and other one is not. The non-Deviant Connor is keeping Hank as Hostage, from the four choices Guarantee, Hank, Bluff and Convince pick Hank to move ahead. Then pick Convince. In the end, you have two choices Save Hank or Sacrifice Hank. Pick Save Hank, and there will be two main choices in the screen Shoot and Interpose. If you pick to Shoot then there will be a fist fight between both the Connors. Next Hank will have to shoot one, to find the right Connor he will ask a question about his Dog’s name. It is Sumo. The next question is about Hank’s Son – Cole. Next, accomplish your mission of converting androids.

This is the end of Detroit Become Human game. If you find any difference ending other than what is mentioned in the walkthrough do share in the comments section below. For more update and similar tips on the game you can read our Detroit Become Human wiki guide.