An upcoming Overwatch 2 patch puts multiple fan-favorite heroes on the chopping block ahead of Season 2, but not the ones players want

Nerf this. Please.

Image via Blizzard Entertainment

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A few changes are coming to Overwatch 2, with several heroes about to receive some notable changes. These changes will take place on November 15, ahead of Overwatch 2’s Season 2, which is when the Bizzard team behind the hero shooter said it was going to make the most significant changes for several heroes, giving everyone plenty of time to try out these changes to see how they fit in the current meta. Although Blizzard has its eyes on several heroes and how to nerf them, the team is also eyeing several others for upcoming buffs to get more players interested in using them.

Blizzard announced these changes on its blog. The most prominent heroes to receive buffs include D.Va, Genji, Kiriko, Zarya, and Sombra. Zarya will have her barrier reduced by two seconds, and the cooldown is going up to 11 seconds, which is a full second longer than the previous cooldown. This is likely the most prominent hit for heroes in the mid-season patch, but we don’t see it stopping many players from using her as their go-to tank.

Sombra will also receive a notable nerf, with her Hacked damage multiplier going down to 25%. Also, a player hacked by Sombra is locked out of their abilities for less time, now 1.5 seconds, and Sombra cannot hack an already hacked player. Given Sombra’s overall buffs from the original Overwatch to Overwatch 2, we believe these changes are justified, and they should tone down how critical this hero is in team-based encounters.

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Next, Genji’s nerf gives him fewer shurikens to use for his primary attack, only giving him access to 24, and they now do 27 damage. D.Va is also receiving a minor nerf to damage, with her Boosters going down to 15 damage and her Fusion Cannon spread going up to 3.75, making it harder for those shots to connect on a single target. Kirko’s nerf is also reasonably small, with her Swift Step ability only making her invulnerable for 0.25 seconds.

Thankfully, these are the biggest nerfs coming to the mid-season patch. Unfortunately, many players call out Blizzard for not getting one of the more notable heroes: Sojourn. Many players feel she needs her nerf, especially how players seem to die out of the blue when they’re hit by one of her charge shots. Additionally, many feel like this is too strong of an attack.

However, it is essential to note that the Blizzard team is eyeing several other heroes for buffs, such as Doomfist, who many see as one of the weakest tanks and potentially the worst character in the game. However, those changes won’t happen until the start of Season 2.

In addition to wanting more changes, players are also calling out that these changes will take place on November 15, three weeks following the official announcement. The community feels like they need to have the Blizzard team reacting faster than this rather than waiting for the start of Season 2.