All choices at Richter’s Facility in Ixion and what they do

To greed or not to greed?

Image by Kasedo Games

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Ixion is a game fraught with choices at every turn, with many of those leading you down the path of difficult decisions and trades. One such situation happens when during Chapter 1, you come upon Richter’s Facility on Mars. After finding the old derelict complex, you will be able to use Dolos clearance codes to access the complex and face several difficult choices. This guide covers all the choices you get at Richter’s Facility in Ixion and what they do.

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Ixion Richter’s Facility choices guide — All choices and what they do

Upon encountering Richter’s Facility on Mars, you will have two straightforward choices:

  1. To use codes to access the complex.
  2. To resume data listening protocols after tripping the facility’s defenses.

Things get more complicated after that because the next choice branches into four different options. Each of these options has a different outcome, and some are better than others.

1: Investigate storage area — Ixion Richter’s Facility choice

Choosing to investigate the storage area is a way to gain some much-needed resources. This option is one of the safer ones offered. Ending the protocol will net you 31 Alloys, 25 Cryonic Pods, and 50 Science.

2: Inspect Scientific Study Center — Ixion Richter’s Facility choice

If you pick the Science Study Center, you will be able to gain only a modest amount of resources. It’s still a fairly safe option. Ending the protocol will net you 25 Cryonic Pods and 30 Science.

3: Perform a full sweep of the facility — Ixion Richter’s Facility choice

If you decide to sweep the whole facility, your crew will be put in peril. This is a risky option to pick and leads to your ship losing crew members. Ending the protocol will net you 25 Cryonic Pods and 9 Polymer, at the cost of two crewmates.

4: Prepare the site for resource extraction — Ixion Richter’s Facility choice

The last choice lets you conduct a remote extraction of resources, presenting you with another fairly safe option. Ending the protocol will net you 25 Cryonic Pods and 17 Polymer.