How to Unlock Secret Mid Credits Scenes Detroit Become Human

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Detroit Become Human is like a adventurous cinematic gameplay and has some really good secret mid-credits cut scenes for you to make your raw drop. It has some different endings and joints with some loose ends that make it very unique. Here are some Mid-Credits Scenes of Kara’s and Connor’s characters in Detroit Become Human you need to unlock in the game.

Detroit Become Human Secret Credit Scene

Connor’s Secret Mid Credits Scene

Detroit Become Human Secret Mid-Credit Scene Guide

If you get Connor and Hank to be friends at the end of the game and either of them doesn’t die they will be a cutscene of both meeting in front of a Food Trunk. After all this chaos they will smile at each other and hug it out, like brothers and surely be friends forever.

Connor’s Other Secret Mid Credits Scene

Detroit Become Human Secret Mid-Credit Scene Guide

When you finish playing Connor as the good machine that he has been made for and you complete your mission of stopping the deviants in Detroit Become Human. You will be greeted with a special scene. You will meet Amanda congratulating you and thanking you. She also tells you that they have a better version of Connor, an upgraded version of RK900, Stronger and faster. Which means the older version is no longer needed and needs to be deactivated.

Kara’s Secret Mid Credits Scene

Detroit Become Human Secret Mid-Credit Scene Guide

Kara’s Mid Credit Scene involves her to live but Alice to die. It is very depressing. She is seen walking on the street alone when she sees Alice in an ad as an Android Model. She looks at it obviously she’s failed. Very gloomy moment.

If you find any more or need help with the game, comment below and let us know or need help with the game. We’ll do our best to help you out. Also be sure to check out our Detroit Become Human Wiki.