PUBG: How to Get The DBS Shotgun and More Information

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Playunknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is getting a brand new update to the game, but it’s first heading to the game’s test server to see how it works out. A big thing coming to the 4.3 update is the addition of a shotgun called the DBS. The DBS shotgun is a powerhouse of damage. It’s going to devastate players in the hands of someone brave enough to charge forward and lay down the hurt. Here’s how you get the shotgun and essential information about it.

The DBS Shotgun in PUBG

Where is it?

Right now, you’re not going to find it anywhere in particular on a regular PUBG map. You’re only going to see it in the test server, and even that hasn’t gone out yet. The developers, PUBG Corporation, are waiting to release the initial build of the 4.3 update to the game. You’re going to find it on the test server, and those who are eagerly awaiting it are going to need to keep a watchful eye on the PUBG Corporation twitter page, which you can follow here.

When it does go into the game, the developers are going to make it difficult to find. Much like the PUBG game itself, you’re going to need to get lucky and hope for the best because you’re only going to find the DBS shotgun in care packages. You can find them floating down from the sky from airplanes passing over the island. Those who are bold and brave enough to weigh the risks of heading to that position and grabbing some of the best loot might have the chance to see this weapon in action.

What Does It Do?

The DBS shotgun is not your standard shotgun. You’re going to take some time loading it, but you’re not going to feel that same weight when you pull the trigger. It’s a pump-action weapon that’s going to fire two shots at a time. Players can load up to 14 12-gauge rounds into the weapon, giving it a significant amount of power when they’re up close and personal.

You can place on a holographic, red dot sight, 2x or a 6x scope on the top of it. You won’t want to make use of the 6x scope, but you may find a great deal of usefulness of a 2x. Due it to being a close-range gun, the weapon’s range maxes out at 100 meters, so you’re going to want to save this for when you’re in the middle of an urban environment or the last stages of the final circle.

We don’t have the exact metrics of the weapon’s overall power, accuracy, or weapon speed, but that information should release when the gun becomes available on the test servers. Those statistics may change before they release to the main game.

There’s no exact date when the DBS shotgun releases to PUBG test server, but for now, we’re left waiting to get our hands on it. When it does release, we’ll make sure everyone gets an update from our website.