FIFA Community Scandal Surfaces When Top Players Avoid Going Up Against Each Other

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Usually, when competitive players go at it in FIFA 20, they give it their all to see who’s the best at it. But it appears a particular group of players wanted to show off their stuff without going up against each other.

Eurogamer filed a very detailed report about a new controversy surrounding several professional FIFA 20 players. These players used a private Discord room to disclose what matches they were taking part in to avoid playing against one another.

Why would they avoid pro-match-ups? To improve their winnings and gain a better overall position. According to the report, players win prizes by their wins, no matter what kind of skill type they go up against. Because of this, pro players figured it’d be easier to find pushovers in a match, instead of going up against one another. In other words, they selectively chose who they were going up against, in the hopes of winning some easy money as a result.

This scandal was broken by FIFA player Nick “RuntheFutMarket” Bartels, who posted a video below that not only discusses what happens but also includes screenshots of the private Discord room as evidence.

This development doesn’t give the best impression for those within the FIFA community. But some interesting results followed. Electronic Arts recently handed out disciplinary action against one of the players, NYC_Chris. They gave him a “two qualifier suspension from the EA Sports FIFA 20 Global Series.” But that’s it. There doesn’t appear to be any more punishments handed out at least at the moment.

Eurogamer is continuing to update its report as this goes on. But this doesn’t look good for the FIFA community. Hopefully, those behind the community figure things out, and the balance returns.

FIFA 20 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. There’s also a Legacy edition available for Nintendo Switch.