Destiny 2: Forsaken – All New Subclass Abilities Revealed

Forsaken Strike
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Bungie is adding a lot of new content in Destiny 2: Forsaken, the title’s first major update that kicks off Year 2. It all begins with the addition of nine new subclass ability trees, one for each subclass. If you’re not familiar with the various subclasses for the Titan, Hunter, and Warlock classes, be sure to review them by checking out our detailed guides. Otherwise, read on to find out the new ways you can defeat your enemies in Destiny 2.

New Titan Subclass Ability Trees

Code of the Commander – Sentinel

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Code of the CommanderGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super is Banner Shield, a massive shield that allies behind can shoot through.


  • Tactical Strike – causes an explosion around the target when it hits and triggers any nearby void detonators.
  • Controlled Demolition – attached void detonators to a target which detonate after a certain amount of damage and chain to nearby void detonators.
  • Resupply – Sentinel and nearby players will regain some grenade energy and health when void detonators explode.

Code of the Missile – Striker

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Code of the MissileGame Informer • Fair Use

The super is replaced with Thundercrash, which sends the player into the air in a guided slam attack.


  • Ballistic Slams – a melee ability that turns the Titan into a missile that can be guided towards enemies.
  • Impact Conversion – Ballistic Slam will recharge Thundercrash more quickly.
  • Inertia Override – picking up ammo while sliding will automatically reload your weapon while reloading during a slide will temporarily increase weapon damage.

Code of the Siegebreaker – Sunbreaker

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Code of the SiegebreakerGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Hammer of Sol with Siege Hammer, a massive flaming hammer which can be spun around in a tornado-like fashion, or slammed into the ground, making you feel like Thor.


  • Throwing Hammer – a melee ability that lets a Titan throw a small hammer, similar to a Hunter’s throwing knife, but the hammer can be picked up again to fully recharge the melee ability instantly.
  • Tireless Warrior – picking up the throwing hammer instantly starts the Titan’s health regeneration.
  • Roaring Flames – increases Throwing Hammer damage with each solar kill up to a maximum stack of three.

Way of a Thousand Cuts – Gunslinger

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Way of a Thousand CutsGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Golden Gun with Knife Barrage, letting players throw multiple burning blades as shown off by Cayde-6 in the Last Stand of the Gunslinger trailer.


  • Knife Trick – throws a fan of knives instead of a single knife that can set enemies ablaze.
  • Playing with Fire – killing enemies that are on fire recharges melee ability.
  • The Burning Edge – recharges the dodge ability while enemies are on fire.

Way of the Wraith – Nightstalker

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Way of the WraithGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Shadowshot with Spectral Blades, a void super similar to Destiny‘s Blade-dancer super which grants invisibility and true sight letting you see enemies through walls.


  • Corrosive Smoke – a smoke bomb that fires off in a line dealing damage and slowing enemies.
  • Flawless Execution – precision kills while at full health grant true sight and invisibility.
  • Shattering Strike – meleeing an enemy while invisible will cause them to do less damage for a short time.

Way of the Current – Arcstrider

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Way of the CurrentGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super adds Whirlwind Guard, allows Hunters to block attacks and bullets using their arc staff. Successful blocks will add triple damage to the arc staff.


  • Tempest Strike – sliding before meleeing activates an electric line of damage from the arc staff.
  • Lightning Weave – melee hits increase reload speed.
  • Ebb and Flow – hitting enemies with arc abilities electrifies them, causing them to be disoriented when melee’d and causing abilities to recharge more quickly.

Attunement of Fission – Voidwalker

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Attunement of FissionGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Nova Bomb with Nova Warp, which allows Warlocks to teleport and explode near enemies.


  • Atomic Breach – melee attacks cause explosions ahead of the Warlock.
  • Handheld Supernova – holding the grenade button will cause the Warlock to consume the grenade and explode damaging nearby enemies.
  • Dark Matter – void ability kills recharge abilities and health.

Attunement of Control – Stormcaller

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Attunement of ControlGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Stormtrance with Chaos Reach, which casts a beam of damaging energy and can be canceled at any time to reserve super energy.


  • Ball Lightning – melee ability sends out a bolt of energy that explodes and creates a lightning bolt attack.
  • Ionic Traces – killing enemies with arc damage has a chance to drop Ionic Traces which can be picked up to recharge abilities.
  • Pulsewave – picking up Ionic Traces while at full health grants a speed boost to the Warlock and allies.

Attunement of Grace – Dawnblade

Destiny 2: Forsaken - All New Subclass Abilities Revealed
Attunement of GraceGame Informer • Fair Use

The new super replaces Daybreak with Well of Radiance, which creates a large rift granting increased healing and buffs the damage of allies inside it for thirty seconds.


  • Guiding Flame – melee ability that burns enemies and buffs nearby allies.
  • Divine Protection – a special grenade that can be thrown at allies to give a blessing of health and overshield orbs.
  • Benevolent Dawn – any healing or damage buffing abilities recharge the Warlock’s non-super abilities.

Those are all the new subclass ability trees for you, Guardians. Go forth and make good use of your new-found powers, and be sure to visit our Destiny 2 Guide Hub for all your Destiny 2 strategy guide needs.