Chapter 1 Escape – A Way Out Walkthrough

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In Chapter 1 Escape Walkthrough of A Way Out – Vincent and Leo will go through various obstacles to Escape The Prison. Let’s find out how Vincent and Leo plan their escape in A Way Out Chapter 1 Escape Walkthrough.

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A Way Out is a pure co-op split screen game, it begins with two characters Vincent and Leo, both convicts send to a prison. There is nothing much at the beginning, you can play local or online. If you choose to play Local, two players separately can control the characters, and if you go online, then you have to invite a friend to join the game to control the any one of the characters. After picking the players, your journey as Vincent and Leo begins.

Chapter 1 Escape Walkthrough - A Way Out

Chapter 1 Escape Walkthrough


Escape Walkthrough

The cutscene ends at the prison, and you can eventually get control of the characters. The screen will be divided into two parts. Vincent and Leo are in two separate places. Keep moving ahead, at one side you will be able to control the character while on the other you can see a cutscene. As both moves in you will find a few prisoners whom you can talk. There are dialogue choices. As Leo keep moving inside, clear the guard check and once you reach the closed door interact. As Leo, you will keep moving inside unless you reach the prison area where you see Vincent below. There are few cells on your right, interact and talk to the prisoners.

Escape Walkthrough

As Vincent, after taking to the prisoners, keep move further inside and interact with a guard sitting on the left behind a glass window. Follow the guard ahead of you and you will reach Cellblock, undress for inspection and once again keep moving ahead. There will be a cutscene of William. Vincent on the other side follow his path all the way towards his cell while Leo is already in it.

The Yard

Escape Walkthrough

Next morning in the prison yard, Leo and Vincent are into two separate area. As Leo, you will have to locate the person who called you. Go left and take the stairs down, you will reach a spot where other prisoners will try to kill you. As Vincent take the stairs on your left and you will see a few bunches of people standing and watching sometime. You will have to wait till Leo arrives that place and there will be a fight. Once the fight beings, follow the screen instructions to take down the prisoners.

Canteen Fight

Escape Walkthrough

The guards will interfere, the next event will take place in the canteen. Vincent takes his food and tries to locate a place to sit. You can see a yellow arrow on the screen that will guide you towards the next location. Once Vincent gets the seat, Leo on the other side is dealing with two prisoners who are blocking this path. Pick ‘Help them hear’, to clear your way. As Leo reaches the canteen desk he will be attacked once again. Vincent will have to interfere and the brawl starts. In the short cutscene, you will see how Leo and Vincent are struggling to stay alive, both will now have to use objects around to throw on the prisoner to save themselves from a knife attack. Throw the objects around, look for the yellow marker.

The Infirmary

Escape Walkthrough

In the next cutscene at the hospital, Leo will tell Vincent to assist him to retrieve the tool. As Leo stay on the bed for sometime till Vincent calls the nurse. Once she talks to Vincent, hide behind the door for a while, once the nurse did talking, go out and crouch to reach the area with the tool. The guard will be there but it will leave soon. There another one on the desk. To distract, as Vincent knock the glass behind you. As the guard id distracted quietly walk to the desk and take the tool. Slowly return to your bed. Vincent will keep on talking to the nurse and job did.

Fixing Prison Rooftop Work

Escape Walkthrough

In the next cut scene, you will see Leo and Vincent agrees to work together. Talk to the fellow prisoners around for a while, as Leo start with Fred. As Vincent talk to the guys moping the floor. The objective is to Get Chisel. Next both the characters will have to take the broom kept in the left corner of the roof. Vincent will break one, while Leo has to keep swabbing. The guard will tell Vincent to get another broom, follow him as he talks to the guard, Leo has to go right. Once the guard is out, help Leo to climb up. The guard will return with a broom, while as Leo go up and take the Chisel. As Vincent go and talk to the guard, while Leo will slowly crouch on the right, climb up further up and open the door on the roof. Jump down. Vincent will get back to mopping, while Leo is stuck in the room, as Vincent break the room lock, give the tool to Fred.

The Cell Breach

Escape Walkthrough

Fred gives the Chisel to Leo by hiding it in a book. As Vincent Keep a lookout for guards onside and Leo try to pull out the commode. A guard will appear, as Vincent talk to the guard and Leo will have to open up four screws. Before guards see you place the commode back. As soon as the guard returns get back to the work. The guard will return after some time, as Vincent talk to him once again. After finally making your way out by breaking the section, give the chisel to Vincent. Now Vincent has to repeat the same things and Leo will keep a lookout. The guard will return, Leo has to distract him. Depending on the questions you ask, the guard will react, sometime it will be instant.

Escape Walkthrough

After both had done removing the panel and opening up a path, wait for the light to go out. Crawl through escape point, and keep moving, take stairs on the left and go up. There is a fan on your right to stop it, look on the left for a wooden platform, you will find a pipe. Both Leo and Vincent have to break it, use that to stop the fan. One has to block the fan and other will crawl through the blades. The switch to turn off the fan is on the left end. There is a door on the right of fan, both Leo and Vincent will have to open it.

The Laundry Cart

Escape Walkthrough

In the next plan, a Laundry cart will be used. After the cut scene, the objective is to get access to the backroom. As Vincent, you can walk around and talk to people for distraction, as Leo get the backroom at the end laundry area, and talk to the man who will ask you for name and number. Pick ‘Convince him’, Leo will be able to get the cart. Pull the cart outside and take it towards the right where you will find the sheets. Fill cart with sheets and take the cart back to the same room from where you got it. One of you can hide in it, for example, Leo, as Vincent pull the cart outside and take it towards the backroom. The one who is hiring will have to pick Hide to cover himself.

Escape Walkthrough

Return to work, the one in the cart will have to come out once the cart stops, get out and hide somewhere. On the other side, if you are playing as Vincent, you will have to distract the guard. You can do it either by breaking the machine or by creating a fight between two people. Once the guard is out, from the backroom unlock the door. Carry the sheets near the vent. Take the sheets and place them inside the vent.

Underground Sewer

Escape WalkthroughEscape Walkthrough

After the cut scene, go down towards the sewer, pull a huge red gate from the ground. Leo will jump down. Vincent will require locating a flash light. For the flash light, look on right of the table, near the shelves you will get one. Go down, and walk a bit head, you can see Leo below, look on the right top. There is a valve, point the flashlight on it and Leo has to rotate it. After rotating the valve, Leo will have to pass through a small opening on the right bottom. Turn right and you will get another valve. As Vincent go to the extreme left end. After moving the valve, go through the path where water flow just stopped and take the flashlight from Vincent.

Escape Walkthrough

Follow the pipes and you will reach a door with a lock. Break it to open the door for Vincent. On your left there another door, both will have to break it together. Pass through the tunnel, and you reach an area with guards on the top. On the right end pull the sheet.

The Wrench

Escape Walkthrough

Next task is tough, both the players will have to coordinate well to reach the top. The next requirement is to get a wrench from the workshop. The wrench is used by one of the inmates around and he won’t let you take it. As Vincent go and talk to the man, and as Leo go behind him to steal the wrench. To quietly smuggle it out of the room, go towards the extreme left and you will find a vent. Pass the wrench and the second guy has to take that from the other side. Exit the workshop. Once you are out to avoid checking, you have to enter the Electricity Room with High Voltage sticker on the door and sabotage the fuse box. This will turn off the metal detector. The room in on left of workshop door. Exit the room and go near the window before you enter Block B, give the wrench to the second character. Pass the guard and stay together. If Leo is carrying the wrench he will be blocked by the guards, take the wrench from his hand, and pass through the guards. Go to your cells. There will be an inspection, stand near the wall and pass the wrench to another character. Hide the wrench behind the commode.

The Final Prison Escape

Escape Walkthrough

After the cut scene, use the wrench to open the shaft above. Both will have to at the same time push the shaft on left. The split screen begins from here. Now to climb towards the went straight ahead, pull out the boxes from the right. After crossing through pipes and hiding from the guards you will reach a locked door, to open it you will have to dash when you year the thunder sound. In this way, you won’t alert the guards. Vincent and Leo are now on the rooftop. Leo points towards a tower, the next location to go. Work in coordination, one has to go ahead and take down the guard. Keep walking slowly from the edges of the wall and turn right from the end. This is the same place from where you got the chisel last time. After climbing up, break the window and pass through the office. Exit from the main door, let the lift pass first and go down quietly. After coming down from stairs, cross the hallway and take left, there are two guards on the left side, each one has to target one guard to bring them down.

Escape Walkthrough

Get outside of the window, move only when the spotlight is completely on the left side or right end. You have to go slowly by nothing coming in the searchlight. Climb up on the tower, and take down the guard on the left. Go inside the tower office and take the cloth hanger. From outside, use it on the wire to slide down towards the next building. If Vincent falls, Leo has to pull him up. Run towards the garage door open it and enter the forest ahead.

This completes the first chapter of A Way Out, Vincent and Leo’s struggle is not over yet, they had just entered the woods and the prison guards are now behind them. You can read our walkthrough on the Chapter 2 Fugitives or you can check our A Way Out Wiki for more updates on the game.

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