Teamfight Tactics – Champion Tier List

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How you build your team is a complicated thing in Teamfight Tactics. Origins, Class, and availability all matter. Are you going for six Assassins, or are you banking on Imperials? In those last few fights, you need a hard-carry champion who is going to do the work and get you wins. In this article, I am running through my Tier List, based off my time in the game. There is no real fluff to this list. New champions will be coming into the game; patches will bring buffs and nerfs that will continuously change where people end up. I’ll be keeping it simple, just going through the Tiers and saying who I think fits in there.

Remember, builds are complicated things, and the right team comp can boost a Champions ability and performance, but some Champions are just much stronger than others.

Teamfight Tactics Champion Tier List


These guys are guaranteed to perform, one way or another. They don’t rely on synergies to get work done, and will always be a difference maker in fights.

  • Cho’Gath – huge CC potential.
  • Aurelion Sol – absolutely melts teams with the right items.
  • Pyke – strong all game, level him to watch a hard CC carry in action.
  • Draven – just brutal late game damage. Godly with Imperials and the right items.
  • Brand – probably the strongest team fight damage you can get with the right items.


A-Tier Champions tend to fall just short of standing out the way that the S-Tier guys do. These choices are more reliant on synergies to stand out.

  • Nidalee – if you are lucky you can get her to the two-star form exceptionally early.
  • Garen – same, also benefits from being a Knight and a Noble.
  • Gnar – they have a potent amount of CC potential that benefits any team looking to cause damage.
  • Sejuani – a real CC machine if built into Glacial comps.
  • Swain – if positioned right, and given a chance to transform, he is a nightmare for your opponent.
  • Akali – they have great damage potential, combined with Assassin benefits that make them an astounding choice.
  • Kayle – they are hard to get to their two-star form, but worth it even at a one-star level.
  • Miss Fortune – proper positioning and a good front line and even at one-star, she can melt a team.
  • Lulu – she is a nightmare to deal with if you build her right. The CC chains will frustrate enemies.
  • Kassadin – people might disagree, but you can three-star him pretty quickly, and the right items make him immortal. Expect a nerf.


Every team comp needs responsible bodies that aren’t able to shine.

  • Tristana – a solid back up damage dealer to your primary carry.
  • Darius – valuable self heal, but early game strength drops off.
  • Vayne – much like Darius, early game power drops off unless you get three-stars of exceptional items.
  • Ashe – you’ll be reliant on her for Glacial comps, but you’ll sweat from worry.
  • Volibear – much like Ashe, only shines in the right comp.
  • Leona – Leona can give great CC, but can also be hit or miss.
  • Shyvana – if you are planning on going Aurelion Sol you will want her for the Dragon synergy.
  • Kindred – just an usual champ, should perform much better, but will often just not standout.
  • Kha’Zix – even a two-star Kha’Zix can be an excellent choice for a solo Assassin.
  • Shen – people are sleeping on Shen a bit, but if you commit to the build, he can pull his weight.


Not reliable, but not terrible.

  • Braum – you will more than likely want him to the front line in a Glacial build, but prone to subpar performance.
  • Varus – lethal if your opponents let you build him, and you get exceptional items. Which are two big “ifs.”
  • Ahri – has a nasty habit of being hard to build, and synergies let her down right now.
  • Anivia – their ult can be devastating, but the meta right now is all about mobile Noble and Assassins, so will often be cast on empty spaces.
  • Blitzcrank – the pull is strong early, but the Champ is pretty weak, compounded by soft synergies.
  • Zed – they are not the best Assassin, but can get you through a dicey mid-game if you two-star him.


Filler Champions, not worth items but more than likely needed for some synergy depending on your team building.

  • Rengar – just a weak Assassin.
  • Rek’Sai – if you are running Void, you’ll drop him for Cho the second you get a chance.
  • Karthus – he tries to cast his ult before he dies, everyone knows this a noob move.
  • Mordekaiser – might work in a Knight comp, but there are much better options for a solo/duo tank lineup.
  • Veigar – can be reliable, but only if you opponent got unlucky on rolls.
  • Miss Fortune – very reliant on a front line, almost impossible to level, and her ult can go wrong. But when it goes right, it goes all the way right.
  • Lucian – Lucian is annoying because, with the right team around him, some luck, and the right items, he can get work done. But it rarely if ever happens.


All Origins and Class need a weak link. You’ll find them here.

  • Kennen – place him to take advantage of his ult and watch him die before getting to cast it.
  • Fiora – they are likely the worst Noble to use in the game.
  • Elise – only worth it if she manages to transform.
  • Gangplank – barrels are fun, I get that, but flexibility does not a great Champion make.
  • Graves – just bad, we don’t recommend using them.
  • Aatrox – manages to drag down the entire Demons build on his own.
  • Morgana – once again suffers from a potentially great ult never really happening.
  • Lissandra – I honestly don’t know what to say about Liss. Avoid.