Dauntless Neutral Skull Gem – How To Get It

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In Dauntless, you make your weapons and armor from pieces you have knocked off Behemoths. Slaying monsters is, by and large, the source of most of the resources you will need in the game. Skull Gems are required to craft high-level gear, and they can be hard to get. You will need to be pretty powerful to take on the beasts that drop them, so make sure those Repeaters are well polished.

How To Get Neutral Skull Gem

Skull Gems are a resource drop that can only fall from Threat Level 8 Neutral Behemoths, or higher. That is not all though; there is a trick to getting these that you might not like. You need to break the Behemoths head within 2 minutes of the fight starting. Because you are breaking the head, you can use any weapon you like, but you must break it within 2 minutes to get the Skull Gem.

This is why you want to be as well equipped as you can going into the fight. It also helps to have everyone on the same page, and attack the head with as much part damage as you can muster. It is perfectly fine to weight your damage towards part damage for these fights. They might take a little longer, but you will be able to get that all important break much easier.

You should also think carefully about which Behemoth you plan on taking on if you are looking to farm this resource. It is generally best to pick something that is going to keep it’s head low to the ground for those two minutes, so something like a Deadeye Quillshot might be a pretty good idea.

That’s all you really need to know to get your hands on the Neutral Skull Gem in Dauntless, so best of luck Slayer!