How to report accounts on Discord

Here are some tips.

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Should one ever come into a situation where it is warranted, Discord users do have the option to report any potential servers violations, as well as users that may be in violation of the application’s Terms of Service, to Discord. If this does happen to you, it’s a good idea to know what steps need to be taken in order to report any accounts. Here are some tips on how to do that, plus a word on how to attach files that may be needed for report reviews.

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How to report accounts on Discord

To report accounts on Discord, there are a number of options at one’s disposal. For one, Discord users have the option to message any server moderators to handle any potential situations. Per the Discord support site, this is a primary option. The reason is that moderators have the immediate power to handle any problems. However, it is entirely possible that moderators can choose not to act should a report be mentioned.

Should that not work, users can fill out the official Discord Report Form. Here, Discord users can submit any report of harassment, spam, or any other potential issues. If it does involve a user, a good suggestion would be to have message logs attached to the report. Discord does require these chat logs for any violations regarding individual accounts.

To obtain those, Discord recommends that users secure the Message Link. To do this, right click a message and click ‘Copy Message Link.’ Then, Android users can go into the profile and select ‘Share,’ and then ‘Copy to Clipboard.’ iOS users can just simply pick ‘Copy Message Link’ to grab it and then insert the URL into the report.