Omega Strikers Hands-On Impressions – Play to Score a Goal, Stick With It for the Characters

Full of heart and fun, my time with Omega Strikers surprised me and I enjoyed every second of it.

Image via Odyssey Interactive

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When I booted up Omega Strikers, I didn’t know what to expect. It was described as “Rocket League meets League of Legends,” which initially threw me for a loop. I can say, though, that after playing for a bit, my experience had me more aligned in comparing it to “Windjammers meets Overwatch.” Though my time playing Omega Strikers was short, I immensely enjoyed myself, even if I’m not the best.

Omega Strikers is a three-on-three game where every side picks a unique character to use, and those characters each have an impressive array of abilities. Every character shares the same short-range attack, but this is only used to attack the ball, in-game referred to as the Core, which serves as the game’s primary objective.

Set Up Key Team Plays in Omega Striker

Image via Odyssey Interactive

The game’s design is for the teams to work together and attempt to get the Core through the other team’s side and score a point. I played the standard game, where the match was divided into sets. The more time I had playing these matches, the more I came to immensely enjoy the game’s finer points, particularly how each character’s unique abilities played against each other.

In between sets, players could select from various unique passive abilities that would augment their overall kit, making some choices far better than others. Unfortunately, I didn’t play enough to personally see how crucial these were as the games went on, but reading through them and comparing them to the abilities of some of the ones I was using made me greatly appreciate how in-depth an invested player can go as a match draws out.

Character Variety is the Highlight of Game Mechanics in Omega Strikers

Image via Odyssey Interactive

What stood out to me was the long-range attacks of certain heroes and the devastating power behind the close-range ones. The character I preferred playing is Ai.Mi, a long-range fighter with a turret, a medium-range stun, and a hectic blink that let her get in close. She was chaotic at first, but my time learning her attacks led to me carefully blinking behind the enemy team, hitting them with her stun and knocking the Core into the goal, or shutting down a section of the field because of my turret placement.

Ai.Mi’s gameplay greatly contrasts with several other characters, such as Dubu, a larger character who primarily serves as a close-range fighter. Dubu doesn’t have any of these devastating ranged attacks. Still, his attacks can be even more damaging, allowing him to directly control the Core by shutting it down while in motion or stunning enemies in an AoE.

Comparing these two vastly different characters made Omega Strikers click for me, and where I drew the correlation to Overwatch. Although I would switch between these two very different characters, the goal remained the same, and it came down to how I used them during a match alongside my allies to overcome the enemy team. Of course, it didn’t always happen, and some matches were more one-sided than others, but I still had a great time.

Image via Odyssey Interactive

Omega Strikers is a game you want to boot up with a friend or two, jump into a voice chat, and play for a few hours exchanging tactics and talking plays. Because of the quick matches, Omega Strikers is an excellent game for any Windjammers fans or anyone who wants to work together well with a tight-knit group, eager to find the best combination of characters and dunk on an enemy team.