Temtem’s launch day problems are over, according to developer

It had a rough initial launch into early access.

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The highly anticipated indie Pokémon-like MMO Temtem saw a huge influx of players the moment the game went live on Steam’s Early Access program. The servers couldn’t handle it, and much of the game was unplayable on day one. However, developer Crema says it now believes that those dark days of black screens and lengthy queues are part of Temtem’s past.

At launch, a main problem was that the servers couldn’t hold the surge of people and crashed at any opportunity. Many players couldn’t complete character creation without getting disconnected, while others found that they could get in, but the initial battle would cause the game to freeze. Reddit and Steam were filled with comments about the unplayable state of the game. 

The developer struggled to keep up with the issues, but remained honest and open about the issues and the hotfixes through frequent Twitter and Discord updates. According to their Twitter, their coding expert had been working hard on fixing the game. It’s since remained stable with over 27,000 players, and they believe it will hold up as the game progresses. 

“We’ve been monitoring it during a few hours and it’s been super stable with 27k+ users so things are looking super good,” the team posted on the Temtem Twitter account. “Let’s see how today goes.”

The game earned a lot of attention for its similarities to Pokémon. Many fans of Pokémon believe Temtem could be a good challenger in the monster-collection game niche. After the increased disappointment with Pokémon Sword and Shield, fans hope that Temtem could be the style of game they wanted from Pokémon for years—namely, an MMO. Temtem has a lot of potential, but its biggest hurdles right now are bugs and server issues.

Temtem is available through Steam’s Early Access program, and it will eventually come to other platforms in 2021.